Are you Kent Vander Kamp? Get data for Deschutes County Sheriff, Deschutes County, OR
Kent Vander Kamp

Kent Vander Kamp

Running for Deschutes County Sheriff
Deschutes County, OR
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Kent Vander Kamp

Kent Vander Kamp is running for Deschutes County Sheriff in Deschutes County, OR, making them eligible to receive's support. Deschutes County Sheriff is responsible for The County Sheriff is the chief law enforcement official of the county and is responsible for ensuring that all local, state, and federal laws are followed.

Vander Kamp is running on Criminal Justice / Public Safety, Criminal Justice / Public Safety.

Vander Kamp is running for a 4 year term.
Running for

Deschutes County Sheriff

Deschutes County, OR
about role
The County Sheriff is the chief law enforcement official of the county and is responsible for ensuring that all local, state, and federal laws are followed.
4 Years
Voter Issues

Top Issues

Issue 1 - Criminal Justice / Public Safety
I will hold habitual offenders accountable for their actions and provide care and support for the victims of crime. I will implement a data-driven approach, be relentless in investigations, and be consistent with interventions.
Issue 2 - Criminal Justice / Public Safety
The formerly incarcerated also deserve support as they re-enter society. This reduces recidivism and leads to safer communities. I will design programs for the current inmate population and identify practical life and job skill programs to reduce recidivism, prevent homelessness, and create opportunities for change.