What is Absentee Voting?

Definition and meaning of absentee voting: An absentee voter is a person who is registered to vote but does not physically go to the polling location on election day. Instead, they cast their ballot by mail or in person before election day. Absentee voting is a great way for people who are unable to physically attend their polling location on election day to still participate in the democratic process. This includes people who are away from home due to work, travel, military service, or illness. With the implementation of absentee voting, everyone can participate in the democratic process regardless of any obstacles that prevent them from attending their polling location on election day. While absentee voting has been a great way to increase voter participation, there have been some concerns raised with regard to potential voter fraud. To combat this, many states have implemented safeguards such as requiring a valid ID along with the ballot and verifying that the person submitting the absentee ballot is in fact the same person registered to vote. These safeguards help ensure that the democratic process remains fair and that only eligible voters are able to cast their ballot.


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