
Voter Education

Impact of AI

Deepfakes, Cheapfakes, and AI’s Impact on Politics

How has generative AI impacted politics and elections? Learn the difference between deepfakes, cheapfakes, and more positive uses of AI for political campaigns.

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Super PAC Funnel

How Super PACs Influence American Elections

Super political action committees, better known as Super PACs, funnel billions of dollars into American elections. Learn the key facts about Super PACs' impact.

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Gathering Signatures

How Many Signatures Do You Need to Get on the Ballot?

Learn how many signatures you need to collect from registered voters to get your name on the ballot. Plus, explore examples for independent and partisan candidates.

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Diverse Group

What Is Social Liberalism?

Social liberalism is a political philosophy that supports a mixed economy, social justice, and civil rights. It is the opposite of social conservatism.

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Bald eagle

Libertarianism and Economic Policy

Explore the core principles of Libertarian economic policy, including the free market, minimal government regulations, and the maximization of individual liberty.

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City Manager

Understanding the Role of a City Manager

A city manager is the chief executive officer (CEO) of a city. City managers work with the mayor and city council in a council-manager form of local government.

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Los Angeles

What It Means to Be a No Party Preference Voter

No Party Preference (NPP) is a label most commonly used in California. NPP describes the political affiliation of voters who do not align with any political party.

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How Big Money Corrupts Local Elections

From Los Angeles to Houston, big-money donors regularly flood local elections with campaign contributions. Explore where the money comes from and the impact it has.

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NPA voter

No Party Affiliation vs. Independent

Learn the differences and similarities between No Party Affiliation (NPA) and independent voters. Though these labels overlap, they are used in different contexts.

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Uncontested Race

How Many Uncontested Elections Are There in 2024?

About 70% of U.S. elections regularly go uncontested. Explore why races go unopposed, and how new candidates can give voters more meaningful choices.

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Final Five

Final Five Voting, Explained

Final Five Voting is an alternative electoral system that combines a single, open preliminary election with instant run-off voting in the general election.

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Top Issues in Michigan in 2024

Explore the top issues facing Michigan voters and political candidates in 2024, including renewable energy, abortion, and changes to the automotive industry.

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Borda Count

Borda Count: An Alternate Voting System

The Borda count is a type of preferential voting system. It lets voters rank candidates and then takes into account as many of voters' preferences as possible.

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Top Issues in New Hampshire in 2024

Explore the top issues facing New Hampshire voters and political candidates in 2024, including the top concerns in Manchester, Nashua, and Concord.

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Campaign donors

Who Is the Donor Class?

The term "donor class" describes the phenomenon where a small segment of affluent individuals contribute disproportionately large sums of money to politics.

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What to Know About the American Solidarity Party

Explore the history and platform of the American Solidarity Party, a relatively new minor party that prioritizes human dignity and community welfare.

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Benchmark poll

What Is a Benchmark Poll?

A benchmark or baseline poll is a survey that assesses the initial level of support for a candidate or issue at the start of a political campaign.

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Zombie law

Attack of the Zombie Laws: What to Know

What are zombie laws, why do they linger in the American legal system, and what can reform-minded voters and leaders do to limit their dangers?

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Bald eagle

What to Know About the Constitution Party

Learn about the history and platform of the Constitution Party, as well as how this political party compares to other major and minor parties in the U.S.

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Retrospective vs prospective

Retrospective vs. Prospective Voting

While retrospective voting means looking back, prospective voting means looking ahead and anticipating the future. Explore the key differences in voting styles.

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What Does Progressive Really Mean in Politics?

As a political affiliation, being progressive goes beyond just aligning with a certain political party. Explore how progressivism intersects with other labels.

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Absolute vs Simple Majority

Absolute Majority vs. Simple Majority: What's the Difference?

A simple majority occurs when one candidate in an election receives more votes than any other, while an absolute majority adheres to a stricter standard.

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Write in candidate

The Complete Guide to Write-In Candidates

A write-in candidate is a candidate whose name does not appear on the ballot. Learn how to vote for a write-in candidate and how to run a write-in campaign.

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Kentucky's Top Issues in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the top issues facing Kentucky voters and political candidates in 2024, including the top issues in Louisville, Lexington, and Bowling Green.

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Contingent Election

What Happens in a Contingent Election?

Explore the role of the 12th Amendment in a contingent election, how it guides the U.S. through electoral deadlocks, and its impact on democracy.

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Hard Money vs Soft Money

Hard Money vs. Soft Money in Campaign Finance

Dive into the intricacies of hard vs. soft money in U.S. elections. Understand FEC regulations, the impact of the BCRA, and the push for campaign finance reform.

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Alaska's Top Issues in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the top issues facing Alaska voters in Anchorage, Juneau, and Fairbanks as well as throughout the state, from ranked choice voting to new regulations.

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Democracy vs Plutocracy

Democracy vs. Plutocracy: Which Is the United States?

Is the United States a democracy or plutocracy? In plutocracies, power is primarily held or influenced by the wealthy, while democracies allow for fair representation.

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The Vice Presidential Nomination, Explained

How and when are the vice presidential candidates nominated? Take a look inside the role of vice president and the selection process for this prestigious position.

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Pluralism vs. Hyperpluralism in Government and Politics

Pluralism and hyperpluralism are related concepts describing the level of diversity and competition between political parties and interest groups in a political system.

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The Movement for Campaign Finance Reform

With billions of dollars spent on political campaigns up and down the ballot, the movement for campaign finance reform is a powerful voice for transparency and change.

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Special Election

What's So Special About Special Elections?

Special elections, also sometimes called by-elections, are elections that occur outside of the regular calendar of elections for political office.

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Top Issues in Illinois in 2024: An Overview

Explore the top issues facing Illinois voters and candidates as the 2024 elections approach, from affordable housing to environmental challenges for farmers.

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Political Parties

Your Guide to the 2024 National Party Conventions

Learn everything you need to know to get ready for the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, and Green national party conventions in 2024.

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Nonpartisan ballot

The Pros and Cons of Non-Partisan Ballots for Independents

While non-partisan ballots are meant to encourage voting for candidates based on merit, not just on party, they can have unintended consequences for independents.

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Florida’s Top Issues in 2024

Explore the top issues facing Florida voters and candidates ahead of the 2024 elections, from the rising cost of living to healthcare, abortion, and education.

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Understanding the Coattail Effect in Politics

The "coattail effect" describes the influence that political candidates or leaders at the head of government can have on down-ballot elections.

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Top Issues in Montana in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the top issues and ballot initiatives facing Montana in 2024 , from preserving agricultural and natural resources to addressing local challenges.

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Donkey and Elephant

How Duverger's Law Influences the Two-Party System

Duverger’s Law states that when a democracy uses a winner-take-all or first-past-the-post system, a two-party system is also likely to develop.

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Exit Poll

What Are Exit Polls?

Exit polls, which are conducted as voters exit a polling location, attempt to understand how and why voters make certain electoral choices.

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Pros and Cons of Automatic Voter Registration

Automatic voter registration is a system that automatically registers eligible citizens to vote, making it easier for more people to participate in elections.

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ballot box

Cumulative Voting, Explained

Cumulative voting is a semi-proportional electoral system that is designed to ensure more equitable representation for minority voting groups.

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Top Issues in Washington in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Browse the top issues affecting Washington State voters as the 2024 elections approach, including the top issues in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Bellevue, and Vancouver.

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How the Overton Window Affects Politics and Policy

The Overton Window describes the range of policies that are politically acceptable to the public at a given time. Learn how the Window shifts and why it matters.

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Pros and Cons of Voter ID Laws

Explore the most common arguments for and against voter ID laws, which require voters to present a valid form of identification before voting in elections.

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Top Two

Top-Two Primary Elections, Explained

Unlike conventional open and closed primaries, top-two primary elections let political candidates appear on the same ballot, regardless of party affiliation.

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Super Tuesday

An Independent Voter’s Guide to Super Tuesday

Which states let independent voters vote in the primaries on Super Tuesday? Our guide explores different states' rules and requirements for voting on March 5.

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Minneapolis, MN

Minnesota's Top Issues in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the top election issues in Minnesota in 2024, from rent control ordinances in the Twin Cities to contentious races in the state's Congressional Districts.

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Dark Money

How Dark Money Impacts Our Democracy

Learn how dark money - the political funds spent by groups without disclosing the identities of their donors - undermines accountability and fairness in elections.

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San Diego

How California’s Voter Guide Calls for Federal Action on Independent Naming Conventions

Hilaire “FUJI” Shioura, an independent candidate running for office in California's 51st Congressional District, highlights the need for action on voter guide conventions.

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The Overcomer

Overcoming Voter Uncertainty in 2024

Overcome the challenge of voter uncertainty by diving into its causes and learning new strategies to make more informed, confident decisions on election day.

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Fusion Voting

How Does Fusion Voting Work?

Fusion voting allows political candidates to be nominated by multiple political parties. Learn how fusion voting works in different states across the U.S.

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Choosing Between Options

Why Do People Vote Against Their Own Interests?

Discover the reasons why voters tend to vote against their own interests - whether from voter uncertainty or the effects of advertising and the two-party system.

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Jersey City

New Jersey: A Hidden Home of Voter Suppression

David Goodman, the statewide leader of RepresentUs of New Jersey, sheds light on the effects of the "county line," a voter suppression tactic in New Jersey.

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voter apathy

10 Causes of Voter Apathy in the United States

Voter apathy refers to a lack of interest among voters regarding participation in elections. Here, we walk through the top 10 reasons why it's a problem.

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Oklahoma City

Top Issues in Oklahoma in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the top six biggest issues facing Oklahoma voters and political candidates in 2024, from questions of election integrity to education.

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Hawaii's Top Issues in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the top five issues facing Hawaii as the 2024 elections approach, plus major concerns in Honolulu, East Honolulu, Pearl City, Hilo, and Waipahu.

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Vote Art

Primary vs. General Election: What to Know

Primary elections come before general elections. They serve to narrow down the list of candidates who will appear on the final ballot on election day.

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Venn Diagram

Concurrent Powers and Voter Representation

Concurrent powers are powers exercised by both the state and federal governments in the United States. This overlap has key implications for voter representation.

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American Flag

10 Reasons to Vote Independent in 2024

Discover the top 10 reasons to consider voting for independent candidates in the upcoming 2024 elections, especially at the local and state levels.

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Straw Poll

What Is a Straw Poll?

Straw polls are informal surveys used to gauge public opinion on a variety of subjects, including political candidates, upcoming elections, and local issues.

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10 Common Myths About Independent Voters

Explore 10 common misconceptions about independent voters in the United States, from their political affiliations to the spoiler effect and more.

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Tucson, Arizona

Top 6 Issues in Arizona in 2024: An Overview

Explore the top issues in Arizona as the 2024 election season approaches, from the economy and education to conservation and social policy issues.

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How Presidential Election Years Impact Down-Ballot Candidates

The American electoral landscape is characterized by a rhythm of off-cycle and on-cycle elections, each playing a distinct role in shaping political outcomes.

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Linocut Sprout

What Is the Monotonicity Criterion in Voting Systems?

The Monotonicity Criterion is a way to measure whether a candidate's chances of winning truly increase when their position improves in the preferences of voters.

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Maine Lighthouse

Maine's Top Issues in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Explore the top issues facing Maine voters and candidates going into the 2024 election cycle, including in Maine's biggest cities of Portland, Lewiston, and Bangor.

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Waiting in Line

Why Voter Turnout Matters in Local Elections

Each election cycle, local elections across the United States are determined by a slim majority. Learn more about the importance of each vote at the local level.

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Los Angeles

Voter Guide 2024: What to Know for California’s Local Elections

Get the information you need to prepare for California's local elections in 2024, including election dates and what to know about each local office on your ballot.

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Media Bubble

Navigating Online Echo Chambers and Media Bubbles in 2024

It can be easier than you may think to get stuck in an echo chamber, an online space where people only hear commentary that aligns with their own world view.

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270 to Win

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Explained

The idea behind the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is that whichever presidential candidate gets the most votes nationwide should win the election.

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Checking Phone

Misinformation vs. Disinformation: Challenges for Democracy

Misinformation and disinformation both describe false information that is shared with the public. The difference between them comes down to intention.

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Columbus Skyline

Top Issues in Ohio in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the biggest issues affecting Ohio voters in the 2024 election cycle, including the top issues in Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, and Akron.

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Voter Sticker

Caucus vs. Primary Election: Understanding Key Differences

As primary season 2024 approaches, explore the differences between caucuses and primary elections, including the advantages and disadvantages of each system.

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Charlotte, NC

Top Issues in North Carolina in 2024: An Overview

Explore the top issues impacting North Carolina as the state gets ready to vote for its next governor, Congressional representatives, and many local positions.

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Bundestag, Germany

What Is Proportional Representation?

In a system of proportional representation, the number of representatives in each district are elected in proportion to the number of voters who support them. 

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winner take all

What Is a Winner-Take-All Electoral System?

In a winner-take-all system, the candidate with the most votes wins the election, whether or not that candidate reflects the majority of voter preferences.

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American Flag

Guest Post: The Undeniable Influence of Third Parties on American Politics

From the Bull Moose Party of the early twentieth century to the Libertarian Party of today, third parties have had a significant impact on American politics.

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two round election

Pros and Cons of Two-Round Election Systems

Two-round systems begin with a first round of voting and then proceed to a second round or runoff election if no winner emerges with an absolute majority.

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How Do Democracy Vouchers Work?

Democracy vouchers have emerged as an innovative approach to campaign financing that aims to increase public participation and reduce the influence of wealthy donors.

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What Is a Blanket Primary Election?

A blanket primary is a type of primary election where all candidates for the same elected office appear on a single ballot, regardless of party affiliation.

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Public Funding

The Pros and Cons of Publicly Funded Elections

Publicly funded elections are a system of electoral financing where government funds are used to support the campaigns of political candidates or parties.

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Working Together

How to Start a Ballot Initiative

Ballot initiatives are a form of citizen-led legislation, where individuals have the power to directly propose and shape laws that can benefit their communities.

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Ralph Nader

What is the “Spoiler Effect,” Really?

The spoiler effect is rooted in the mechanics of first-past-the-post voting, a system where the candidate with the most votes wins with or without an absolute majority.

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Tree Warmer

Why We Need the Freedom to Vote Act

Originally introduced in 2021, the Freedom to Vote Act seeks to address numerous issues related to voting and elections, from voter access to campaign finance.

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Star Voting

STAR Voting: An Alternative Election System

STAR Voting, which stands for "Score Then Automatic Runoff," is a voting system designed to address the limitations of methods like first-past-the-post voting.

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Political Corruption 101: Examples of Clientelism

Clientelism refers to a political system where goods or services are exchanged for political support, shifting the focus away from fair representation and meritocracy.

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Why Can't the U.S. Have a Multi-Party System?

The two-party system has dominated American politics since the early 19th century, while many other nations have developed more nuanced multi-party systems.

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Bloc Voting

What Are Bloc Voting and Voting Blocs?

A voting bloc is a group of individuals who have similar views and who frequently cast ballots together to influence political outcomes.

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Pie Chart

Plurality vs. Majority Voting: What's the Difference?

Plurality and majority voting each have advantages and disadvantages, especially as we consider how best to reform elections to represent the will of the people.

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Pride Flag

The Importance of LGBTQ+ Representation in Politics

Representation in politics matters, and the growing number of LGBTQ+ leaders in American government are lighting the way toward greater inclusivity.

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Gen Z

Gen Z Voter Turnout: What Recent Trends Mean for 2024

Generation Z will play an important role in the outcome of the 2024 elections, as more young voters head to the polls and weigh in on the nation’s political future.

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Houston TX

What the Houston Water Crisis Says About Government Corruption

Houston's ongoing water crisis demonstrates both the level of corruption and the inefficiencies that continue to plague the residents of the Lone Star State.

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Collusion Handshake

Political Corruption 101: Collusion in Politics

Collusion in politics refers to a secretive agreement or cooperation between parties for a deceitful or fraudulent purpose, thwarting the people's best interest.

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Handshake Painting

5 Ways Independent Candidates Contribute to Bipartisanship

Unlike the brand of extreme partisanship we’re experiencing now, bipartisanship leads to more inclusive policies that reflect a broader range of perspectives.

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U.S. Department of Energy - Science - 389 005 009 (9786312446) (cropped 2)

Political Corruption 101: Examples of Graft

From Tammany Hall to Rod Blagojevich, graft is a form of theft that enriches the individuals engaged in it and comes at the expense of the public good. 

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10 Ways the Political Establishment Disenfranchises Voters

Voting disenfranchisement can be accomplished through creating laws that disproportionately affect people of color, the poor, and the elderly.

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5 Examples of Third Parties in the United States

The American electoral system has historically favored two dominant parties at any one time, but third parties have always played an important role in politics.

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Flag Flying

What Is the Democracy Reform Movement?

By pushing for democracy reform legislation, we can change the way our government interacts with citizens to bring about true change for future generations.

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How the Iron Triangle Contributes to Political Corruption

The concept of the iron triangle describes the policy-making relationship between Congress, government bureaucracy, and special interest groups. 

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Rational Ignorance

How Rational Ignorance Impacts American Elections

Rational ignorance creates an environment ripe for misinformation, manipulation, and the oversimplification of complex issues in American politics.

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Tracking Legislation

How to Track Federal and State Legislation

By tracking the progress of legislation that matters to you, you can hold government officials accountable, be a better informed voter, and even shape policy.

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Wisconsin capitol

The Core Responsibilities of State vs. Local Government

While political matters at the level of the federal government tend to dominate the news, many matters of governing happen at a much smaller scale.

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Information Gap

Media Literacy Basics: Bridging the Information Gap

The information gap is created by disparities in how different segments of the population access, understand, and use information.

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Voting Signs

What Is a Recall Election and How Does It Work?

Recall elections give voters a chance to vote on the removal of a leader from public office before the end of their current term, increasing government accountability.

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Check Mark

Approval Voting: An Alternate Voting System

Approval voting is an alternative voting system used in Fargo, North Dakota and St. Louis, Missouri, as well as in numerous organizations and scientific communities.

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Gerrymandering Map

Navigating the Labyrinth: Independents and Gerrymandering

From Maryland to Wisconsin, gerrymandering hurts voters across the nation and raises obstacles for independents seeking to run in gerrymandered districts.

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Voter Brain

The Psychology of Voting: What Motivates the Electorate

The psychology of voting helps explain why voters make the choices they do, from the emotions they feel during elections to cognitive biases at work in the background.

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Five Candidates

7 Things to Consider Before Voting for a Candidate

How do you decide who to vote for, especially in a contested election? Check out these 7 tips for researching and evaluating candidates ahead of election day.

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Voter Education

The Role of Voter Education in Strengthening Democracy

Voter education is the power source that makes a representative democracy effective. Learn what voter education means and why it matters so much for our democracy.

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Voted Sticker

Can Independent Voters Vote in Primaries?

Primary elections vary between states, from open primaries to closed primaries and varieties in between. Learn which states let unaffiliated voters participate.

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Maine and Alaska

Looking North: Pros and Cons of Ranked Choice Voting

Already adopted statewide by Maine and Alaska, ranked choice voting comes with both advantages and disadvantages as an alternative election system.

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Voter Guide: Durham, North Carolina City Council Candidates

Learn about the 12 candidates running for city council in Durham, North Carolina, plus how to vote in the municipal primary election on Tuesday, Oct. 10.

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Voting Sticker

What Is a Nonpartisan Election?

What makes an election non-partisan, and how is a non-partisan election different from a partisan race? Explore the advantages and disadvantages of each type of election.

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Phone and Newspaper

10 Signs of Media Bias Against Independent Candidates (and How to Overcome Them)

Media bias keeps independent and third-party candidates from receiving the same media attention as partisan candidates. Here's how to overcome these obstacles.

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Pros and Cons of Political Term Limits

Explore the history and current state of political term limits in the United States, along with arguments for and against the implementation of term limits.

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Electoral Map

Swing States: Deciding the Fate of U.S. Presidential Elections

Swing states, or battleground states, play a big role in presidential elections. Which states are swing states, and why do these "purple" states have so much power?

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College Voter

How to Vote as an Out-of-State College Student

Learn how to vote as an in-state or out-of-state college student, and explore tips for participating in the democratic process as a university student.

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Durham Bull Wide

A Comprehensive Guide to Early Voting in Durham, NC: Everything You Need to Know

Learn how to participate in early voting in Durham, North Carolina for the upcoming Oct. 10 and Nov. 7 municipal elections. Our guide explores when, where, and how to vote early so you can make your voice heard.

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Mail in Ballot

Absentee Voting in Durham, North Carolina: A Step-By-Step Guide

Our guide to absentee voting in Durham, North Carolina walks you through the process of casting your vote by mail in Durham, in time for the upcoming elections on Oct. 10.

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Duke Drive

How to Find Your Ward and Voting Precinct in Durham, North Carolina

Learn how to find your city council ward and voting precinct in Durham, North Carolina, and start planning ahead for the Bull City's upcoming municipal elections.

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Durham Sunset

Durham, NC Voter Guide 2023: Everything You Need to Know for the Oct. 10 Municipal Election's 2023 Durham independent voter guide covers everything you need to know to prepare for the upcoming Durham elections on Oct. 10 and Nov. 7, from candidates and voter registration to early voting and the top issues affecting the Bull City in 2023.

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Voter Turnout

Understanding Durham, North Carolina Voter Turnout: Recent Trends and Insights

As Durham, North Carolina's municipal elections approach on Oct. 10, learn about recent trends in voter turnout in the Bull City. Every vote matters in Durham's local elections!

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Painted Flag

Your Complete Guide to Voter Registration in Durham, North Carolina

Registering to vote in Durham, North Carolina is easier than ever with online voter registration. Learn how to register to vote in Durham, plus get answers to frequently asked questions about voter registration.

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Durham Skycrapers

Top Issues Facing Voters in Durham, NC: Balancing Growth, Community, and Change

Learn about the top issues facing voters as Durham, North Carolina's municipal election approaches on Oct. 10. From urban development and gentrification to gun violence, Durham's next group of local leaders will play an important role in shaping the city's response to these issues.

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Differences Between Partisan and Nonpartisan

Partisan vs. Nonpartisan

Understand the fundamental distinctions between partisan and nonpartisan politics. Explore the implications of these approaches and gain insights into their significance in shaping political landscapes.

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Green Party Beliefs

The Green Party's Beliefs

The political ideology of Green politics is rooted in community engagement, political activism, progressive politics, and environmental justice,

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What are Political Donations?

What are Political Donations?

In the realm of politics, financial contributions play a significant role in shaping the democratic process. Many feel that money plays an outsized role in elections, but an adequately funded campaign is often directly related to successful election outcomes. Read on to find out more.

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Political Polarization

What is Political Polarization?

Delve into the intricate world of political polarization: its causes, manifestations, and far-reaching implications. Uncover the role of media, social networks, and cognitive biases in shaping divergent ideologies. Gain valuable insights into how understanding and empathy can mend societal rifts.

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How Do Independent Candidates Get on the Ballot

How Do Independent Candidates Get on the Ballot?

This article explores the steps, requirements, and challenges independent candidates face in their journey to run for public office independently. Gain insights into the path toward ballot access for those seeking political representation beyond party affiliations.

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Libertarian vs Liberal

Libertarian vs Liberal: Differences in Political Ideologies

Explore the key differences between Libertarian and liberal ideologies. Each has a different approach to individual freedoms, the role of government, and economics.

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Travis London

Nashville Council District 28 Voter Guide: What to Know in Antioch

Read our voter guide for Nashville Council District 28 to learn who's on your ballot in Antioch, plus where to vote, what to bring, and what to keep in mind leading up to election day.

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Lisa Williams

Nashville Council District 23 Voter Guide: What to Know in West Nashville

Read our voter guide for Nashville Council District 23 to learn who's on your ballot in West Nashville, plus where to vote, what to bring, and what to keep in mind leading up to election day.

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Jamel Campbell-Gooch

Nashville Council District 21 Voter Guide: What to Know in North Nashville

Read our voter guide for Nashville Council District 21 to learn who's on your ballot in North Nashville, plus where to vote, what to bring, and what to keep in mind leading up to election day.

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Terry Vo

Nashville Council District 17 Voter Guide: What to Know in South Nashville

Read our voter guide for Nashville Council District 17 to learn who's on your ballot in South Nashville, plus where to vote, what to bring, and what to keep in mind leading up to election day.

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Social Media

The Power of Social Media in Political Campaigns: Unveiling Its Impact and Influence

Social media has transformed the process of political campaigning. This guide explores the development of social media use in campaigns, key ways social media has impacted elections, and tips for getting the most out of social media while campaigning.

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Nashville Downtown View

Why Nashville’s Metropolitan Election Matters for the Rest of America

Nashville's Metropolitan General Election is on August 3, and the rest of the nation should be paying attention. As a microcosm of American politics, Nashville could lead the way toward nonpartisan solutions.

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Meet The Independent Candidates Running For Nashville’s Metro Council

Elections for Nashville's Metro Council are just around the corner. Get to know your independent candidates.

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Electoral College Pros&Cons

Electoral College Pros and Cons: Analyzing the Strengths and Weaknesses of the U.S. Electoral System

Explore the benefits and drawbacks of the Electoral College system in the United States. Delve into the arguments supporting and challenging this unique presidential election method. Gain insights into the ongoing debates surrounding its effectiveness and relevance.

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Green Party

The Green Party's Impact on Politics

The Green Party has been at the forefront of political reform, inspiring political participation and providing an alternative voice grounded in its core beliefs.

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Who Actually Writes Congressional Bills? Not The Leaders You Elected…

Most of us probably think the people we elect to Congress are the ones who write the bills that become laws. Oh, if only it were that simple...

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State Legislatures

The Main Purpose of State Legislatures: A Comprehensive Guide

The State legislature is of great significance in the US political system because bills initiated at the national level are sent to state legislatures for approval.

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Nashville Skyline

2023 Nashville Voter Guide: What to Know & How to Prepare for August 3

The Nashville Metropolitan General Election is on August 3, 2023. Here's what to know about the candidates for mayor, vice mayor, and Metro Council, plus tips and resources to help you prepare for election day.

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Gerrymandering politicians

What Exactly Is Gerrymandering? Why Is It So Bad?

Gerrymandering is among the sneakiest anti-democratic practices politicians in power use to entrench their own rule against the will of the voters. It's a gross, utterly corrupt practice -- and it's the status quo. Let's break it down.

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Charlotte NC

Charlotte, NC Politics: Understanding the Political Landscape and the Upcoming Election

This year, the spotlight is on the upcoming North Carolina voting 2023, which holds particular importance for Charlotte. With key positions, the outcomes will undoubtedly impact the direction of local policies and initiatives.

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Superdelegates Are Super Anti-Democratic: How Political Parties Try To Rig Their Primary Elections

When it comes to primary elections, don't be too shocked to learn that the "democratic process" isn't quite as democratic as it's cracked up to be.

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Patriotic Flag

Libertarianism vs. Republicanism: Contrasting Paths of Political Thought

Libertarianism and Republicanism share a focus on limited government and free markets but differ on social issues and foreign policy. Both political philosophies have helped to shape the current U.S. political landscape.

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differnt types of elections

Types of Elections Explained: Navigating the Electoral Landscape

Let's explore the diverse landscape of elections, from local to presidential elections, and shed light on their significance.

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run for president

Qualifications To Run For President

Presidential qualifications serve as the baseline presidential eligibility criteria for individuals aspiring to hold the highest office in the country. Read on to find out more...

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Cornel West

All The Declared Independent & Third Party Candidates For President In 2024

We all know Biden and Trump are running for president in 2024 again. Here are all of the declared independent and third party candidates running for the White House.

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Los Angeles City Council District 6, General Election 2023

Los Angeles City Council District 6, General Election 2023

Voting is a civic duty, one of the most important ways to shape the community. By voting in the election for Los Angeles City Council District in your polling locations, you can help to ensure that your voice is heard.

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Ballot Boxes

Open Primary vs. Closed Primary: Exploring Different Primary Election Systems

Open primaries allow voters to choose any party's primary, while closed primaries restrict participation to registered party members. Open primaries have higher turnout but face concerns of strategic voting, while closed primaries preserve party ideology.

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Nashville's Top Issues

Nashville's Top Issues: A Comprehensive Overview

This comprehensive overview will shed light on the key challenges and debates that dominate the city's political landscape. From affordable housing and transportation to social inclusion, these issues shape the lives of Nashville residents and require careful attention from policymakers.

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Early Voting Nashville

Your Complete Guide to Early Voting in Nashville

Let's explore why early voting is so important. It allows you to vote on your schedule while also providing an opportunity to support third-party candidates, independents, and libertarians. Embracing diverse ideas is what makes our democracy thrive!

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Why Vote Third Party

Why Vote Third Party?

In a political landscape dominated by two major parties, many people often overlook the choice to vote for a third party. However, third-party voting offers a valuable opportunity to challenge the status quo and bring fresh perspectives.

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How to Switch Politics

How to Switch Political Parties

The decision of switching political parties is a personal journey and should not be taken lightly. Many individuals struggle with this decision, as it can often involve a complex evaluation of their political beliefs, values, and policy priorities.

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Understanding Maine's State Legislature

Understanding Maine's State Legislature

The State of Maine is governed by the Maine State Government, which consists of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. In addition to the legislative branch, the government of Maine encompasses the State executive and judiciary.

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Understanding Political Affiliation: Exploring Different Political Perspectives

Political Affiliation: Exploring Different Political Perspectives

In today's dynamic world, it's crucial to grasp the significance of political affiliation. It shapes perspectives and beliefs. Political affiliation is identifying with a particular political party or ideology.

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Open Primaries: Understanding the Mechanics and Implications

Open Primaries: Understanding the Mechanics and Implications

Open primaries aim to promote inclusivity, encourage voter participation, and provide voters with a wider range of options. They allow voters to have a say in the selection of candidates from multiple parties, rather than being limited to candidates within their own party.

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Overcoming Apathy: Why Voting for Independent Candidates Can Make a Difference

Overcoming Apathy: Why Voting for Independent Candidates Can Make a Difference

Today’s article explores the roles of political parties and the significance of independent candidates and why voting for them can substantially change the political sphere.

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What Is The Electoral College And How Does It Work?

What Is The Electoral College And How Does It Work?  

The College is an integral part of the presidential election process, yet many people don't fully understand how it works or why it is necessary. This blog post will explain the basics of the College, its role in American politics, and the criticisms that have been raised against it.

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Independent Voters

Understanding Independent Voters: Their Impact on American Politics

Explore the impact of independent voters on American politics. Learn about their attitudes, differences from partisans, and growing numbers. Discover how they shape the democratic process and influence elections.

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what are independent voters in the US?

What Are Independent Voters?

Learn what independent voters are and why they're a crucial demographic in elections. Discover how to appeal to independent voters and win their support.

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How and why you should register as an independent

50% of Americans identify as independent voters. Registering as an independent allows voting for platforms rather than party affiliations and having a voice in primaries. Normalizing independent voter registration can promote moderate and centrist policies.

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Not a wasted vote

Why Voting for Independent Candidates Isn't a Wasted Vote

Independent and third-party candidates have often been perceived as having no chance of winning elections. In reality, they are far from being a wasted vote.

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Independent politicians

What Are Independent Politicians or Political Independents?

Learn what it means to be an independent voter, candidate, or politician in today's political landscape. What sets independents apart from other political affiliations?

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two-party system

How the Two-Party System Works in the U.S.

The two-party system has always controlled American politics. Here we analyze what that means and potential alternatives.

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democrats vs republicans

Differences Between Democrats vs. Republicans

Explore the top 12 differences between the political views of Democrats and Republicans. Each political party has its own philosophy and set of policy proposals.

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