
Political Polarization


Pluralism vs. Hyperpluralism in Government and Politics

Pluralism and hyperpluralism are related concepts describing the level of diversity and competition between political parties and interest groups in a political system.

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Donkey and Elephant

How Duverger's Law Influences the Two-Party System

Duverger’s Law states that when a democracy uses a winner-take-all or first-past-the-post system, a two-party system is also likely to develop.

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The Overcomer

Overcoming Voter Uncertainty in 2024

Overcome the challenge of voter uncertainty by diving into its causes and learning new strategies to make more informed, confident decisions on election day.

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voter apathy

10 Causes of Voter Apathy in the United States

Voter apathy refers to a lack of interest among voters regarding participation in elections. Here, we walk through the top 10 reasons why it's a problem.

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Jimmy Carter

What It Really Means to Be a Public Servant

Explore the difference between politicians and leaders who have been true public servants, and those who have followed a path of self-service and personal gain.

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How Presidential Election Years Impact Down-Ballot Candidates

The American electoral landscape is characterized by a rhythm of off-cycle and on-cycle elections, each playing a distinct role in shaping political outcomes.

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Media Bubble

Navigating Online Echo Chambers and Media Bubbles in 2024

It can be easier than you may think to get stuck in an echo chamber, an online space where people only hear commentary that aligns with their own world view.

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Checking Phone

Misinformation vs. Disinformation: Challenges for Democracy

Misinformation and disinformation both describe false information that is shared with the public. The difference between them comes down to intention.

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Ralph Nader

What is the “Spoiler Effect,” Really?

The spoiler effect is rooted in the mechanics of first-past-the-post voting, a system where the candidate with the most votes wins with or without an absolute majority.

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Why Can't the U.S. Have a Multi-Party System?

The two-party system has dominated American politics since the early 19th century, while many other nations have developed more nuanced multi-party systems.

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Trump Rally

Political Violence: The Darker Side of America's Polarization

Concerningly, a significant percentage of Americans across the political spectrum now see political violence as a justifiable means to achieve political ends. 

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Handshake Painting

5 Ways Independent Candidates Contribute to Bipartisanship

Unlike the brand of extreme partisanship we’re experiencing now, bipartisanship leads to more inclusive policies that reflect a broader range of perspectives.

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The Positive Side of Negative Campaigning

Negative campaigning, the strategy of attempting to gain an advantage by highlighting the negative aspects of an opponent or policy, has become a mainstay.

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Information Gap

Media Literacy Basics: Bridging the Information Gap

The information gap is created by disparities in how different segments of the population access, understand, and use information.

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News Station

Partisan Journalism: The Landscape of U.S. Media

In recent years, the shift toward partisan journalism has exacerbated the problem of political polarization in the United States, often creating echo chambers.

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Danger Sign

Traversing the Minefield of Hot-Button Policy Issues

In our polarized political landscape, hot-button issues present challenges for candidates of all political affiliations. These issues require careful navigation.

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Triangle Pattern

Is Triangulation Bad for Political Campaigning?

Triangulation occurs frequently in politics when a candidate or politician positions themselves between two opposing ideologies to appeal to a broader base.

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Any Functioning Adult

Combating Negative Campaigning: 10 Actionable Strategies

Negative campaigning has become a prevalent part of modern elections. Learn the main types of negative campaigns and attack ads, plus how to combat them.

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Partisan Landscape

Navigating the Landscape of Partisan Politics

Today's political landscape seems more partisan than ever, with increasing divisions and ideological siloing keeping the nation from making real progress.

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Fairness Doctrine

Is It Time to Bring Back the Fairness Doctrine?

The Fairness Doctrine was enacted in 1949 and repealed in 1987. In the digital age of polarization and media bias, could this law provide balance in media coverage?

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Overcoming Tribalism

10 Ways Independents Can Break Through Political Tribalism

What is political tribalism, and what are the main problems it causes? Learn how independent candidates can overcome political tribalism to make real progress.

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Electoral Map

Swing States: Deciding the Fate of U.S. Presidential Elections

Swing states, or battleground states, play a big role in presidential elections. Which states are swing states, and why do these "purple" states have so much power?

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Puzzle Pieces

Guest Post: Can't We All Just Get Along?

Guest writer Chris Schmalhofer explores strategies for bipartisan cooperation and fostering effective communication across party lines, pushing back against America's rising political polarization.

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Political Polarization

What is Political Polarization?

Delve into the intricate world of political polarization: its causes, manifestations, and far-reaching implications. Uncover the role of media, social networks, and cognitive biases in shaping divergent ideologies. Gain valuable insights into how understanding and empathy can mend societal rifts.

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The Destructive Threat “Oppenheimer” Warns Us About Isn’t Nuclear Bombs – It’s Partisan Paranoia 

Atomic bombs are obviously dangerous - but not as dangerous as short sighted political games, Christopher Nolan's new drama warns us.

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Threads Doesn't Want News & Politics On Its Platform, And That's A Huge Problem

After Twitter self-sabotaged under Elon Musk's reign, Instagram's Threads was poised to pick up the pieces. If only they had followed through on what originally made Twitter great.

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two-party system

How the Two-Party System Works in the U.S.

The two-party system has always controlled American politics. Here we analyze what that means and potential alternatives.

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democrats vs republicans

Differences Between Democrats vs. Republicans

Explore the top 12 differences between the political views of Democrats and Republicans. Each political party has its own philosophy and set of policy proposals.

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Two Party System

5 Reasons the Two-Party System is Bad for America

The two-party system in America is a problem as it is rife with dark money and corruption, giving citizens the illusion that they have a say in who runs the country. This system has existed since the dawn of the United States, with two parties dominating the country since the first election.

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