
Political Parties

Bald eagle

Libertarianism and Economic Policy

Explore the core principles of Libertarian economic policy, including the free market, minimal government regulations, and the maximization of individual liberty.

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What to Know About the American Solidarity Party

Explore the history and platform of the American Solidarity Party, a relatively new minor party that prioritizes human dignity and community welfare.

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Bald eagle

What to Know About the Constitution Party

Learn about the history and platform of the Constitution Party, as well as how this political party compares to other major and minor parties in the U.S.

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What Does Progressive Really Mean in Politics?

As a political affiliation, being progressive goes beyond just aligning with a certain political party. Explore how progressivism intersects with other labels.

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Political Parties

Your Guide to the 2024 National Party Conventions

Learn everything you need to know to get ready for the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, and Green national party conventions in 2024.

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Understanding the Coattail Effect in Politics

The "coattail effect" describes the influence that political candidates or leaders at the head of government can have on down-ballot elections.

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Donkey and Elephant

How Duverger's Law Influences the Two-Party System

Duverger’s Law states that when a democracy uses a winner-take-all or first-past-the-post system, a two-party system is also likely to develop.

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American Flag

Guest Post: The Undeniable Influence of Third Parties on American Politics

From the Bull Moose Party of the early twentieth century to the Libertarian Party of today, third parties have had a significant impact on American politics.

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Why Can't the U.S. Have a Multi-Party System?

The two-party system has dominated American politics since the early 19th century, while many other nations have developed more nuanced multi-party systems.

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5 Examples of Third Parties in the United States

The American electoral system has historically favored two dominant parties at any one time, but third parties have always played an important role in politics.

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Planet Over Profit

Libertarian vs. Green: Differences in Political Parties

The Libertarian and Green parties are two of most well-known third parties in the United States, each with their own unique political philosophy and platform.

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Statue of Liberty

Libertarian vs. Democrat: Diverging Political Philosophies

The Libertarian and Democratic parties have both made important contributions to the nation's unfolding political story, though their philosophies and stances differ.

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Partisan Landscape

Navigating the Landscape of Partisan Politics

Today's political landscape seems more partisan than ever, with increasing divisions and ideological siloing keeping the nation from making real progress.

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Stars Confetti

How Many Political Parties Are There in the United States?

Though American politics is currently dominated by a two-party system, there are many more political parties outside of the Democratic and Republican parties.

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Abstract Stars and Stripes

How Understanding the Two-Party System Informs Strategies for Independent Political Campaigns

Understanding the history of the two-party system can help independent and third-party candidates overcome barriers and find their place in U.S. politics.

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Differences Between Partisan and Nonpartisan

Partisan vs. Nonpartisan

Understand the fundamental distinctions between partisan and nonpartisan politics. Explore the implications of these approaches and gain insights into their significance in shaping political landscapes.

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Green Party Beliefs

The Green Party's Beliefs

The political ideology of Green politics is rooted in community engagement, political activism, progressive politics, and environmental justice,

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Libertarian vs Liberal

Libertarian vs Liberal: Differences in Political Ideologies

Explore the key differences between Libertarian and liberal ideologies. Each has a different approach to individual freedoms, the role of government, and economics.

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Disadvantages Of The Two-Party System

Disadvantages Of The Two-Party System

Explore the limitations and drawbacks of the two-party system, including political polarization, limited choices for voters, and stifled debate. Learn about the implications for democratic representation and the challenges faced by third parties.

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Green Party

The Green Party's Impact on Politics

The Green Party has been at the forefront of political reform, inspiring political participation and providing an alternative voice grounded in its core beliefs.

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Patriotic Flag

Libertarianism vs. Republicanism: Contrasting Paths of Political Thought

Libertarianism and Republicanism share a focus on limited government and free markets but differ on social issues and foreign policy. Both political philosophies have helped to shape the current U.S. political landscape.

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Cornel West

All The Declared Independent & Third Party Candidates For President In 2024

We all know Biden and Trump are running for president in 2024 again. Here are all of the declared independent and third party candidates running for the White House.

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Breaking the Two-Party Duopoly

Breaking the Two-Party Duopoly: Empowering Political Reform and Expanding Voter Choice

Breaking the two-party duopoly is crucial for expanding voter choice, enhancing voter representation and alternative political options, and fostering political innovation.

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Why Vote Third Party

Why Vote Third Party?

In a political landscape dominated by two major parties, many people often overlook the choice to vote for a third party. However, third-party voting offers a valuable opportunity to challenge the status quo and bring fresh perspectives.

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How to Switch Politics

How to Switch Political Parties

The decision of switching political parties is a personal journey and should not be taken lightly. Many individuals struggle with this decision, as it can often involve a complex evaluation of their political beliefs, values, and policy priorities.

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Bald Eagle

Libertarian Presidential Candidates: Their Impact and Influence

Explore the principles and history of Libertarianism, plus the list of recent Libertarian presidential candidates and their impact on the political landscape.

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two-party system

How the Two-Party System Works in the U.S.

The two-party system has always controlled American politics. Here we analyze what that means and potential alternatives.

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democrats vs republicans

Differences Between Democrats vs. Republicans

Explore the top 12 differences between the political views of Democrats and Republicans. Each political party has its own philosophy and set of policy proposals.

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Two Party System

5 Reasons the Two-Party System is Bad for America

The two-party system in America is a problem as it is rife with dark money and corruption, giving citizens the illusion that they have a say in who runs the country. This system has existed since the dawn of the United States, with two parties dominating the country since the first election.

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