
Volunteer Engagement


8 Ways to Re-energize Your Political Campaign

Political campaigning can be a long process, with numerous ups and downs. Check out these 8 tips for re-energizing your campaign when it begins losing steam.

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Going door to door

Best Canvassing Apps for Political Campaigns in 2024

See the best door-to-door canvassing apps for political candidates in 2024, plus free tools to take your door-knocking strategy to the next level.

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Phone banking

Powering Political Campaigns with Phone Banking

Learn how to take full advantage of the power of phone banking, a voter outreach strategy that connects voters directly with campaign volunteers and staff.

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10 Strategies for Effective Signature Gathering

Ready to get on the ballot? Explore ten effective strategies for gathering voter signatures and meeting the ballot requirements for independent candidates.

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10 Unique Fundraising Ideas for Political Campaigns

From hosting local events to driving donations with mobile fundraising, there are plenty of unique and creative ways to encourage campaign contributions.

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Tracking stats

Campaign Tracker: Measuring Campaign Success for Independent Candidates

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape of political campaigning, the ability to track and measure success isn't just advantageous - it's essential.

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Door to Door Canvassing

Custom Canvassing Scripts for Political Campaigns

Learn how personalized canvassing scripts can make door-to-door canvassing more efficient for your campaign team and more effective at connecting with voters.

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Block walking

Block Walking for Political Campaigns

Block walking, also known as door-to-door canvassing, is an essential voter outreach strategy for local candidates hoping to connect with potential voters.

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10 Ways to Engage Voters

10 Ways Independent Candidates Can Engage with Voters

Explore 10 ways independent and nonpartisan candidates can get the most out of their voter engagement strategy, from door-to-door canvassing to campaign materials.

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8 Techniques for Running a Grassroots Political Campaign

Grassroots campaigns are often built from the ground up, relying on community support and engagement rather than large-scale funding or media exposure. 

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Relational Organizing

How to Employ Relational Organizing in Political Campaigns

Relational organizing leverages the power of personal connection and meaningful relationship-building to increase the influence of volunteer-driven campaigns.

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Bridging the Gap

Volunteers: Bridging a Gap Between Campaign and Constituent

Volunteers serve as a campaign's frontline emissaries. They’re local residents, neighbors, and community members who lend authenticity to a campaign’s message.

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Youth Voters

Mobilizing the Youth Vote: Strategies and Challenges

In recent elections, experts estimate that voters under 25 represented less than 20% of the overall voter turnout. How can we mobilize young voters at the polls?

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IMG 6658 Copy

Volunteer Spotlight: Sal Davis, Discord Founding Member

Learn how Sal Davis, a volunteer and founding member of's Discord server, has contributed to's mission of making people matter in politics.

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Two Candidates

8 Things to Know Before Running for Local Office

From understanding the role of local government to investing in voter mobilization, learn the top 8 things you need to know before launching a local campaign.

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Front Doors

5 Essential Strategies for Effective Door-to-Door Canvassing

Explore five key strategies for effective door-to-door canvassing, from crafting compelling campaign messages to using data to refine your canvassing strategy.

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Political Consultant

Why You Don’t Need to Hire a Political Consultant

Running a political campaign doesn’t need to be as expensive as it can be. Learn how’s tech can replace the job of a political consultant for free.

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Door to Door Canvassing

Door-to-Door Canvassing: Techniques for Independent Candidates

Discover effective door-to-door canvassing techniques tailored for independent candidates. Learn how to engage voters personally and build strong connections in your campaign efforts.

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Get Out the Vote: Inspiring Action for a More Inclusive Future

Imagine a thriving democracy. What do you see? Civic participation and high voter turnout are likely at the heart of this vision. "Get Out the Vote" (GOTV) campaigns enhance election participation and foster civic engagement.

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Community Mobilization

Grassroots Activism: Mobilizing Communities Behind Shared Goals

Grassroots activism and community mobilization have immense power to make lasting social and political change. Explore examples of successful grassroots movements and learn how you can get involved!

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How to Recruit Volunteers

How to Recruit Volunteers  

Discover strategies for volunteer recruitment and volunteer management. Learn how to attract, onboard, and retain dedicated volunteers to drive your political campaign.

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Volunteerism in Politics: Empowering Citizens to Shape Their Nation

Empower your nation through volunteerism in politics. Discover how citizens can actively engage, drive change, and shape a brighter future. Get involved today!

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What is Canvassing in Politics?

What is Canvassing in Politics?

Discover what canvassing is, how it influences politics, and why it remains a vital tool for engaging voters and shaping election outcomes. Gain insights into the strategies, challenges, and impact of this grassroots campaign technique in the realm of politics.

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Voter Mobilization: Effective Strategies for Engaging and Energizing the Electorate

Voter Mobilization: Effective Strategies for Engaging and Energizing the Electorate

Voter mobilization refers to engaging, reaching out to, and energizing a group of eligible voters. It is a vital component of democracy. If democracy is going to survive, it needs an educated, engaged population that participates in the political process.

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The Role of Volunteers in Building Political Change  

The Role of Volunteers in Building Political Change

Volunteers in political campaigns and movements engage in various duties depending on the specific needs of the campaign or movement. Some of the everyday tasks that political volunteers often undertake include:

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Grassroots Movement

The Power of Grassroots Movements in Political Change

From the Civil Rights movement to contemporary environmental activism, grassroots movements have changed the political landscape in significant ways.

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The Political Campaign Checklist: Essential Steps to Running for Office

The Political Campaign Checklist: Essential Steps to Running for Office

This article outlines essential steps to running for political office, including creating a campaign checklist, developing a strong campaign strategy, and using campaign management software.

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politics voter campaign website hero image

Volunteer Coordinators for Political Campaigns

Discover the crucial role of a volunteer coordinator in campaign success. This article explores their tasks, from recruitment to morale-boosting. Learn the key skills needed and how to manage a team of volunteers. Essential for any candidate or supporter.

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Voter apathy

Tackling Voter Apathy: Engaging And Empowering Younger Voters

Discover effective strategies for combating voter apathy and increasing political engagement. From encouraging voter education to promoting grassroots activism, learn how to empower individuals to take an active role in shaping their communities and the world around them.

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How to Build and Manage an Effective Volunteer Team

Explore tips and strategies for recruiting, training, and retaining volunteers as a political candidate running for office.

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Creating Content to Generate Fundraising and Volunteers

This blog post will help candidates learn how to create social media content that will help them bring in fundraising money and generate volunteer interest to help power their campaign.

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