
Civic Engagement

City Manager

Understanding the Role of a City Manager

A city manager is the chief executive officer (CEO) of a city. City managers work with the mayor and city council in a council-manager form of local government.

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Uncontested Race

How Many Uncontested Elections Are There in 2024?

About 70% of U.S. elections regularly go uncontested. Explore why races go unopposed, and how new candidates can give voters more meaningful choices.

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Information Overload

The Impact of Information Overload on Political Campaigns

Information overload can lead voters to tune out of political messaging during elections. Explore strategies to help your campaign break through the noise.

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Participatory Democracy

The Case for Participatory Democracy

Participatory democracy is a model of governance that lets individuals directly engage in the decision-making and political processes that affect their lives.

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Bottom Up

Why Bottom-Up Politics Is the Key to Political Reform

Bottom-up politics, also called "trickle-up" politics, is the key to creating real change in politics and addressing community issues from the ground up.

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Retrospective vs prospective

Retrospective vs. Prospective Voting

While retrospective voting means looking back, prospective voting means looking ahead and anticipating the future. Explore the key differences in voting styles.

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Special Election

What's So Special About Special Elections?

Special elections, also sometimes called by-elections, are elections that occur outside of the regular calendar of elections for political office.

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Political Parties

Your Guide to the 2024 National Party Conventions

Learn everything you need to know to get ready for the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, and Green national party conventions in 2024.

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Exit Poll

What Are Exit Polls?

Exit polls, which are conducted as voters exit a polling location, attempt to understand how and why voters make certain electoral choices.

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Top Issues in Washington in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Browse the top issues affecting Washington State voters as the 2024 elections approach, including the top issues in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Bellevue, and Vancouver.

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Super Tuesday

An Independent Voter’s Guide to Super Tuesday

Which states let independent voters vote in the primaries on Super Tuesday? Our guide explores different states' rules and requirements for voting on March 5.

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Minneapolis, MN

Minnesota's Top Issues in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the top election issues in Minnesota in 2024, from rent control ordinances in the Twin Cities to contentious races in the state's Congressional Districts.

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The Overcomer

Overcoming Voter Uncertainty in 2024

Overcome the challenge of voter uncertainty by diving into its causes and learning new strategies to make more informed, confident decisions on election day.

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Choosing Between Options

Why Do People Vote Against Their Own Interests?

Discover the reasons why voters tend to vote against their own interests - whether from voter uncertainty or the effects of advertising and the two-party system.

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voter apathy

10 Causes of Voter Apathy in the United States

Voter apathy refers to a lack of interest among voters regarding participation in elections. Here, we walk through the top 10 reasons why it's a problem.

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Oklahoma City

Top Issues in Oklahoma in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the top six biggest issues facing Oklahoma voters and political candidates in 2024, from questions of election integrity to education.

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Hawaii's Top Issues in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the top five issues facing Hawaii as the 2024 elections approach, plus major concerns in Honolulu, East Honolulu, Pearl City, Hilo, and Waipahu.

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Vote Art

Primary vs. General Election: What to Know

Primary elections come before general elections. They serve to narrow down the list of candidates who will appear on the final ballot on election day.

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Venn Diagram

Concurrent Powers and Voter Representation

Concurrent powers are powers exercised by both the state and federal governments in the United States. This overlap has key implications for voter representation.

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American Flag

10 Reasons to Vote Independent in 2024

Discover the top 10 reasons to consider voting for independent candidates in the upcoming 2024 elections, especially at the local and state levels.

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Straw Poll

What Is a Straw Poll?

Straw polls are informal surveys used to gauge public opinion on a variety of subjects, including political candidates, upcoming elections, and local issues.

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10 Common Myths About Independent Voters

Explore 10 common misconceptions about independent voters in the United States, from their political affiliations to the spoiler effect and more.

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Tucson, Arizona

Top 6 Issues in Arizona in 2024: An Overview

Explore the top issues in Arizona as the 2024 election season approaches, from the economy and education to conservation and social policy issues.

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Jimmy Carter

What It Really Means to Be a Public Servant

Explore the difference between politicians and leaders who have been true public servants, and those who have followed a path of self-service and personal gain.

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How Presidential Election Years Impact Down-Ballot Candidates

The American electoral landscape is characterized by a rhythm of off-cycle and on-cycle elections, each playing a distinct role in shaping political outcomes.

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Maine Lighthouse

Maine's Top Issues in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Explore the top issues facing Maine voters and candidates going into the 2024 election cycle, including in Maine's biggest cities of Portland, Lewiston, and Bangor.

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Waiting in Line

Why Voter Turnout Matters in Local Elections

Each election cycle, local elections across the United States are determined by a slim majority. Learn more about the importance of each vote at the local level.

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Los Angeles

Voter Guide 2024: What to Know for California’s Local Elections

Get the information you need to prepare for California's local elections in 2024, including election dates and what to know about each local office on your ballot.

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Media Bubble

Navigating Online Echo Chambers and Media Bubbles in 2024

It can be easier than you may think to get stuck in an echo chamber, an online space where people only hear commentary that aligns with their own world view.

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Checking Phone

Misinformation vs. Disinformation: Challenges for Democracy

Misinformation and disinformation both describe false information that is shared with the public. The difference between them comes down to intention.

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Columbus Skyline

Top Issues in Ohio in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the biggest issues affecting Ohio voters in the 2024 election cycle, including the top issues in Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, and Akron.

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Voter Sticker

Caucus vs. Primary Election: Understanding Key Differences

As primary season 2024 approaches, explore the differences between caucuses and primary elections, including the advantages and disadvantages of each system.

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Charlotte, NC

Top Issues in North Carolina in 2024: An Overview

Explore the top issues impacting North Carolina as the state gets ready to vote for its next governor, Congressional representatives, and many local positions.

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Bundestag, Germany

What Is Proportional Representation?

In a system of proportional representation, the number of representatives in each district are elected in proportion to the number of voters who support them. 

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two round election

Pros and Cons of Two-Round Election Systems

Two-round systems begin with a first round of voting and then proceed to a second round or runoff election if no winner emerges with an absolute majority.

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How Do Democracy Vouchers Work?

Democracy vouchers have emerged as an innovative approach to campaign financing that aims to increase public participation and reduce the influence of wealthy donors.

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What Is a Blanket Primary Election?

A blanket primary is a type of primary election where all candidates for the same elected office appear on a single ballot, regardless of party affiliation.

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Working Together

How to Start a Ballot Initiative

Ballot initiatives are a form of citizen-led legislation, where individuals have the power to directly propose and shape laws that can benefit their communities.

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Tree Warmer

Why We Need the Freedom to Vote Act

Originally introduced in 2021, the Freedom to Vote Act seeks to address numerous issues related to voting and elections, from voter access to campaign finance.

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Star Voting

STAR Voting: An Alternative Election System

STAR Voting, which stands for "Score Then Automatic Runoff," is a voting system designed to address the limitations of methods like first-past-the-post voting.

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Political Corruption 101: Examples of Clientelism

Clientelism refers to a political system where goods or services are exchanged for political support, shifting the focus away from fair representation and meritocracy.

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Bloc Voting

What Are Bloc Voting and Voting Blocs?

A voting bloc is a group of individuals who have similar views and who frequently cast ballots together to influence political outcomes.

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Pie Chart

Plurality vs. Majority Voting: What's the Difference?

Plurality and majority voting each have advantages and disadvantages, especially as we consider how best to reform elections to represent the will of the people.

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Pride Flag

The Importance of LGBTQ+ Representation in Politics

Representation in politics matters, and the growing number of LGBTQ+ leaders in American government are lighting the way toward greater inclusivity.

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Gen Z

Gen Z Voter Turnout: What Recent Trends Mean for 2024

Generation Z will play an important role in the outcome of the 2024 elections, as more young voters head to the polls and weigh in on the nation’s political future.

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Collusion Handshake

Political Corruption 101: Collusion in Politics

Collusion in politics refers to a secretive agreement or cooperation between parties for a deceitful or fraudulent purpose, thwarting the people's best interest.

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20 Reasons Flag

20 Reasons to Run for Office as an Independent in 2024

From local positions to state and federal offices, independents are taking matters into their own hands to create a political system that works for all Americans.

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10 Ways the Political Establishment Disenfranchises Voters

Voting disenfranchisement can be accomplished through creating laws that disproportionately affect people of color, the poor, and the elderly.

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Flag Flying

What Is the Democracy Reform Movement?

By pushing for democracy reform legislation, we can change the way our government interacts with citizens to bring about true change for future generations.

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Rational Ignorance

How Rational Ignorance Impacts American Elections

Rational ignorance creates an environment ripe for misinformation, manipulation, and the oversimplification of complex issues in American politics.

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Tracking Legislation

How to Track Federal and State Legislation

By tracking the progress of legislation that matters to you, you can hold government officials accountable, be a better informed voter, and even shape policy.

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Wisconsin capitol

The Core Responsibilities of State vs. Local Government

While political matters at the level of the federal government tend to dominate the news, many matters of governing happen at a much smaller scale.

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Youth Voters

Mobilizing the Youth Vote: Strategies and Challenges

In recent elections, experts estimate that voters under 25 represented less than 20% of the overall voter turnout. How can we mobilize young voters at the polls?

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Information Gap

Media Literacy Basics: Bridging the Information Gap

The information gap is created by disparities in how different segments of the population access, understand, and use information.

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News Station

Partisan Journalism: The Landscape of U.S. Media

In recent years, the shift toward partisan journalism has exacerbated the problem of political polarization in the United States, often creating echo chambers.

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Voter Brain

The Psychology of Voting: What Motivates the Electorate

The psychology of voting helps explain why voters make the choices they do, from the emotions they feel during elections to cognitive biases at work in the background.

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Five Candidates

7 Things to Consider Before Voting for a Candidate

How do you decide who to vote for, especially in a contested election? Check out these 7 tips for researching and evaluating candidates ahead of election day.

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Voter Education

The Role of Voter Education in Strengthening Democracy

Voter education is the power source that makes a representative democracy effective. Learn what voter education means and why it matters so much for our democracy.

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Fairness Doctrine

Is It Time to Bring Back the Fairness Doctrine?

The Fairness Doctrine was enacted in 1949 and repealed in 1987. In the digital age of polarization and media bias, could this law provide balance in media coverage?

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Frame 8

10 Things to Expect in’s Discord

Want to join a positive political community online? Here are 10 things to expect in's Discord server, from lively discussion to giveaways and meme contests.

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Phone and Newspaper

10 Signs of Media Bias Against Independent Candidates (and How to Overcome Them)

Media bias keeps independent and third-party candidates from receiving the same media attention as partisan candidates. Here's how to overcome these obstacles.

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V Spehar

Top Political Influencers: Shaping the Cultural Discourse

Learn about some of the top political influencers commenting on politics and current events today. These influencers have great power to shape public opinion.

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Pros and Cons of Political Term Limits

Explore the history and current state of political term limits in the United States, along with arguments for and against the implementation of term limits.

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Electoral Map

Swing States: Deciding the Fate of U.S. Presidential Elections

Swing states, or battleground states, play a big role in presidential elections. Which states are swing states, and why do these "purple" states have so much power?

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Writing a Letter to Editor

Tips for Civic Engagement: How to Write a Letter to the Editor

Writing a letter to the editor is an easy way to express your opinion and increase your civic engagement. Learn what a letter to the editor is and how to write a compelling submission.

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How to Increase Voter Turnout

How to Increase Voter Turnout

Unlock effective strategies to boost voter turnout in elections. Explore actionable techniques and insights to engage and motivate voters, enhancing the democratic process.

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How to Become a Political Consultant

How to Become a Political Consultant: A Comprehensive Guide

In a dynamic fusion of politics and strategy, political consultants play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of campaigns and influencing the democratic process

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College Candidate

Can I Run for Office While I’m Still a Student?

Can you run for office while you're still in high school or college? Plenty of leaders have done it before, and with the right strategies and support, you can effectively run for political office while you're still a student.

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Get Out the Vote: Inspiring Action for a More Inclusive Future

Imagine a thriving democracy. What do you see? Civic participation and high voter turnout are likely at the heart of this vision. "Get Out the Vote" (GOTV) campaigns enhance election participation and foster civic engagement.

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What is Political Efficacy

What Is Political Efficacy?

Uncover the concept of political efficacy and its impact on citizen engagement. Explore how political efficacy influences active participation and empowers individuals to make a meaningful difference in the political process.

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Community Mobilization

Grassroots Activism: Mobilizing Communities Behind Shared Goals

Grassroots activism and community mobilization have immense power to make lasting social and political change. Explore examples of successful grassroots movements and learn how you can get involved!

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What are Political Donations?

What are Political Donations?

In the realm of politics, financial contributions play a significant role in shaping the democratic process. Many feel that money plays an outsized role in elections, but an adequately funded campaign is often directly related to successful election outcomes. Read on to find out more.

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Political Apps

The 10 Best Political Apps & Websites for Increasing Digital Citizenship

In today's digital age, staying politically engaged is easier than ever. Check out's recommendations for the top 10 political apps and websites to boost your civic engagement in 2023.

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Volunteerism in Politics: Empowering Citizens to Shape Their Nation

Empower your nation through volunteerism in politics. Discover how citizens can actively engage, drive change, and shape a brighter future. Get involved today!

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How to Participate in Political Polls

How to Participate in Political Polls: Making Your Voice Heard in the Democratic Process

Political polls play a significant role in the democratic process. They give citizens an opportunity to express their opinions and influence political processes. These polls serve as essential tools for understanding public sentiments and guiding decision-making for parties and candidates.

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Social Media

The Power of Social Media in Political Campaigns: Unveiling Its Impact and Influence

Social media has transformed the process of political campaigning. This guide explores the development of social media use in campaigns, key ways social media has impacted elections, and tips for getting the most out of social media while campaigning.

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Civic Tech: Empowering Communities for Positive Change

Explore the transformative world of civic tech and discover how innovative technology is reshaping citizen engagement, improving government transparency, and empowering communities to drive positive change.

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Young Activists

What is Civic Engagement? Understanding the Power of Active Citizenship

Civic engagement is essential for a well-functioning representative democracy. Our guide explores types of active citizenship, the United States' different levels of civic participation, and practical tips for becoming a more active citizen.

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Benefits of Volunteering

Benefits of Volunteering for a Political Campaign

Explore the main benefits of volunteering your time and skills for a political campaign. Whether you're supporting a candidate or policy, you can make an impact!

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Corrupt Mayor

Reporting Corruption in Local Government: A Guide to Promoting Transparency and Accountability

Reporting corruption in local government is essential for maintaining transparency and accountability. Learn about common types of corruption, such as conflicts of interest, embezzlement, fraud, and nepotism, and how to combat these practices.

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Volunteering for a Political Campaign

How to Volunteer for a Political Campaign

In this guide, we'll show you how to get involved, locate volunteer opportunities, and make the most of your contribution as a political campaign volunteer. To make a difference and engage in politics, consider joining a political campaign as a volunteer.

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How to Switch Politics

How to Switch Political Parties

The decision of switching political parties is a personal journey and should not be taken lightly. Many individuals struggle with this decision, as it can often involve a complex evaluation of their political beliefs, values, and policy priorities.

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Understanding Political Affiliation: Exploring Different Political Perspectives

Political Affiliation: Exploring Different Political Perspectives

In today's dynamic world, it's crucial to grasp the significance of political affiliation. It shapes perspectives and beliefs. Political affiliation is identifying with a particular political party or ideology.

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The Role of Volunteers in Building Political Change  

The Role of Volunteers in Building Political Change

Volunteers in political campaigns and movements engage in various duties depending on the specific needs of the campaign or movement. Some of the everyday tasks that political volunteers often undertake include:

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Overcoming Apathy: Why Voting for Independent Candidates Can Make a Difference

Overcoming Apathy: Why Voting for Independent Candidates Can Make a Difference

Today’s article explores the roles of political parties and the significance of independent candidates and why voting for them can substantially change the political sphere.

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gathering signatures

Determining why you should – or shouldn’t – run for office

Discover the crucial importance of finding your 'why' when running for office. Learn how to craft a compelling 'why' statement and avoid common pitfalls. offers free resources and AI tools to help you launch a successful campaign. Find out more!

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Grassroots Movement

The Power of Grassroots Movements in Political Change

From the Civil Rights movement to contemporary environmental activism, grassroots movements have changed the political landscape in significant ways.

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Why Diversity in Politics Matters

Why Diversity in Politics Matters: Creating a More Inclusive and Representative Democracy

The lack of diversity in politics has resulted in a lack of representation for marginalized communities and a skewed distribution of resources and opportunities. Progress has been made, but much work is still needed to create a political landscape that truly reflects the nation's diversity.

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Voter apathy

Tackling Voter Apathy: Engaging And Empowering Younger Voters

Discover effective strategies for combating voter apathy and increasing political engagement. From encouraging voter education to promoting grassroots activism, learn how to empower individuals to take an active role in shaping their communities and the world around them.

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