
Independent Voters

Los Angeles

What It Means to Be a No Party Preference Voter

No Party Preference (NPP) is a label most commonly used in California. NPP describes the political affiliation of voters who do not align with any political party.

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NPA voter

No Party Affiliation vs. Independent

Learn the differences and similarities between No Party Affiliation (NPA) and independent voters. Though these labels overlap, they are used in different contexts.

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Colorful Map

7 States Where Independents Can Make the Biggest Impact in 2024

Explore the states where independent voters and candidates can make the biggest difference in the 2024 elections, both at the local and federal levels.

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I Voted

An Independent Voter's Guide to the Final Primary Elections

Learn how to participate in the final presidential and state primary elections of 2024 as an independent voter. Make your plan to make your vote count!

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Super Tuesday

An Independent Voter’s Guide to Super Tuesday

Which states let independent voters vote in the primaries on Super Tuesday? Our guide explores different states' rules and requirements for voting on March 5.

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San Diego

How California’s Voter Guide Calls for Federal Action on Independent Naming Conventions

Hilaire “FUJI” Shioura, an independent candidate running for office in California's 51st Congressional District, highlights the need for action on voter guide conventions.

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American Flag

10 Reasons to Vote Independent in 2024

Discover the top 10 reasons to consider voting for independent candidates in the upcoming 2024 elections, especially at the local and state levels.

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10 Common Myths About Independent Voters

Explore 10 common misconceptions about independent voters in the United States, from their political affiliations to the spoiler effect and more.

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Voter Sticker

Caucus vs. Primary Election: Understanding Key Differences

As primary season 2024 approaches, explore the differences between caucuses and primary elections, including the advantages and disadvantages of each system.

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What Is a Blanket Primary Election?

A blanket primary is a type of primary election where all candidates for the same elected office appear on a single ballot, regardless of party affiliation.

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Ralph Nader

What is the “Spoiler Effect,” Really?

The spoiler effect is rooted in the mechanics of first-past-the-post voting, a system where the candidate with the most votes wins with or without an absolute majority.

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Gen Z

Gen Z Voter Turnout: What Recent Trends Mean for 2024

Generation Z will play an important role in the outcome of the 2024 elections, as more young voters head to the polls and weigh in on the nation’s political future.

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Handshake Painting

5 Ways Independent Candidates Contribute to Bipartisanship

Unlike the brand of extreme partisanship we’re experiencing now, bipartisanship leads to more inclusive policies that reflect a broader range of perspectives.

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Flag Flying

What Is the Democracy Reform Movement?

By pushing for democracy reform legislation, we can change the way our government interacts with citizens to bring about true change for future generations.

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Powerful Trio

7 Signs That It's Time for an Independent Revolution

More Americans are identifying as independents, seeking alternatives to entrenched party lines. Here are seven signs this movement is about to turn the tide.

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Gerrymandering Map

Navigating the Labyrinth: Independents and Gerrymandering

From Maryland to Wisconsin, gerrymandering hurts voters across the nation and raises obstacles for independents seeking to run in gerrymandered districts.

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Voted Sticker

Can Independent Voters Vote in Primaries?

Primary elections vary between states, from open primaries to closed primaries and varieties in between. Learn which states let unaffiliated voters participate.

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Graph Election

7 Ways Independents Impact Elections — Even if They Don't Win

How do independent political candidates impact elections, even without winning? As the number of independents rises, explore their vast influence in politics.

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Electoral Map

Swing States: Deciding the Fate of U.S. Presidential Elections

Swing states, or battleground states, play a big role in presidential elections. Which states are swing states, and why do these "purple" states have so much power?

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Get Out the Vote: Inspiring Action for a More Inclusive Future

Imagine a thriving democracy. What do you see? Civic participation and high voter turnout are likely at the heart of this vision. "Get Out the Vote" (GOTV) campaigns enhance election participation and foster civic engagement.

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Green Party Beliefs

The Green Party's Beliefs

The political ideology of Green politics is rooted in community engagement, political activism, progressive politics, and environmental justice,

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What is Political Efficacy

What Is Political Efficacy?

Uncover the concept of political efficacy and its impact on citizen engagement. Explore how political efficacy influences active participation and empowers individuals to make a meaningful difference in the political process.

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Green Party

The Green Party's Impact on Politics

The Green Party has been at the forefront of political reform, inspiring political participation and providing an alternative voice grounded in its core beliefs.

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Patriotic Flag

Libertarianism vs. Republicanism: Contrasting Paths of Political Thought

Libertarianism and Republicanism share a focus on limited government and free markets but differ on social issues and foreign policy. Both political philosophies have helped to shape the current U.S. political landscape.

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The Electoral College Is Even More Anti-Democratic Than You Probably Thought

Who exactly are the members of the Electoral College? Who chose them? It's certainly not us voters.

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Guest Post: Vote Better With Realer Options

It's a new day. helps independent candidates run for office and people tired with the two-party system to take action.

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Leo meme

Guest Post: Why Independent Means More Than Just Moderate or Centrist

Independent is not a monolithic word. It doesn't mean moderate or centrist, there are conservative and leftist independents too!

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Ballot Boxes

Open Primary vs. Closed Primary: Exploring Different Primary Election Systems

Open primaries allow voters to choose any party's primary, while closed primaries restrict participation to registered party members. Open primaries have higher turnout but face concerns of strategic voting, while closed primaries preserve party ideology.

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Breaking the Two-Party Duopoly

Breaking the Two-Party Duopoly: Empowering Political Reform and Expanding Voter Choice

Breaking the two-party duopoly is crucial for expanding voter choice, enhancing voter representation and alternative political options, and fostering political innovation.

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Why Vote Third Party

Why Vote Third Party?

In a political landscape dominated by two major parties, many people often overlook the choice to vote for a third party. However, third-party voting offers a valuable opportunity to challenge the status quo and bring fresh perspectives.

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How to Switch Politics

How to Switch Political Parties

The decision of switching political parties is a personal journey and should not be taken lightly. Many individuals struggle with this decision, as it can often involve a complex evaluation of their political beliefs, values, and policy priorities.

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Understanding Political Affiliation: Exploring Different Political Perspectives

Political Affiliation: Exploring Different Political Perspectives

In today's dynamic world, it's crucial to grasp the significance of political affiliation. It shapes perspectives and beliefs. Political affiliation is identifying with a particular political party or ideology.

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Overcoming Apathy: Why Voting for Independent Candidates Can Make a Difference

Overcoming Apathy: Why Voting for Independent Candidates Can Make a Difference

Today’s article explores the roles of political parties and the significance of independent candidates and why voting for them can substantially change the political sphere.

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Independent Voters

Understanding Independent Voters: Their Impact on American Politics

Explore the impact of independent voters on American politics. Learn about their attitudes, differences from partisans, and growing numbers. Discover how they shape the democratic process and influence elections.

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what are independent voters in the US?

What Are Independent Voters?

Learn what independent voters are and why they're a crucial demographic in elections. Discover how to appeal to independent voters and win their support.

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How and why you should register as an independent

50% of Americans identify as independent voters. Registering as an independent allows voting for platforms rather than party affiliations and having a voice in primaries. Normalizing independent voter registration can promote moderate and centrist policies.

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Not a wasted vote

Why Voting for Independent Candidates Isn't a Wasted Vote

Independent and third-party candidates have often been perceived as having no chance of winning elections. In reality, they are far from being a wasted vote.

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Voter apathy

Tackling Voter Apathy: Engaging And Empowering Younger Voters

Discover effective strategies for combating voter apathy and increasing political engagement. From encouraging voter education to promoting grassroots activism, learn how to empower individuals to take an active role in shaping their communities and the world around them.

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Ice Cream Ideals

What are the policy views of young independents?

Part 2 of our young voter independent voter report.

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Personas Graph
·'s 2023 Independent voter report - Part 1

Our team ran a research exercise with 530 people to help determine the state of the independent voter in 2023. All participants in this experiment identified themselves as independents or reluctant partisans. This is the first article in a series about our findings from the investigation.

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