
Political Volunteering


Volunteer Spotlight: Join the Politico Team

Join's Politico Team, a network of volunteers who love discussing politics, diving deep into data, and strategizing on the campaign trail.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Join the Design Team

Join's Design Team, a group of remote volunteers who use their creative talent and graphic design skills to raise awareness and support campaigns.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Join the Writing Team

Join's Writing Team, a group of remote volunteers who use their writing skills and creativity to spread the word about the independent movement.

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Voter outreach

Volunteer Spotlight: Join the Voter Outreach Team

Join's Voter Outreach Team, a nationwide network of volunteers who power campaigns through canvassing, phone banking, text banking, and more.

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Social media

Volunteer Spotlight: Join the Visibility Team

Join's Visibility Team, a group of volunteers who are passionate about raising awareness and spreading the word about the independent movement.

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· Discord Community Launches New Volunteer Teams

Join us in celebrating the launch of five new volunteer teams in's Discord server. Each team offers unique volunteer opportunities and community.

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Phone banking

Powering Political Campaigns with Phone Banking

Learn how to take full advantage of the power of phone banking, a voter outreach strategy that connects voters directly with campaign volunteers and staff.

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10 Strategies for Effective Signature Gathering

Ready to get on the ballot? Explore ten effective strategies for gathering voter signatures and meeting the ballot requirements for independent candidates.

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Relational Organizing

How to Employ Relational Organizing in Political Campaigns

Relational organizing leverages the power of personal connection and meaningful relationship-building to increase the influence of volunteer-driven campaigns.

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Working Together

How to Start a Ballot Initiative

Ballot initiatives are a form of citizen-led legislation, where individuals have the power to directly propose and shape laws that can benefit their communities.

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Bridging the Gap

Volunteers: Bridging a Gap Between Campaign and Constituent

Volunteers serve as a campaign's frontline emissaries. They’re local residents, neighbors, and community members who lend authenticity to a campaign’s message.

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10 Things to Expect in’s Discord

Want to join a positive political community online? Here are 10 things to expect in's Discord server, from lively discussion to giveaways and meme contests.

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Front Doors

5 Essential Strategies for Effective Door-to-Door Canvassing

Explore five key strategies for effective door-to-door canvassing, from crafting compelling campaign messages to using data to refine your canvassing strategy.

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Door to Door Canvassing

Door-to-Door Canvassing: Techniques for Independent Candidates

Discover effective door-to-door canvassing techniques tailored for independent candidates. Learn how to engage voters personally and build strong connections in your campaign efforts.

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Kieryn McCann

Volunteer Spotlight: Kieryn McCann, Remote Volunteer and Local Candidate's volunteers helped lead candidate Terry Vo to victory in Nashville. We're spotlighting one especially dedicated volunteer, Kieryn McCann, who is also running as a candidate in McPherson, Kansas.

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Nashville TN

How Volunteers Powered Grassroots Campaigns in Nashville's network of volunteers worked on the ground and remotely to support independent candidates in Nashville, Tennessee. Our volunteer efforts helped guide Terry Vo's winning campaign to victory.

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Get Out the Vote: Inspiring Action for a More Inclusive Future

Imagine a thriving democracy. What do you see? Civic participation and high voter turnout are likely at the heart of this vision. "Get Out the Vote" (GOTV) campaigns enhance election participation and foster civic engagement.

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What is Political Efficacy

What Is Political Efficacy?

Uncover the concept of political efficacy and its impact on citizen engagement. Explore how political efficacy influences active participation and empowers individuals to make a meaningful difference in the political process.

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Community Mobilization

Grassroots Activism: Mobilizing Communities Behind Shared Goals

Grassroots activism and community mobilization have immense power to make lasting social and political change. Explore examples of successful grassroots movements and learn how you can get involved!

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How to Recruit Volunteers

How to Recruit Volunteers  

Discover strategies for volunteer recruitment and volunteer management. Learn how to attract, onboard, and retain dedicated volunteers to drive your political campaign.

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Volunteerism in Politics: Empowering Citizens to Shape Their Nation

Empower your nation through volunteerism in politics. Discover how citizens can actively engage, drive change, and shape a brighter future. Get involved today!

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Civic Tech: Empowering Communities for Positive Change

Explore the transformative world of civic tech and discover how innovative technology is reshaping citizen engagement, improving government transparency, and empowering communities to drive positive change.

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What is Canvassing in Politics?

What is Canvassing in Politics?

Discover what canvassing is, how it influences politics, and why it remains a vital tool for engaging voters and shaping election outcomes. Gain insights into the strategies, challenges, and impact of this grassroots campaign technique in the realm of politics.

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Local Politics

How to Get Involved in Local Politics

Creating a network of like-minded individuals in your local area can also be beneficial. Individuals can support your causes and increase your collective influence on local issues.

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Young Activists

What is Civic Engagement? Understanding the Power of Active Citizenship

Civic engagement is essential for a well-functioning representative democracy. Our guide explores types of active citizenship, the United States' different levels of civic participation, and practical tips for becoming a more active citizen.

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Benefits of Volunteering

Benefits of Volunteering for a Political Campaign

Explore the main benefits of volunteering your time and skills for a political campaign. Whether you're supporting a candidate or policy, you can make an impact!

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Volunteering for a Political Campaign

How to Volunteer for a Political Campaign

In this guide, we'll show you how to get involved, locate volunteer opportunities, and make the most of your contribution as a political campaign volunteer. To make a difference and engage in politics, consider joining a political campaign as a volunteer.

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The Role of Volunteers in Building Political Change  

The Role of Volunteers in Building Political Change

Volunteers in political campaigns and movements engage in various duties depending on the specific needs of the campaign or movement. Some of the everyday tasks that political volunteers often undertake include:

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Grassroots Movement

The Power of Grassroots Movements in Political Change

From the Civil Rights movement to contemporary environmental activism, grassroots movements have changed the political landscape in significant ways.

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Creating Content to Generate Fundraising and Volunteers

This blog post will help candidates learn how to create social media content that will help them bring in fundraising money and generate volunteer interest to help power their campaign.

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