
Independent Cause

Independent Cause ·

Why Veterans Make Compelling Independent Candidates

Guest writer Briana Hilton lists the top three reasons why military veterans have the skills needed to make great independent candidates for elected office.

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Colorado State House
Independent Cause ·

19 Libertarian Candidates Running for State Legislature in 2024

From Arizona to North Carolina, Libertarian candidates are challenging incumbents and offering voters valuable alternatives in 2024's state legislative elections.

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Massachusetts State House
Independent Cause ·

9 Independent State Legislators Running for Reelection in 2024

Meet nine independent state senators and representatives running for reelection in Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, Oregon, Alaska, and Maine.

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Reno, NV
Independent Cause ·

20 Independent Mayors Making a Difference in 2024

Across the country, independent and non-partisan mayors are making their mark by improving infrastructure, increasing civic engagement, and solving local issues.

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Los Angeles
Independent Cause ·

What It Means to Be a No Party Preference Voter

No Party Preference (NPP) is a label most commonly used in California. NPP describes the political affiliation of voters who do not align with any political party.

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Independent Cause ·

How Big Money Corrupts Local Elections

From Los Angeles to Houston, big-money donors regularly flood local elections with campaign contributions. Explore where the money comes from and the impact it has.

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NPA voter
Independent Cause ·

No Party Affiliation vs. Independent

Learn the differences and similarities between No Party Affiliation (NPA) and independent voters. Though these labels overlap, they are used in different contexts.

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Climate protest
Independent Cause ·

Environmentalism and Independent Politics

Independent candidates and minor parties have played an important role in the environmental movement, with leaders advocating for better climate solutions.

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Colorful Map
Independent Cause ·

7 States Where Independents Can Make the Biggest Impact in 2024

Explore the states where independent voters and candidates can make the biggest difference in the 2024 elections, both at the local and federal levels.

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Participatory Democracy
Independent Cause ·

The Case for Participatory Democracy

Participatory democracy is a model of governance that lets individuals directly engage in the decision-making and political processes that affect their lives.

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Campaign donors
Independent Cause ·

Who Is the Donor Class?

The term "donor class" describes the phenomenon where a small segment of affluent individuals contribute disproportionately large sums of money to politics.

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Bottom Up
Independent Cause ·

Why Bottom-Up Politics Is the Key to Political Reform

Bottom-up politics, also called "trickle-up" politics, is the key to creating real change in politics and addressing community issues from the ground up.

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Citizens United flag
Independent Cause ·

14 Years After Citizens United: Where Are We Now?

Guest writer Carli Downing explores the ways the 2010 Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC has influenced campaign finance and the rise of Super PACs.

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Generation Z
Independent Cause ·

Why Generation Z Needs Independent Candidates

Generation Z is the most diverse, well-educated, and technologically savvy generation to date, making independent candidates uniquely positioned to meet their needs.

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Democracy vs Plutocracy
Independent Cause ·

Democracy vs. Plutocracy: Which Is the United States?

Is the United States a democracy or plutocracy? In plutocracies, power is primarily held or influenced by the wealthy, while democracies allow for fair representation.

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Independent Cause ·

The Movement for Campaign Finance Reform

With billions of dollars spent on political campaigns up and down the ballot, the movement for campaign finance reform is a powerful voice for transparency and change.

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Nonpartisan ballot
Independent Cause ·

The Pros and Cons of Non-Partisan Ballots for Independents

While non-partisan ballots are meant to encourage voting for candidates based on merit, not just on party, they can have unintended consequences for independents.

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RFK Jr speech
Independent Cause ·

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s Place in the Independent Movement

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s decision to run for president as an independent candidate has sparked both interest and debate about the growing independent movement.

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Dark Money
Independent Cause ·

How Dark Money Impacts Our Democracy

Learn how dark money - the political funds spent by groups without disclosing the identities of their donors - undermines accountability and fairness in elections.

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San Diego
Independent Cause ·

How California’s Voter Guide Calls for Federal Action on Independent Naming Conventions

Hilaire “FUJI” Shioura, an independent candidate running for office in California's 51st Congressional District, highlights the need for action on voter guide conventions.

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Choosing Between Options
Independent Cause ·

Why Do People Vote Against Their Own Interests?

Discover the reasons why voters tend to vote against their own interests - whether from voter uncertainty or the effects of advertising and the two-party system.

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Jersey City
Independent Cause ·

New Jersey: A Hidden Home of Voter Suppression

David Goodman, the statewide leader of RepresentUs of New Jersey, sheds light on the effects of the "county line," a voter suppression tactic in New Jersey.

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American Flag
Independent Cause ·

10 Reasons to Vote Independent in 2024

Discover the top 10 reasons to consider voting for independent candidates in the upcoming 2024 elections, especially at the local and state levels.

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Independent Cause ·

10 Common Myths About Independent Voters

Explore 10 common misconceptions about independent voters in the United States, from their political affiliations to the spoiler effect and more.

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Jimmy Carter
Independent Cause ·

What It Really Means to Be a Public Servant

Explore the difference between politicians and leaders who have been true public servants, and those who have followed a path of self-service and personal gain.

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Independent Cause ·

Year in Review: Celebrating's Wins in 2023

As 2023 ends, we’re reflecting on our journey and anticipating an impactful 2024. Join us for a new year of pursuing our mission: making people matter more than money in our democracy.

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Ralph Nader
Independent Cause ·

What is the “Spoiler Effect,” Really?

The spoiler effect is rooted in the mechanics of first-past-the-post voting, a system where the candidate with the most votes wins with or without an absolute majority.

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Tree Warmer
Independent Cause ·

Why We Need the Freedom to Vote Act

Originally introduced in 2021, the Freedom to Vote Act seeks to address numerous issues related to voting and elections, from voter access to campaign finance.

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Independent Cause ·

Why Can't the U.S. Have a Multi-Party System?

The two-party system has dominated American politics since the early 19th century, while many other nations have developed more nuanced multi-party systems.

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Handshake Painting
Independent Cause ·

5 Ways Independent Candidates Contribute to Bipartisanship

Unlike the brand of extreme partisanship we’re experiencing now, bipartisanship leads to more inclusive policies that reflect a broader range of perspectives.

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20 Reasons Flag
Independent Cause ·

20 Reasons to Run for Office as an Independent in 2024

From local positions to state and federal offices, independents are taking matters into their own hands to create a political system that works for all Americans.

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Independent Cause ·

5 Examples of Third Parties in the United States

The American electoral system has historically favored two dominant parties at any one time, but third parties have always played an important role in politics.

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Flag Flying
Independent Cause ·

What Is the Democracy Reform Movement?

By pushing for democracy reform legislation, we can change the way our government interacts with citizens to bring about true change for future generations.

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Powerful Trio
Independent Cause ·

7 Signs That It's Time for an Independent Revolution

More Americans are identifying as independents, seeking alternatives to entrenched party lines. Here are seven signs this movement is about to turn the tide.

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Waving a Flag
Independent Cause ·

Independent vs. Nonpartisan: Is There a Difference?

The terms "independent" and "non-partisan" are sometimes used interchangeably, but they describe political affiliation in slightly different ways.

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Gerrymandering Map
Independent Cause ·

Navigating the Labyrinth: Independents and Gerrymandering

From Maryland to Wisconsin, gerrymandering hurts voters across the nation and raises obstacles for independents seeking to run in gerrymandered districts.

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Independent Cause ·

Volunteer Spotlight: Sal Davis, Discord Founding Member

Learn how Sal Davis, a volunteer and founding member of's Discord server, has contributed to's mission of making people matter in politics.

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Joe Manchin
Independent Cause ·

10 Strategies for Navigating the Incumbent Advantage

The U.S. Congress has a 96% rate of reelection for incumbents, creating steep barriers for independent challengers despite Congress' low approval ratings.

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Independent Cause ·

5 Independent Candidates Who Ran for Mayor and Won

Independent candidates have run in mayoral races and won elections across the country, from Nashville, Tennessee to Honolulu, Hawaii.

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Independent Cause · Academy: What to Expect Academy is a free online course designed to help you learn what it takes to run a successful local political campaign, led by expert political strategists.

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Jared Alper
Independent Cause · Team Spotlight: Political Director Jared Alper

Meet Jared Alper,'s political director and one of the leading instructors of Academy.

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Rob Booth
Independent Cause · Team Spotlight: Rob Booth, Head of Field and Mobilization

Meet Rob Booth,'s head of field and mobilization and one of the leading instructors of Academy.

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Voted Sticker
Independent Cause ·

Can Independent Voters Vote in Primaries?

Primary elections vary between states, from open primaries to closed primaries and varieties in between. Learn which states let unaffiliated voters participate.

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Graph Election
Independent Cause ·

7 Ways Independents Impact Elections — Even if They Don't Win

How do independent political candidates impact elections, even without winning? As the number of independents rises, explore their vast influence in politics.

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Independent Cause ·

10 Things to Expect in’s Discord

Want to join a positive political community online? Here are 10 things to expect in's Discord server, from lively discussion to giveaways and meme contests.

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Coalition Building
Independent Cause ·

Coalition Building 101: Effective Strategies for Independent Candidates

Building coalitions and collaborating across organizations can give independent candidates unique opportunities, both while running a campaign and once in office.

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Overcoming Tribalism
Independent Cause ·

10 Ways Independents Can Break Through Political Tribalism

What is political tribalism, and what are the main problems it causes? Learn how independent candidates can overcome political tribalism to make real progress.

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Phone and Newspaper
Independent Cause ·

10 Signs of Media Bias Against Independent Candidates (and How to Overcome Them)

Media bias keeps independent and third-party candidates from receiving the same media attention as partisan candidates. Here's how to overcome these obstacles.

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Citizens United
Independent Cause ·

The Implications of Citizens United for Independent Candidates

The 2010 Supreme Court case Citizens United has had an immense impact on politics and elections. Learn the implications of this case for independent candidates.

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Abstract Stars and Stripes
Independent Cause ·

How Understanding the Two-Party System Informs Strategies for Independent Political Campaigns

Understanding the history of the two-party system can help independent and third-party candidates overcome barriers and find their place in U.S. politics.

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Breanna S
Independent Cause · Academy Grad Spotlight: Breanna Stott

Meet Breanna Stott, a Academy graduate and business owner who is making a difference in her community.

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Carlos R
Independent Cause · Academy Grad Spotlight: Carlos Rousselin

Meet Carlos Rousselin, a Academy graduate and pharmaceutical scientist who ran for city council in Nashville, Tennessee.

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Kieryn McCann
Independent Cause ·

Volunteer Spotlight: Kieryn McCann, Remote Volunteer and Local Candidate's volunteers helped lead candidate Terry Vo to victory in Nashville. We're spotlighting one especially dedicated volunteer, Kieryn McCann, who is also running as a candidate in McPherson, Kansas.

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Independent Cause ·

Uncontested Elections Rot Democracy From The Inside Out

The vast majority of elections held in the U.S. only have a single person on the ballot. How "democratic" can that really be?

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How Do Independent Candidates Get on the Ballot
Independent Cause ·

How Do Independent Candidates Get on the Ballot?

This article explores the steps, requirements, and challenges independent candidates face in their journey to run for public office independently. Gain insights into the path toward ballot access for those seeking political representation beyond party affiliations.

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Independent Cause ·

The Destructive Threat “Oppenheimer” Warns Us About Isn’t Nuclear Bombs – It’s Partisan Paranoia 

Atomic bombs are obviously dangerous - but not as dangerous as short sighted political games, Christopher Nolan's new drama warns us.

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Independent Cause ·

5 Of The Biggest Grifters Within The Two-Party System

Politics shouldn't be a get-rich-quick scheme for elected leaders. Unfortunately, it is.

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Independent Cause ·

Fundraising And The Race To The Bottom: How The Two-Party System Brings Out The Worst In Everyone

When party politics devolves to whoever can "defeat" the other side better, fundraising tends to reward those who turn the most negative.

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Independent Cause ·

The Rise Of The Entitlement Of The Thin-Skinned Modern Politician

Today's politicians wield greater amounts of power than ever, yet are the first to play the victim when confronted on their failures.

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Disadvantages Of The Two-Party System
Independent Cause ·

Disadvantages Of The Two-Party System

Explore the limitations and drawbacks of the two-party system, including political polarization, limited choices for voters, and stifled debate. Learn about the implications for democratic representation and the challenges faced by third parties.

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Independent Cause ·

Superdelegates Are Super Anti-Democratic: How Political Parties Try To Rig Their Primary Elections

When it comes to primary elections, don't be too shocked to learn that the "democratic process" isn't quite as democratic as it's cracked up to be.

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Independent Cause ·

The Electoral College Is Even More Anti-Democratic Than You Probably Thought

Who exactly are the members of the Electoral College? Who chose them? It's certainly not us voters.

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Cornel West
Independent Cause ·

All The Declared Independent & Third Party Candidates For President In 2024

We all know Biden and Trump are running for president in 2024 again. Here are all of the declared independent and third party candidates running for the White House.

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Independent Cause ·

Guest Post: Vote Better With Realer Options

It's a new day. helps independent candidates run for office and people tired with the two-party system to take action.

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Leo meme
Independent Cause ·

Guest Post: Why Independent Means More Than Just Moderate or Centrist

Independent is not a monolithic word. It doesn't mean moderate or centrist, there are conservative and leftist independents too!

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Fight club
Independent Cause ·

Guest Post: School Boards: The Front Line of the Independent Movement

School boards are the frontline of the independent movement. They are the proving ground for aspiring politicians and are a place where parents and kids feel the effects of government the most.

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Independent Cause ·

Guest Post: FAIL: Two-Party System & Democrats Scapegoat LGBTQ+

How the two-party system is failing the LGBTQ+ Community

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Breaking the Two-Party Duopoly
Independent Cause ·

Breaking the Two-Party Duopoly: Empowering Political Reform and Expanding Voter Choice

Breaking the two-party duopoly is crucial for expanding voter choice, enhancing voter representation and alternative political options, and fostering political innovation.

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Supreme court
Independent Cause ·

Why Lifelong Term Limits Are Good For Corruption And Bad For Everything Else

Politicians are staying in officer longer and longer - allowing them to entrench themselves deeper in corrupt practices without fear. In particular, the lifelong terms of the Supreme Court are something we should consider changing for the health of our democracy.

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Why Vote Third Party
Independent Cause ·

Why Vote Third Party?

In a political landscape dominated by two major parties, many people often overlook the choice to vote for a third party. However, third-party voting offers a valuable opportunity to challenge the status quo and bring fresh perspectives.

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Overcoming Apathy: Why Voting for Independent Candidates Can Make a Difference
Independent Cause ·

Overcoming Apathy: Why Voting for Independent Candidates Can Make a Difference

Today’s article explores the roles of political parties and the significance of independent candidates and why voting for them can substantially change the political sphere.

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Independent Voters
Independent Cause ·

Understanding Independent Voters: Their Impact on American Politics

Explore the impact of independent voters on American politics. Learn about their attitudes, differences from partisans, and growing numbers. Discover how they shape the democratic process and influence elections.

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what are independent voters in the US?
Independent Cause ·

What Are Independent Voters?

Learn what independent voters are and why they're a crucial demographic in elections. Discover how to appeal to independent voters and win their support.

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Independent Cause ·

How and why you should register as an independent

50% of Americans identify as independent voters. Registering as an independent allows voting for platforms rather than party affiliations and having a voice in primaries. Normalizing independent voter registration can promote moderate and centrist policies.

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Not a wasted vote
Independent Cause ·

Why Voting for Independent Candidates Isn't a Wasted Vote

Independent and third-party candidates have often been perceived as having no chance of winning elections. In reality, they are far from being a wasted vote.

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fundraising as an independent
Independent Cause ·

How To Raise Funds As An Independent

Read our guide on how to raise funds as an independent. One of the biggest barriers for independent candidates running for office in the United States is the lack of access to the same level of resources and support as major party candidates.

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Independent politicians
Independent Cause ·

What Are Independent Politicians or Political Independents?

Learn what it means to be an independent voter, candidate, or politician in today's political landscape. What sets independents apart from other political affiliations?

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Ice Cream Ideals
Independent Cause ·

What are the policy views of young independents?

Part 2 of our young voter independent voter report.

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two-party system
Independent Cause ·

How the Two-Party System Works in the U.S.

The two-party system has always controlled American politics. Here we analyze what that means and potential alternatives.

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Personas Graph
Independent Cause ·'s 2023 Independent voter report - Part 1

Our team ran a research exercise with 530 people to help determine the state of the independent voter in 2023. All participants in this experiment identified themselves as independents or reluctant partisans. This is the first article in a series about our findings from the investigation.

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Two Party System
Independent Cause ·

5 Reasons the Two-Party System is Bad for America

The two-party system in America is a problem as it is rife with dark money and corruption, giving citizens the illusion that they have a say in who runs the country. This system has existed since the dawn of the United States, with two parties dominating the country since the first election.

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Bernie oil
Independent Cause ·

10 Successful Independent Campaigns in History

Learn about 10 successful independent campaigns in American history, including Jesse Ventura, Angus King, and Lincoln Chafee. Discover how these candidates' unique campaign styles, platforms, and leadership impacted their success and changed the political landscape of the United States.

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