Independent Cause

Year in Review: Celebrating's Wins in 2023

Žak Tomich

Žak Tomich

Published: Dec 20, 2023
Updated: Mar 27, 2025
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As 2023 ends, we’re reflecting on our journey and anticipating an impactful 2024. Your support has been vital in pursuing our mission: making people matter more than money in our democracy. Thank you!

This year, 11 Certified candidates across the country won their elections, providing a glimpse of our vision for a truly representative democracy. Leaders like Terry Vo in Nashville and others in Maine, North Carolina, Virginia, and Washington now represent their communities, proving that you can run, win, and serve independent of the two-party system.

We’re also grateful to those who ran but did not win. Your participation offered voters crucial alternatives to the status quo, and helped us refine our tools for future candidates as our movement expands. Thank you!

History will look at 2023 as the year "ChatGPT" entered the public lexicon and Generative AI tools emerged from stealth research projects to the mainstream. At, we launched our AI Campaign Manager and Academy, harnessing these tools to break down barriers in political campaigning in order to create an empowering and accessible path to public service.

Our online community also thrived. Our Discord now includes 783 active members, spurring hundreds of volunteer activities. Our social media presence grew significantly, with over a dozen diverse creators joining our Creator Community and reaching millions of their followers.

As we enter 2024, shines as a bright alternative to the dark, divisive and disempowering presidential campaign. We’re building an empowering and unifying approach to meaningful civic engagement and public service.

In an era of rising distrust of public officials, we’re creating more competition against career politicians and better choices for disillusioned voters. We enable you - or someone you trust - to run, win and serve in elected office!

Join us in this pivotal year! 

Stay updated via our newsletter, volunteer, consider running for an office or recommending someone you trust. Together, we can build a democracy where every voice matters and real problems are solved.

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Žak Tomich

Žak Tomich

Žak Tomich is Good Party's Chief Executive Officer.