Are you Donna Miller? Get data for Las Vegas City Mayor, Las Vegas, NV
Donna Miller

Donna Miller

Running for Las Vegas City Mayor
Las Vegas, NV
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Donna Miller

Donna Miller is running for Las Vegas City Mayor in Las Vegas, NV, making them eligible to receive's support. Las Vegas City Mayor is responsible for The Mayor is the chief executive officer of the municipality. They often preside over council meetings and may have the power to hire and fire heads of municipal departments.

Miller is running on Criminal Justice / Public Safety.

Miller is running for a 4 year term.
Running for

Las Vegas City Mayor

Las Vegas, NV
about role
The Mayor is the chief executive officer of the municipality. They often preside over council meetings and may have the power to hire and fire heads of municipal departments.
4 Years
Voter Issues

Top Issues

Issue 1 - Criminal Justice / Public Safety
As your mayor, I will implement a strong support system for our police and first responders. By forming dynamic partnerships with law enforcement agencies and Clark County, we will co-create a cohesive vison that prioritizes the safety of our residents and visitors alike.