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Jill Stein

Jill Stein

Statehood Green
Running for President of the United States
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Jill Stein

Jill Stein is running for President of the United States in DC, making them eligible to receive's support. President of the United States is responsible for The President is the chief executive of the country, possessing many powers including signing bills into law, vetoing legislation, appointing federal judges and executive department heads, issue executive orders, and conducting foreign policy.

Stein is running on Civil Rights, Government Reform, Economy, Environment / Energy, Defense / Veterans.

Stein is running for a 4 year term.
Running for

President of the United States

about role
The President is the chief executive of the country, possessing many powers including signing bills into law, vetoing legislation, appointing federal judges and executive department heads, issue executive orders, and conducting foreign policy.
4 Years
$400,000 + $50,000 expense account per year
Voter Issues

Top Issues

Issue 1 - Civil Rights
Americans cherish ideals of liberty and justice, yet countless millions are still fighting for basic rights. We must put an end to the shameful legacy of systemic discrimination against women, Black and Brown people, Indigenous people, immigrants, people with disabilities, the LGBTQIA community, and other marginalized groups, and come together to ensure our rights, freedoms, and justice for all.
Issue 2 - Government Reform
Our democracy is on life support. Belief in our political system is at historic lows and the number of Americans who feel that neither establishment party represents them is at a record high. We need to revive our democracy with a full spectrum of reforms to empower the people, including real choice on the ballot - because without freedom of choice in elections, there is no democracy.
Issue 3 - Economy
We need an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and powerful. To reverse surging inequality and insecurity, we need an Economic Bill of Rights, including the right to a living-wage job, housing, food, healthcare, education and more, so that all of us are guaranteed the basic security for a good life.
Issue 4 - Environment / Energy
From record heat waves and wildfires to devastating hurricanes, droughts and floods, the warning signs are clear: we must take decisive action now to fight runaway global heating and prevent the worst-case scenario of climate collapse. We need a Green New Deal with massive investment in green jobs, industries, and technologies to revitalize the American economy, improve our quality of life, protect our planet and safeguard our children’s future.
Issue 5 - Defense / Veterans
The bipartisan endless war machine enriches military contractors, lobbyists, and politicians, while it fuels devastation around the world and impoverishes the American people. We must end the endless wars and create a new foreign policy based on diplomacy, international law, and human rights to oppose violence, occupation, and apartheid.