What is Disenfranchise?

Definition and meaning of disenfranchise: To disenfranchise is to take away the rights of citizens to vote, participate in government decisions and exercise their constitutional rights. This can occur in a variety of ways, including through direct legislation that prevents individuals from voting, or through poll taxes, literacy tests, and other measures that create barriers to voting. Disenfranchisement is a form of political suppression and inequality, and it is often used to prevent minority communities, particularly those of people of color, from having an equal voice in government. Examples of disenfranchisement include the passage of voter ID laws in multiple states that have been found to disproportionately affect communities of color, or the passing of laws that limit early or absentee voting in the middle of a pandemic. Disenfranchisement is an issue that reform-minded individuals and organizations are working to address and eliminate.


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