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How to Run for Mayor in Stockton, California

2 min read
Stockton Politics Team · Nov 9, 2023

Campaigning for mayor can have a significant positive impact on your community. This step-by-step guide is designed to guide you through the key steps of campaigning, ensuring you can make a meaningful difference in Stockton, California.

Stockton: A Diverse Tapestry of Community

Nestled in the San Joaquin Valley, Stockton is a tapestry of vibrant cultures and communities. It's a city where the arts flourish, from the murals that adorn its downtown buildings to the live music that enlivens its streets. The city is cradled by waterways, which have historically served as a gateway for diverse populations and today add to the scenic beauty of the area. However, Stockton faces its share of challenges, with economic revitalization, education reform, and public safety being top concerns for its residents.

Understanding the Role of Mayor

In the role of Mayor, you'll serve as the city's chief executive, steering the municipal government and having a say in the appointment and removal of department heads. This position sits at the heart of local governance, shaping the city's future. The Stockton Mayor is also a nonpartisan role.

Qualifications to Run for Stockton Mayor

To set your sights on the mayoral seat, you'll need to be a registered voter in Stockton and have lived in the district for at least 30 days before your nomination. Holding this office requires a strong commitment to the city, as moving out of the district means relinquishing your role.

Campaigning for Mayor also requires collecting 10 to 25 signatures from registered voters—a small but crucial step in validating your candidacy.

The address for filing is 44 N San Joaquin St, Ste 350, Stockton, CA 95202, and you can dial 209-468-8683 to reach the filing office. You can submit paperwork to the county registrar of voters' office.

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How the Stockton Mayor Is Elected

The mayoral election is a pivotal event, next scheduled for the General Election on November 5, 2024. The Mayor is elected every four years in Stockton. 

Check your local government website for more in-depth information on filing deadlines and election details.

Steps to Run for Mayor in Stockton

Follow these seven tips for running for Mayor:

  1. Your campaign for Mayor should start with a deep understanding of Stockton's context—its history, demographics, and the issues that resonate with its people.

  2. Crafting a campaign plan is like drawing a map for a treasure hunt. You need a team that complements your strengths and a strategy to connect with voters all the way to the finish line.

  3. Campaign messaging is your campaign's voice. It's how you tell your story, share your vision, and resonate with the electorate across various platforms.

  4. In today's digital world, your online presence is your digital handshake with voters. Make it count with a user-friendly website and engaging social media profiles.

  5. Nothing beats the old-school charm of meeting voters face-to-face. Whether it's knocking on doors, sending texts, or hosting community events, make sure your voice is heard.

  6. Volunteers can be the lifeblood of your campaign. Energize them in support of your cause, and they can be your most passionate advocates.

  7. When it comes to voting day, it's all about voter turnout. Motivate your supporters to make their voices heard at the polls.

In addition, here are a few policy areas to consider researching as you plan your campaign:

  • Economic strategies to boost local businesses and job growth

  • Educational initiatives to enhance local schools and opportunities

  • Public safety measures to ensure a secure community

Reasons to Run for Stockton Mayor

Running for Mayor is more than a title; it's about being a voice for Stockton, advocating for issues close to your heart, and providing more choices to the electorate. Running for elected office is also an incredible opportunity for personal growth as you become more involved in the life of your community.

Resources to Help You Run for Mayor

If you're ready to take the plunge into Stockton's political waters, is here to support you — from the moment you decide to run until the last vote is counted. Reach out today and discover how's free tools and resources can fuel your mayoral campaign in Stockton.

To become part of's growing community and connect with other independent candidates, you can also join's Discord server.

Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

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How to Run for Office
By Politics Team
The politics team is focused on transforming the political landscape by promoting transparency, accountability, and positive change. They aim to engage citizens in the political process, encourage informed decision-making, and support candidates who prioritize the common good. Their mission revolves around creating a more fair and just political system, fostering collaboration, and breaking down traditional barriers of partisanship.