Definition and meaning of faithless elector: A faithless elector is a member of the Electoral College, who, despite the pledge they made to their political party, votes for a different candidate in the presidential election. This form of election fraud is a violation of the Constitution, as it undermines the principle of one-person one-vote. A faithless elector is not just limited to the United States; it has also been seen in other countries with a similar electoral system. In the 2016 U.S. presidential election, there were seven faithless electors — three from Texas, two from Washington, one from Hawaii and one from Minnesota. The reform-minded view of faithless electors is that they should be held accountable for their actions and discouraged from voting against their political party's nominee. If a faithless elector was found to be in violation of their state's laws, they should be punished accordingly. There could also be federal laws in place to ensure that electors cast their votes in accordance with the popular vote. One way to do this is to enforce penalties on faithless electors, such as limiting their ability to run for office in the future or even revoking their electoral votes. This would help ensure that the will of the people is respected and not undermined by individuals who may be acting in their own self-interest. In the end, faithless electors should be discouraged and held accountable for their actions to ensure that the voices of the people are heard in the presidential election.