Running for Reelection
For Candidates

12 Tips for Running a Successful Reelection Campaign

Laurette LaLiberte

Laurette LaLiberte

Published: Jul 31, 2024
Updated: Aug 20, 2024
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As an incumbent, you’re probably looking forward to continuing your vision of an equitable, prosperous future for your community. Running a successful reelection campaign requires creating a balance of strategy, transparency, and connection with your constituents. 

Whether you’re a seasoned politician or a relatively new officeholder, securing another term in office involves careful campaign planning and execution. Join us as we provide 12 tips to help you effectively navigate your reelection campaign.

12 Tips for Candidates Running for Reelection

#1: Take a Listening Tour

A listening tour helps you reconnect with your constituents and understand their current concerns and priorities. Even if you think you already know the issues that matter most to voters, it's essential to acknowledge that circumstances and opinions can change since your last election cycle.

Organize town halls, attend community meetings, or set up informal gatherings where you can engage directly with voters. You might also incorporate door-to-door canvassing into your listening strategy. This doesn’t just help you stay informed; it also demonstrates your commitment to serving the people.

#2: Understand Your Odds

Reelection rates tend to be high, particularly for Congressional incumbents. As data compiled by OpenSecrets demonstrates, the reelection rate for Congressional incumbents is exceptionally high, only dipping below 70% during the 1976, 1978, and 1980 elections. 

The odds of success remain high at the state and local levels. According to statistics gathered by Ballotpedia, the average reelection rate for incumbents at all levels after the 2022 midterm elections was 93%. 

While this information should be encouraging for your campaign, don't let it lull you into a false sense of security. Analyze your past election performance, current approval ratings, and any changes in the political landscape to get a realistic sense of your chances of reelection.

Consider commissioning online and real-world polls or surveys to gauge voter sentiment and identify areas that need attention. Gaining a clear and accurate picture of your odds allows you to make data-driven decisions and set realistic campaign goals.

#3: Be Transparent About Your Accomplishments

Transparency is crucial for gaining and maintaining the trust of your constituents. Be open about your track record from your previous term in office. Highlight any progress you’ve made, the challenges you faced, and the campaign promises you’re still working to fulfill.

Create a comprehensive report or a series of communications outlining your achievements and the progress of ongoing projects. Use social media, newsletters, and your campaign website to keep voters informed and engaged with your work.

#4: Evaluate Your Intentions

Running for reelection is a significant commitment, so it’s essential to consider your motivations. Is your goal to continue serving the public and advancing the community's interests, or are your reasons more self-serving? This type of self-assessment ensures that your campaign is rooted in a genuine desire to serve the people.

It’s also important to share your vision and motivation with your constituents. This helps to reinforce your commitment to public service, and such authenticity resonates with voters while strengthening your campaign's credibility.

#5: Participate in Debates and Candidate Forums

Engaging in debates and candidate forums provides an excellent opportunity to outline your platform and contrast your goals with those of your opponents. Such events also allow voters to see how you handle direct questions and challenges while providing them with a clear comparison between candidates.

Make sure to prepare thoroughly for these events. Gain a clear understanding of the key issues, anticipate potential questions, and practice clear, concise responses. Your performance in these forums can significantly influence voter perception and support. It can also signal to voters your commitment to a fair and open democratic process.

#6: Take Advantage of the Latest Technology

The landscape of political campaigning is ever evolving, with new technologies and tools emerging to streamline and enhance campaign efforts. Utilize digital platforms and tools to reach a broader audience and manage your campaign more efficiently. offers candidates free access to innovative, AI-powered campaign tools to help with organizing, fundraising, voter outreach, and more. Leveraging this emerging technology gives you an edge over competitors who rely solely on traditional methods of campaigning.

#7: Build a Strong Ground Game

A robust ground game is essential for any successful reelection campaign. Mobilize volunteers to canvass neighborhoods, make phone calls, and engage with voters face-to-face. Personal interactions can make a significant impact on voter turnout and support.

Train your volunteers thoroughly and provide them with the necessary resources to effectively communicate your campaign message. Organize regular meetings and events to maintain momentum and ensure that everyone is aligned with the campaign’s objectives.

#8: Fundraise Effectively

Effective fundraising can be critical for a successful reelection campaign. Secure the financial resources needed to support your campaign activities, from advertising to staffing. Develop a comprehensive fundraising strategy that encourages small-dollar donations from voters.

You can use online fundraising platforms and social media to reach potential donors and encourage contributions. Being transparent about how the funds will be used builds trust and encourages more donations.

#9: Build a Strong Digital Presence

In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is indispensable. Ensure that your campaign website is up-to-date, user-friendly, and mobile-optimized. Use social media platforms to engage with voters, share updates, and respond to questions and concerns.

You can communicate your message effectively by creating compelling content that includes videos, infographics, and blog posts. Regularly monitor and analyze your digital metrics to understand what resonates with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

#10: Forge Strong Media Relationships

Building and maintaining positive relationships with the media can help ensure that your message reaches a wider audience. Your media strategy can include regular press releases, media briefings, and interview appearances.

Proactively reach out to local journalists and establish yourself as a reliable source of information. Positive media coverage can enhance your campaign’s credibility and visibility, which is crucial during a reelection campaign.

#11: Address and Own Past Mistakes

No politician has a flawless record, and acknowledging past mistakes humanizes you and builds trust with your constituents. Address any controversies or errors head-on, explain what you have learned since they occurred, and outline the steps you’ve taken to rectify those mistakes.

Demonstrating accountability and a willingness to learn and grow can turn potential negatives into positives, showing voters that you are committed to doing better.

#12: Encourage Voter Turnout

Voter turnout is crucial in any election. Implement strategies to encourage your supporters to vote, such as reminders through phone calls, text messages, and social media. Consider organizing transportation to polling stations for those who need it, and provide information on early voting and absentee ballots.

Engaging with community leaders and organizations can also help mobilize voters and ensure a high turnout on election day.

Final Tips

Running a successful reelection campaign involves a multifaceted approach. It combines listening to constituents, understanding your odds, and leveraging technology — all while being transparent and accountable. These tips are designed to help you strengthen your campaign and increase your chances of securing another term in office.

For access to candidate support, innovative campaign tools, and helpful resources, book your free consultation with an expert at today! We’ll help you navigate your reelection campaign with confidence.

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Laurette LaLiberte

Laurette LaLiberte is an activist and freelance writer located in Michigan.