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Email Marketing
For Candidates

7 Email Marketing Tips for Independent Candidates

2 min read
Email Marketing Politics Team · Mar 12, 2024

In the fast-paced world of political campaigning, the ability to connect with voters and donors through direct, personal channels is crucial. Email marketing is still a powerful tool in this digital age, one that empowers political candidates to convey their message, rally support, and boost fundraising efforts more efficiently. 

The Benefits of Email Marketing for Political Candidates

In addition to the ease of email marketing and its cost-effective nature, there are several benefits to using email for voter outreach and engagement. These include:

  • High Engagement: Political emails rank higher for engagement than the industry average for other types of email marketing.

  • Low Unsubscribe Rates: Unsubscribe rates for political emails are less than 1%. 

  • Compatible With Mobile Usage: Over 60% of email opens occur on mobile devices, underscoring the importance of mobile-optimized email design. This means that voters can interact with campaign messaging right on their phones.

  • Segmentation Success: Campaigns that employ segmentation and personalization strategies can see up to a 760% increase in revenue. This increase can be crucial for fundraising and crowdfunding.

In fact, email has among the highest return on investment (ROI) of any digital marketing method, behind only PPC and SEO. On average, emails generate a return of $36 for every dollar spent. 

When campaigns need to strategically allocate every penny of their campaign budget, such a high return on investment can go a long way. This is especially important for independent and third-party candidates.

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The Importance of Marketing ROI for Independent Campaigns

In political campaigning, ROI can manifest in several critical areas. Fundraising is one of the most tangible. The dollar amount cited above typically relates to direct financial gains from fundraising efforts through email marketing. Such an impressive ROI demonstrates how effectively email can mobilize supporters to contribute financially to your campaign. 

However, ROI in political campaigns isn't limited to financial gains; it also extends to campaign reach, voter engagement, and the mobilization of supporters. In fact, it’s one of the best ways to nurture supporters and convert them into campaign ambassadors. 

Let's explore how. 

Fundraising and Donations

For fundraising, the ROI is pretty straightforward to calculate. It's the amount of money raised through email campaigns minus the cost of running these campaigns.

If a campaign spends $1,000 on email marketing and raises $36,000, the ROI is substantial. This direct financial return can be crucial for funding a range of campaign activities, from advertising to grassroots organizing.

You can boost the benefits of email fundraising outreach through:

  • Compelling Fundraising Appeals: Craft compelling narratives that connect donors with your campaign's mission and the impact of their contributions.

  • Transparency and Gratitude: Be transparent about how funds are used and express genuine gratitude in every fundraising email.

  • Urgency and Exclusivity: Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity (e.g., matching donation periods, exclusive events for donors) to encourage campaign contributions.

Campaign Reach and Voter Engagement

Campaign reach refers to the number of potential voters or supporters who see the campaign's messages. According to Truelist, 60% of Americans check their email first thing in the morning. This makes email a great way to connect with voters.

Measuring ROI in terms of campaign reach involves looking at metrics like:

  1. Email Open Rates: This is the percentage of recipients who open the campaign emails. This number indicates the effectiveness of your emails’ subject lines and the interest level of potential voters. According to Mailchimp, political emails have an average open rate of 36.1%; the average range for commercial marketing is 17 - 28%.

  2. Click-Through Rates (CTR): This is the percentage of readers who click on a link within the email, showing how compelling and actionable your content is. On average, political emails have a CTR of 2.6%, which is slightly higher than the national average of 2.3%

  3. Conversion Rates: Conversion rates measure the effectiveness of the email in persuading recipients to take a specific action. In a political context, a "conversion" could mean a recipient taking a specific action like signing a petition, registering to vote, or attending a campaign event. 

These statistics were gathered by research from Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor. Your conversion rates will be dependent on the response to your specific CTA, and they can be measured either quantitatively, using direct numbers, or qualitatively, which is more subjective and less tangible.

Supporter Mobilization 

Another way to assess the advantages of your email campaign is by evaluating how well your emails mobilize supporters to volunteer, attend events, or participate in grassroots campaign activities. This aspect of ROI can be measured through:

  • Event Attendance: The number of people who attend a campaign event after receiving an email invitation.

  • Volunteer Sign-Ups: The increase in volunteers who sign up through links provided in campaign emails.

  • Social Media Engagement: Increased sharing and discussion of campaign content on social media platforms as a result of email prompts.

Qualitative Measures

Beyond these quantifiable metrics, ROI can also be viewed through qualitative improvements like campaign awareness, public perception, voter loyalty, and advocacy. Email campaigns also play a role in shaping the public's perception of the candidate or political issue, which is harder to quantify but crucial for long-term engagement. 

This speaks to the ability of a candidate to cultivate a core group of supporters who are not only willing to vote but also to advocate on behalf of the campaign. It indicates a deeper level of engagement that can have significant implications for the campaign's reach and effectiveness.

Read on to learn how to put the benefits of email marketing to work for your political campaign. 

7 Email Marketing Tips for Independent Political Campaigns

Email marketing involves more than just sending out random emails to people from your list. First of all, it’s important to obtain email addresses ethically and organically through activities like opt-ins from social media, landing pages on your campaign website, signups at events, and through canvassing or phone banking. 

Tip #1: Build a Robust Email List

As mentioned above, there are best practices for building an email list. These include:

  • Starting Early: Begin building your email list as soon as your campaign kicks off. Utilize your campaign website, social media platforms, and public appearances to encourage sign-ups to your email list.

  • Leveraging Lead Magnets: Offer valuable content or incentives (e.g. policy whitepapers, exclusive updates, and more) in exchange for email subscriptions.

  • Ensuring Compliance: Adhere to email regulations like the CAN-SPAM Act, ensuring recipients have opted in and can easily unsubscribe from emails.

Tip #2: Use Personalization and Segmentation

Voters want to be seen and heard by their representatives. By creating personalized emails, and by directing your emails toward relevant demographic segments, you can improve your outreach and conversion rates exponentially. 

Tailor your messages based on voter demographics, past engagement, and donor history to increase relevance and engagement. Use the recipient's name, and reference their specific interests or past interactions to create a more personal connection.

Tip #3: Craft Compelling Content

Content is king in any marketing strategy, but it’s especially important for political candidates who need to stand out in a sea of competitors. When crafting emails for constituents, make sure they're constructed with an eye toward: 

  • Value-Driven Content: Focus on providing value in your emails, whether it's through insightful information on your policies, behind-the-scenes glimpses of your campaign, or exclusive updates.

  • Emotional Connection: Demonstrate that you understand your voters’ needs and pain points, and that you share their concerns about important issues.

  • Clear and Concise Messaging: Keep your emails focused and to the point. A compelling subject line is the best way to ensure your email gets opened, while a clear call-to-action (CTA) guides the recipient towards the next step.

Tip #4: Optimize Timing and Frequency

One of the easiest ways to make voters tune out is to bombard them with unsolicited, irrelevant, or ill-timed and numerous email solicitations. In order to avoid that, try the following:

  • Optimize Send Times: Test different sending times to identify when your audience is most likely to engage with your emails.

  • Be Consistent But Not Overwhelming: Maintain a regular emailing schedule without bombarding your list, balancing informative updates with fundraising appeals.

Tip #5: Enhance Email Design

Ensure that your emails are mobile-friendly, with responsive design and easily clickable links. Keep them interesting by incorporating visuals such as images, infographics, and videos that make your emails more engaging and memorable.

Some best practices for email design and layout include:

  • Creating short, compelling subject lines. These might address the recipient by name and pose a question or statement that compels them to click on the email. Keep in mind that subject lines on mobile devices only display a max of 30 characters.

  • Using action words like “vote,” “support,” “discover,” or “change.”

  • Keeping the body of the message short and readable, with bullet points, short paragraphs, and adequate white space. Clickable links can lead readers to further information, when necessary.

  • Ending with a friendly sign-off and a clear, actionable CTA that’s prominently displayed and labeled.

Tip #6: Test and Optimize

Testing and optimizing your email marketing is essential for maximum reach and efficacy. The result will allow you to refine and redirect your efforts. Regularly test different elements of your emails (e.g. subject lines, email content, CTAs) to improve open rates and engagement. Use email analytics tools to track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, and then adjust your strategy accordingly.

The addition of AI for effortless email creation, deployment, and tracking allows you to pair a tried-and-true method of engagement with the number-one content marketing trend of 2024.

Tip #7: Use's AI Campaign Manager

When it comes to political email marketing,'s AI Campaign Manager stands out as a game-changer. With its advanced AI-driven campaign email generator tools, this platform simplifies the creation of personalized, impactful email campaigns. 

Here's why you should consider integrating it into your strategy:

  1. Personalized Content Generation: The AI Campaign Manager uses AI to create highly personalized email content that resonates with each segment of your audience, enhancing engagement and support.

  2. Efficiency and Scalability: This campaign tool saves time and resources by automating the email creation process, allowing your team to focus on strategy and voter engagement.

  3. Analytics and Insights: It offers in-depth analytics and insights, helping you fine-tune your email strategy for maximum impact and ROI.

  4. Compliance and Best Practices: The AI Campaign Manager ensures your emails are compliant with regulations and follow industry best practices for deliverability and reader engagement.

In an era where digital outreach is crucial, leveraging email marketing in your political campaign can dramatically enhance your voter and donor engagement. By adopting the strategies outlined in this guide and utilizing cutting-edge tools like's AI Campaign Manager, you're not just campaigning harder; you’re campaigning smarter.

Ready to level up your email marketing strategy today? Book a free demo of the AI Campaign Manager today, and we’ll get you connected with campaign experts who can help take your campaign to the next level.

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Independent Candidates
How to Run for Office
Campaign Messaging
Email Marketing
By Politics Team
The politics team is focused on transforming the political landscape by promoting transparency, accountability, and positive change. They aim to engage citizens in the political process, encourage informed decision-making, and support candidates who prioritize the common good. Their mission revolves around creating a more fair and just political system, fostering collaboration, and breaking down traditional barriers of partisanship.