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Political Interviews
For Candidates

7 Tips for Great Political Interviews on the Campaign Trail

2 min read
Political Interviews Politics Team · Apr 15, 2024

Handling political interviews with skill is a crucial part of campaign messaging. Whether you're launching your first campaign or are a seasoned political veteran, understanding how to effectively communicate your message in interviews with the press is paramount.

This guide covers key strategies for transforming interviews from daunting challenges into golden opportunities to connect with voters and amplify your campaign's core message. With the right preparation, mindset, and techniques, you can turn the interview process into a powerful tool. You can ensure that your voice not only resonates but also inspires action and meaningful change!

Interview Tip #1: Prepare and Practice

Start your interview prep long before you're face-to-face with the interviewer. Keep in mind that a little homework before the interview can go a long way in settling your nerves and setting you up for success.

Here are some basic questions to research and consider before your interview:

  • Who will be interviewing you? What can you find out about their background and communication style?

  • What publication or media outlet will your interview appear in? What kind of content and perspectives do they typically feature?

  • What questions is your interviewer most likely to ask? As with a job interview, you can think through your answers to these questions ahead of time.

  • What is the most important thing you want to convey to your audience?

  • How can you make your answers stand out from other candidates and competitors?

Rehearse your answers to the questions you anticipate being asked, as well as the questions you most hope to answer. You might also consider recording yourself rehearsing these answers, so that you can fine-tune your tone, pacing, and body language.

Interview Tip #2: Stay Cool Under Pressure

Some political candidates are natural public speakers, while others aren’t. Whichever camp you fall in, remember that it’s totally normal to be nervous. On the day of your interview, you may want to consider skipping the coffee and focusing on techniques like deep breathing to calm your mind and maintain your composure. Acknowledging your nerves can actually help you overcome them, laying the foundation for a calm, collected presence that resonates confidence and readiness.

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Interview Tip #3: Keep Your Message Front and Center

In any political interview, your campaign’s core message is your north star. 

It can sometimes be easy to get sidetracked, especially when unexpected questions or distractions come up during your interview. Not every question you’re asked may align exactly with the core message you want to convey, and that’s okay. Don’t sidestep your interviewer’s questions, but also keep in mind what you most want your audience to hear.

Whether through repetition, strategic pivoting, or heartfelt sincerity, make sure your campaign message rings loud and clear in every response. This strategy will reinforce the message you most want voters to remember, so they can come away from your interview with a better understanding of your campaign’s priorities.

Interview Tip #4: Be Honest and Transparent

Transparency and honesty should be hallmarks of your campaign. In an era where skepticism toward government officials runs high, your commitment to truth and accountability can set you apart. Facing difficult questions with candor can build a foundation of trust with your audience.

Here are some practical tips to help set your campaign apart:

  • Try to anticipate any difficult questions you might be asked in the interview. This way, you won’t be caught off guard and can respond gracefully.

  • Consider researching and memorizing the most important data points related to your top policy priorities. Backing your points up with facts and data can increase your campaign’s trustworthiness.

  • Be honest when you don’t know the answer to a question, and demonstrate your willingness to keep learning and growing.

Interview Tip #5: Engage in Active Listening

True engagement in an interview goes beyond just memorizing and reciting compelling answers. It also means listening intently to your interviewer’s questions and responding authentically.

This approach showcases your empathy and respect for dialogue, building rapport with both the interviewer and the wider audience. It’s about proving your worth not just through what you say, but how you interact with real people.

Interview Tip #6: Keep the Conversation Going

The interview might come to an end, but your relationship with the media doesn’t have to. After the interview, follow up with thank-you notes and keep your lines of communication open. These gestures of professionalism and gratitude can strengthen your media connections. They might help you score more interviews with the local media in the future, or at the very least, they’ll be a sign of your character and commitment to civility.

You can also keep the conversation going by reposting or sharing your interview on social media, once it’s published. Express your gratitude and enthusiasm about the interview, and ask your followers to share their thoughts as well. You might learn what voters in your community think about the topics mentioned in the interview, or ways you can improve your answers going forward.

Interview Tip #7: Take Advantage of Campaign Tools

Finally, remember that you don’t have to go it alone!

Leverage’s free suite of campaign tools and resources to sharpen your political communication skills. Our AI Campaign Manager features AI-powered interview prep that you can use to get ready for any upcoming interviews. You can also generate candidate talking points, customized specifically for your campaign.

With tailored support for independent, non-partisan, and third-party candidates, equips you to amplify your message and engage with voters more effectively, ensuring that every interview advances your campaign goals.

By adopting these strategies, you're not just preparing for interviews on the campaign trail; you're also setting the stage for a more compelling, resonant campaign. With preparation, authenticity, and strategic engagement, every interview becomes an opportunity to highlight your vision and connect with voters on a meaningful level.

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How to Run for Office
Campaign Messaging
Political Interviews
By Politics Team
The politics team is focused on transforming the political landscape by promoting transparency, accountability, and positive change. They aim to engage citizens in the political process, encourage informed decision-making, and support candidates who prioritize the common good. Their mission revolves around creating a more fair and just political system, fostering collaboration, and breaking down traditional barriers of partisanship.