Are you Patrick Hollinger? Get data for Curry County Commission - Position 2, Curry County, OR
Patrick Hollinger

Patrick Hollinger

Running for Curry County Commission - Position 2
Curry County, OR
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Patrick Hollinger

Patrick Hollinger is running for Curry County Commission - Position 2 in Curry County, OR, making them eligible to receive's support. Curry County Commission - Position 2 is responsible for The County Legislature or Executive Board is the governing body of the county and exercises broad policy-making authority. The Board is charged with implementing policy and overseeing the county budget process and allocation.

Hollinger is running on Taxes / Budget, Economy, Housing, Criminal Justice / Public Safety, Defense / Veterans, Wages / Job Benefits.

Hollinger is running for a 4 year term.
Running for

Curry County Commission - Position 2

Curry County, OR
about role
The County Legislature or Executive Board is the governing body of the county and exercises broad policy-making authority. The Board is charged with implementing policy and overseeing the county budget process and allocation.
4 Years
Voter Issues

Top Issues

Issue 1 - Taxes / Budget
Work with my BOC colleagues and Curry County Staff to balance county expenditures with our tax revenue.
Issue 2 - Economy
Build and execute a stronger economic development business plan to promote business growth and investment in Curry County, bringing more revenue and diversifying our industries.
Issue 3 - Housing
Mitigate our workforce housing issues with the infusion of private and public resources. .
Issue 4 - Criminal Justice / Public Safety
Support our Sheriff and his Department’s endeavors to ensure priority County focus on disorder and lawlessness issues.
Issue 5 - Defense / Veterans
Support and enhance our County's Veteran's services.
Issue 6 - Wages / Job Benefits
Implement structure and policy to each County department to ensure proper job responsibilities and performance.