Run for Local School Board in Klein Independent, TX

Election Date: Nov 4, 2025
Filing Deadline: Aug 18, 2025

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Election Details

  • Office level: local
  • Length of term: 3 years
  • Commitment level: N/A
  • Affiliation: nonpartisan
  • Typical salary: No compensation.
  • Filing period: Jul 19, 2025 - Aug 18, 2025
  • Positions:
    Klein Independent School Board
    Klein Independent School Board - Position 2
    Klein Independent School Board - Position 1

Job description

School Board Members establish a shared vision for the schools that they represent which reflects a consensus of the board, community and district staff. The school board has a wide variety of additional responsibilities, such as adopting annual budgets and issuing interim financial reports, adopting the school calendar, negotiating contracts with employees (including the hiring of superintendents), approving curriculum materials and closing or constructing schools

Eligibility requirements

An individual is eligible to be a candidate for, or elected or appointed to, a Texas school board if the individual: 1. is a United States citizen; 2. is 18 years of age or older on the first day of the term to be filled at the election or on the date of appointment, as applicable; 3. has not been determined by a final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote; 4. has not been finally convicted of a felony from which the individual has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities; 5. has resided continuously in the state for 12 months and in the territory from which the office is elected for six months immediately preceding the following date: a. for an independent candidate, the date of the regular filing deadline for a candidate’s application for a place on the ballot; b. for a write-in candidate, the date of the election at which the candidate’s name is written in; or c. for an appointee to an office, the date the appointment is made; 6. is registered to vote in the territory from which the office is elected on the date described at 5. above; and 7. satisfies any other eligibility requirements prescribed by law for the office. Additionally, to be elected to a school board, an individual must be a qualified voter: 18 years of age or older, a United States citizen, a Texas resident, a registered voter, not determined to be totally or partially mentally incapacitated by an appropriate court, and not finally convicted of a felony. A person is ineligible to serve on a school board if the person has been convicted of an offense under Texas Penal Code section 43.02(b) regarding prostitution.

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How often is Local School Board elected?
What does it mean for an election to be nonpartisan?
What are the filing requirements to get on the ballot in Klein Independent, TX?
Where do I submit my candidate paperwork?
Where is the filing office?
How can I get in touch with the filing office?
How do I get started running for Local School Board?
Is there a primary or runoff election for this office?

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