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Independent Cause

Guest Post: Vote Better With Realer Options

1 min read
Tanya Young · Jun 22, 2023

It can be frustrating to watch parents fistfight in school parking lots and political energy wasted decrying obvious human rights. It is so retro to have to re-invent women’s bodily autonomy and working-class kids’ access to grade school education.

But many shortsighted folks have orchestrated just that. Many of them sit in elected office right now.

But what can we do about it?

This can be a new political day for newer generations. We are starting to change who uses electoral systems to gain office.

We did get good news last week from the Supreme Court that combats racial gerrymandering in Alabama. But we also witnessed Congress members struggle to comprehend concepts like Wi-Fi, algorithms, and data security. Many sitting officials are comfortable with not knowing the technology in their own homes, or what truly dangers our democracy. And they are still sitting there dazzled by and afraid of progress.

Ready to make a difference?

Learn about volunteer opportunities to support people-powered candidates running near you.
Frame 6 organizers are breadcrumbing a new trail away from the decay of our two-party system. In place of dark money and PAC tips, we supply free tools and educational resources for voters and independent candidates.

We work to prime the electoral pump with candidates who are real: teachers, firefighters, grassroots organizers. No career politicians, no con artists. All we ask of independent candidates is 1.) to go on record about their platform and 2.) to raise the majority of campaign money from real people, not corporate PACs or special interests.

Then we empower indie candidates with free technology that streamlines fundraising, campaign management, and volunteer coordination — a digital “Campaign in a Box” called AI Campaign Manager. Our 2022 rollout of these tools achieved meaningful results in several states.

Does that sound like a good paradigm shift away from “politics as usual?

If this sounds worthy, you can definitely help by spreading the word and getting involved.

Ready to make a difference?

Learn about volunteer opportunities to support people-powered candidates running near you.
Frame 6


Independent Voters
Political Dysfunction
Guest Posts
By Tanya Young
Tanya Young is a bi+ Afro-Indigenous Web3 writer for KHAOS Studio who studied government at Columbia. Her family hails from the Ark-La-Miss & Carolinas. She produces anime in Cherokee to preserve Freedmen descendants’ culture.