Independent Candidate
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How to Run for Office as an Independent in 2025

McKayla Girardin

McKayla Girardin

Published: Jan 11, 2023
Updated: Mar 29, 2025
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Running for office as an Independent offers a unique opportunity to serve your community without the constraints of party politics. We know you: you’re passionate about your community. You see the problems needing fixing, policies needing changing, and people needing a voice. But looking at the political landscape, it can feel like there’s no room for someone outside the two-party system

The truth? Independent candidates have more power than ever — if they know how to navigate the system. 

Whether seeking a local, state, or federal position, navigating the election process as an Independent requires careful planning, strategic outreach, and a strong connection with voters. This guide will show you exactly how to start, from choosing the right office to running a winning campaign.

Step #1: Research and Decide What Office to Run For

The first thing you need to decide is what office to run for. Generally, running for local government offices as an Independent candidate is easier and cheaper than for state or federal positions. However, every state and municipality runs its elections differently. For instance, some states and positions don’t allow Independent candidates to run and instead require all candidates to align with a political party (a requirement known as "party qualification"). Checking the requirements before getting your heart set on a position is essential. 

When deciding what office to run for, consider:

  • Impact: Consider where your unique skills and background will have the most significant impact. Though federal positions may seem alluring, with all the power and pomp, most people feel politics at state and local levels. 

  • Partisanship: Many local positions are already non-partisan — in nearly every state (38 out of 50), more than 90% of the offices up for election in 2025 are non-partisan positions. So, running as an Independent for those offices can be easier and remove any concerns of feeling like an outsider. 

  • Feasibility: Many local elections go uncontested, especially in smaller towns and counties. According to BallotReady, 70% of the races voted on in November 2024 were uncontested. With uncontested races, a newcomer can be an alluring alternative for voters. You should also consider the cost of running for office and the team you can gather to help your campaign. 

Where to Start Researching

To learn more about the requirements to run for office as an Independent, you’ll need to check with the appropriate Board of Elections. Cities and towns typically have boards to oversee city-level positions, but county-level and statewide offices may be controlled by your state’s Board of Elections. The Federal Election Committee (FEC) manages federal positions. Your state’s Secretary of State website can also be a good place to look for information. You can also reach out to elected officials and ask for details. 

The most important things you need to know before deciding which position to run for are:

  • Basic Qualifications: While you generally need to be a citizen to qualify for any elected role, some offices have more specific requirements like age restrictions or minimum experience levels.

  • Number of Signatures: You may need to gather a certain number of signatures to get on the ballot. 

  • Party Affiliation: Some states and positions require candidates to run for office as members of an official political party, while others allow candidates to run fully Independently. 

  • Registration Requirements: You may need to register with the Secretary of State before you can run. 

  • Primaries: You may need to participate in an open primary to run. 

  • Filing and Election Dates: Once you know when you need to file to run for office and when the election is, you can start building a timeline for your campaign.

  • Finances: Elections have strict financial regulations, so you’ll need to familiarize yourself with financial disclosure laws, campaign spending stipulations, campaign financing and fundraising rules, and financial transparency requirements.  

  • Independent-Specific Rules: Some states and offices may have laws that exclusively affect Independent candidates, such as different signature requirements or filing processes.  

LEARN MORE: Find what positions and elections you can run for in your community.  

Examples of Local and County Positions to Run For

Many local elections are non-partisan, so voters vote on candidates based on their qualifications and positions on issues rather than party affiliation. 

Some local positions you can run for as an Independent include: 

  • City Council: The city council is a group of elected officials who make decisions for the local government. They may decide how to spend money on city projects, help maintain parks, and manage public safety departments. 

  • School Board: School board members oversee the local public school system and make decisions about funding and policies that directly impact students and parents. 

  • City Treasurer: City treasurers are responsible for maintaining budgets for municipalities and informing decisions regarding tax rates, permit fees, and debts. 

  • County Commissioner: County commissioners have a wide range of responsibilities, including deciding and collecting county taxes, maintaining the county's infrastructure, and overseeing county-wide services like waste management and public transportation. 

  • Mayor: Mayors work closely with other local elected officials to run a city or town. A mayor may also need to be the face of a city by representing it at regional and state events and meetings. 

LEARN MORE: Explore how Independent candidate Steve Kronmiller won his contentious local election using’s tools.   

Types of State-Level Offices You Can Run For

Some state-level positions may be non-partisan, making them easy to run for as an Independent. However, each state is different, so you’ll need to check the requirements. 

Some types of offices you can run for at the state level include: 

  • Governor: A governor is essentially the president of a state. They oversee the state legislature, sign off on bills, and help determine state budgets. They are also the state's figurehead and often represent the state at events nationwide. 

  • State Comptroller: Comptrollers (or controllers, depending on your location) are in charge of the state’s finances, and they oversee things like audits, financial reporting, and budgets.   

  • State Legislature: State legislatures include Senate and House of Representatives positions. In the state legislature, you’d primarily propose, debate, and enact laws for the entire state. 

Federal Positions to Run For as an Independent

Federal elections are expensive and challenging to run for since you need to connect with and win over people all across the country. 

The primary positions available to run for as an Independent at the federal level are:

  • President: The president is the chief executive of the United States, meaning they oversee the entire government. In addition to having veto powers and being able to create executive orders, the president represents America to the rest of the world. 

  • Senate: Each state elects two senators. Senators, alongside House Representatives, propose, debate, and vote on legislation, amendments, resolutions, and treaties. 

  • House of Representatives: The number of representatives is proportional to state populations, so some states may have only one representative while others have over 50. Representatives in the House share the responsibility of voting on and proposing laws with the Senate. 

LEARN MORE: Check out a complete list of every elected office you can run for

Step #2: Start Planning Your Path to Candidacy

Once you know the rules and have a position in mind, it’s time to plan your path forward. You need to develop a platform and define what message you want to convey to voters. You’ll also want to start gathering a team to help you run your campaign and raise money. 

Defining Your Message

A good way to decide your political platform is to think about what matters most to you. Running as an Independent means you can focus on the things you care about and value rather than aligning with a prescribed party platform. 

You can also talk to people in your community to understand their concerns. The better you tailor your message to your voters, the more likely they will identify with your platform and vote for you. 

LEARN MORE: See how to craft a compelling message for your Independent campaign

Gathering Your Team 

The number of people you need to help you run for office as an Independent depends on a lot of factors, such as: 

  • How long the campaign will last

  • Location and electorate size

  • Competitiveness of opponents

  • Specific campaign strategy

Bigger and more challenging campaigns will generally require more people (and money) to run. On the other hand, you can typically run for local offices without as many resources. 

LEARN MORE: Explore how to build a lean political campaign team.  

Developing a Fundraising Strategy and Financial Management System

Money in politics is a big deal. Each state has its own rules and regulations for how money must be raised, spent, and disclosed, and federal elections have separate rules, too. You’ll want to know the rules first and then put a sound financial management system in place to avoid legal consequences and show voters you’re trustworthy. You’ll also want to look into opening a campaign bank account.

Fundraising for a political campaign is complex, even beyond the laws. As an Independent candidate, you’ll likely want to focus on individual donations from actual voters rather than major donors. Taking money from major donors typically comes at a price: they often expect you to behave and legislate in specific ways if you win. Determining how you want to raise money early on can help you prepare and better plan events.   

Step #3: Navigate the Filing Process

The filing and paperwork required to run for office can be daunting since states and positions may have specific orders of operation. In general, you need to first file a statement of candidacy with the appropriate board of elections and then gather signatures. 

Finding Your Board of Elections

Generally speaking, if you're running for state-level positions, you'll need to file with the state board of elections. If you're running for a local position, like city council or school board, file with your local election department. You can contact the boards by calling them directly or going online. 

You may also need to pay a filing fee. Filing fees usually range from $75 to $200, but it can sometimes be much more expensive for prominent state and federal offices like governor or judicial positions. The website of your local election commission should explain how much you need to pay and where to send the money.

Gathering Signatures

To run for office, you typically need to gather a certain number of signatures from registered voters in your district. The exact number of signatures required depends on the size of your district and local regulations. For example, if you want to run for Congress, you'll need 2,000 signatures from registered voters in your district to qualify for the ballot. 

Major-party candidates have the party backing and resources to get their signatures quickly, but Independents generally have three options: 

  • Go out on the streets and gather signatures yourself.

  • Find volunteers to help you collect them.

  • Hire someone else to do it. 

Collecting signatures can be a time-consuming process. Depending on state deadlines, most candidates begin collecting signatures 6–12 months before the election. You can collect signatures for local elections by going door-to-door or canvassing in public places. This way of collecting signatures also helps voters meet you and learn more about your beliefs. 

Just remember to check with your city, county, and state election boards to ensure you follow the rules for collecting signatures. Signatures must be valid, or you could be disqualified, so knowing the laws and regulations for what counts as a valid signature is crucial.   

Step #4: Kick Off Your Campaign

Now that you have your office picked, your path planned, and access to the ballot secured, it’s time to go into campaign mode. Running for office is a full-time job, but serving your community and the chance to enact real change in peoples’ lives is a rewarding experience. 

Some of the most important tasks you’ll need to do to run your campaign include:

  • Research your opponent

  • Canvass

  • Build a social media presence 

  • Engage voters

  • Do community outreach and visit local businesses and community groups

  • Participate in debates and forums

  • Find volunteers

  • Get advertising time or space in newspapers and magazines

LEARN MORE: Keep yourself on track with our political campaign checklist


Ultimately, the most critical aspect of any campaign is the money. Fundraising can be challenging, but it can also provide opportunities to make new connections in your community and get your message out to more voters. As an Independent candidate, you’ll likely need to rely on grassroots efforts rather than money from big donors. Fortunately, there are many strategies and creative ways to fund your campaign while connecting with your supporters.

Some strategies to raise money for your campaign include: 

  • Hosting local events, like a community BBQ or a town hall-style meeting.

  • Sending out contribution request letters.

  • Selling merchandise like shirts or coffee mugs. 

  • Running social media fundraising campaigns to spread your message further.

LEARN MORE: Understand the ins and outs of political fundraising

Digital Outreach

In our digital age, marketing your campaign online is a fundamental step to success. Also, leveraging social media and online tools can help you get ahead of your opponents and save time and money on physical advertising and in-person campaign efforts. 

Some of the most essential parts of digital outreach to keep in mind are: 

  • Know your audience. You’ll need to research to understand what social media platforms your voters use and what marketing strategies work best for them. 

  • Use texts and emails. Practically everyone has a cell phone these days, and they use it all the time. It’s crucial you build a presence in your voters’ digital spaces, such as text messages and email inboxes. (See how you can get free text messages for your Independent campaign!)

  • Consider online events. Speaking directly with voters is the best way to ensure they know you and your platform on election day. However, renting out spaces and finding times that work for people’s busy schedules can be tricky. Hosting online events and live streams can expand voters’ access to you and lower your campaigning costs.  

  • Keep communication open. Make it easy for people to send you questions, comments, and concerns so you can directly address your voters’ needs and build a stronger relationship with your base. 

LEARN MORE: Learn how to use political digital marketing in your campaign effectively. 

The Future of Politics: Running (and Winning) as an Independent

Running for office as an Independent may seem like an uphill battle, but it's a path more candidates are considering. In fact, according to Gallup, 43% of Americans identify as politically Independent, reflecting a growing desire for alternatives to the traditional two-party system. 

Running as an Independent takes hard work: you won’t have the resources and backing afforded to Democratic and Republican candidates, and you may face challenges with ballot access and fundraising. But Independent candidates also have numerous advantages. As an Independent, you won’t have to sacrifice your values to earn campaign funds, and you can run on a platform of your choosing without voters automatically assuming your values. 

Ultimately, a well-planned campaign can break through all barriers. Independent candidates are already winning elections all over the country. By researching requirements, gathering signatures, and leveraging digital outreach, you can successfully navigate the process and bring meaningful change to your community. is here to help, too. With’s free tools and resources, you can effectively power your Independent campaign.

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McKayla Girardin

McKayla Girardin

McKayla Girardin is a New York City-based writer who specializes in breaking down complex topics into reader-friendly articles. McKayla has previously covered personal finance for WalletHub, complicated financial and technology concepts for Forage, a digital learning platform for college students, and small business topics for Chron. Her work has also appeared on MSN and has been cited by Wikipedia.