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19 Libertarian Candidates Running for State Legislature in 2024

Laurette LaLiberte

Laurette LaLiberte

Published: Jul 11, 2024
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According to the Libertarian Party’s official website, there are currently 177 Libertarian politicians holding office at various levels across the country. Fifty-six of these officeholders are in traditionally establishment partisan positions. The remainder bring the core Libertarian values of individual freedom and responsibility to the table in various non-partisan positions on school boards, city councils, and mayor’s offices across the country. 

Since its inception in 1971, the Libertarian Party continues to grow and make strides in politics, with several Libertarian politicians moving up to positions of power at the state level. These elected officials have been making significant impacts in their communities through their commitment to personal freedom, limited government, and fiscal responsibility. 

They’re also paving the way for a new wave of candidates hoping to erode the two-party dominance that’s holding our country back. Read on to learn about Libertarian candidates running for office in 2024 in a community near yours. 

Libertarian Challengers: Candidates Taking on Incumbent Legislators

In many races across the country, Libertarian candidates are stepping up to challenge entrenched incumbents. These candidates offer voters a distinct alternative while promoting the principles of limited government and personal freedom. 

Consider these Libertarians who are running as the sole challengers taking on the establishment in their districts:

#1: Matthew Laszacs

State: North Carolina

Chamber: House

District: 41

Challenging: Incumbent Maria Cervania (D)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Matthew Laszacs is running for the North Carolina House in District 41. A self-made individualist, his focus is on curbing government overreach and removing barriers to success faced by others. He brings a fresh perspective to the table, emphasizing individual liberties and fiscal responsibility. 

His campaign adheres to the Libertarian motto of, “Smaller government when possible. More efficient government when necessary.” As the sole challenger, Laszacs aims to unseat Democratic incumbent Maria Cervania, giving North Carolina voters a clear choice for change.

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#2: Gavin Bell

State: North Carolina

Chamber: House

District: 7

Challenging: Incumbent Matthew Winslow (R)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Gavin Bell is another Libertarian candidate in North Carolina, running for the State House in District 7. His campaign focuses on reducing government interference in citizens’ personal lives and promoting economic freedom. 

He is the only challenger to the incumbent, Republican Matthew Winslow, who has been in office since January 1, 2021. Bell’s candidacy presents a significant opportunity for voters seeking an alternative to the status quo in District 7.

#3: Patrick Bowersox

State: North Carolina

Chamber: Senate

District: 17

Challenging: Incumbent Sydney Batch (D)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Patrick Bowersox is running for the North Carolina Senate in District 17. Known for his commitment to personal freedoms and limited government, Bowersox stands for a North Carolina that works for all residents, regardless of ethnicity or affiliation. His main objective is to remove barriers that keep small businesses from thriving, especially in the wake of the pandemic. 

His campaign highlights the importance of giving voters more choices and breaking the two-party stronghold. Bowersox hopes to accomplish this by beating incumbent Sydney Batch, who has served in the North Carolina Senate since 2021. 

#4: Scott Kohlhaas

State: Alaska

Chamber: House

District: 20

Challenging: Incumbent Andrew Gray (D)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Scott Kohlhaas is challenging the establishment for a seat in the Alaska House, District 20. He was executive director of the Libertarian Party in his native Illinois from 2000 - 2002, and has served as Alaska Libertarian Party Chair from 2003 - 2006. Kohlhaas has a long history of fighting for the rights of individuals in his state as a political consultant and as a litigator advocating for such policies as marijuana decriminalization and gaming reform through court cases and ballot initiatives. 

Kohlhaas advocates for minimal government intervention and maximum personal freedom. He stands alone against the Democratic incumbent, Andrew Gray, offering a distinct alternative to voters in his district.

#5: David Aitken

State: Colorado

Chamber: Senate

District: 31

Challenging: Incumbent Chris Hansen (D)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

David Aitken is running for the Colorado Senate in District 31. He has a long history of leadership in the Libertarian Party, and was instrumental in helping it obtain minor party status in Colorado. He alternatively served as the Party’s Finance Chair and State Chair in the 1980s and 1990s. 

Aitken is the only challenger to the Democratic incumbent, Chris Hansen, who previously represented House District 6 and has been in elected office since 2017. A software consultant and database manager for 45 years, government regulation of technology is an important issue to David Aitken. His candidacy provides voters with a unique opportunity to choose a different path for Colorado.

#6: Ed George

State: North Carolina

Chamber: House

District: 34

Challenging: Incumbent Tim Longest

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Ed George is a Libertarian candidate for the North Carolina House in District 34. His platform is built on the core Libertarian values of smaller, more efficient government, personal responsibility, and individual freedom. 

George is the sole challenger running against freshman Democrat Tim Longest. He hopes to offer North Carolinians a meaningful alternative to the status quo.

#7: James O'Donnell

State: Missouri

Chamber: House

District: 93

Challenging: Incumbent Bridget Walsh Moore (D) 

Election Date: November 5, 2024

James O'Donnell is running for the Missouri House in District 93. As the current director of Quality and Regulatory Affairs at Rocket Products, he is passionate about food safety and sustainability. An active member of the Libertarian Party, O'Donnell's campaign also emphasizes the need for government accountability and fiscal responsibility. 

He’s up against the current incumbent, one-term Democrat Bridget Walsh Moore, and hopes to provide voters with a clear choice for change.

#8: Andrew Buchovich

State: Colorado

Chamber: House

District: 23

Challenging: Incumbent Monica Duran (D)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Another software engineer, Andrew Buchovich is contesting a seat in the Colorado House, District 23. His economic policies adhere to the Austrian school of economics that prioritizes market preferences over regulation. He’s known for his advocacy of Libertarian principles, and serves as chairs of both the Libertarian Party of Colorado and the Libertarian Party of Jefferson County. 

Buchovich stands alone against the Democratic incumbent, Monica Duran, who previously served in the Colorado State House representing District 24. Andrew Buchovich offers voters a distinct alternative that emphasizes core Libertarian values. 

#9: Cameron McCarty

State: Missouri

Chamber: House

District: 76

Challenging: Incumbent Marion Anderson (D)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

An IT consultant, Cameron McCarty has served in the U.S. Air National Guard since 2007. He’s currently running for the Missouri House in District 76 against incumbent Marion Anderson, a Democrat who has served in office since 2020.

As the sole challenger, McCarty's campaign is focused on promoting economic freedom and reducing government overreach. He is socially liberal and fiscally conservative, and he feels that individuals are the largest minority when it comes to government representation. His policy priorities when elected are police, education, and prison reform. 

Breaking the Duopoly: Libertarians in Multi-Candidate Races

In addition to challenging establishment incumbents, many Libertarian candidates are entering races against both Republican and Democratic opponents. This creates a dynamic electoral landscape and gives voters more options outside of the traditional two-party system. 

Here are some of the Libertarians competing in these multi-candidate races for state legislature seats:

#1: Michael Nelson

State: North Carolina

Chamber: House

District: 66

Challenging: Sarah Crawford (D), Phillip Lin (R)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Michael Nelson is running for the North Carolina House in District 66. Competing against Democratic incumbent Sarah Crawford and her Republican challenger, Phillip Lin, Nelson's campaign focuses on reducing government size. His presence in the race provides a valuable alternative for voters who are dissatisfied with the two-party system.

#2: Christopher Robinson

State: North Carolina

Chamber: House

District: 37

Challenging: Erin Paré (R), Safiya Jackson (D)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Christopher Robinson is contesting a seat in the North Carolina House, District 37. Facing opponents from both major parties, Robinson's campaign highlights the importance of alternative representation, individual liberties, and fiscal responsibility. 

Running against incumbent Erin Paré and her Democratic challenger, Safiya Jackson, Robinson’s candidacy offers voters a distinct choice beyond the conventional options.

#3: Amy Lunde

State: Colorado

Chamber: House

District: 56

Challenging: Alessandra Navetta (D), Chris Richardson (R)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Amy Lunde is running to represent Colorado House District 56. Her presence in the legislative race ensures that voters have a broader spectrum of choices, while emphasizing the importance of smaller government and fiscal restraint. 

Lunde is challenging incumbent Democrat Alessandra Navetta and Republican Chris Richardson. Both establishment candidates received 100% of the vote in their respective party primaries.

#4: Marco Richie

State: Colorado

Chamber: House

District: 29

Challenging: Shannon Bird (D), Evan Hunt (R)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Marco Richie joins a number of Colorado Libertarians looking to provide greater choice in the 2024 elections. He’s a candidate to represent District 29 in the Colorado House, and is facing the Democratic incumbent, Shannon Bird, and Republican challenger Evan Hunt. 

In addition to traditional Libertarian policies that promote fiscal transparency and limited government, Richie’s priorities include an end to intervention overseas. Ritchie’s campaign provides a significant alternative for voters who want more options.

#5: Michael Oakes

State: North Carolina

Chamber: House

District: 29

Challenging: Evonne S. Hopkins (D), Mike Scheitzelt (R)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Another big state for Libertarian hopefuls is North Carolina, where Michael Oakes hopes to win a seat representing State House District 29. Facing incumbent Democratic candidate Evonne S. Hopkins and Republican Mike Scheitzelt, he offers voters in his district an alternative choice.

Oakes' campaign is centered on merging traditional conservative values with an emphasis on promoting personal freedoms and minimizing government interference. 

#6: Caryn Ann Harlos

State: Colorado

Chamber: Senate

District: 2

Challenging: Patrick Neville (R), Katie Barrett (D)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Having served as the Libertarian Party’s National Secretary since 2018, Caryn Ann Harlos brings her advocacy and brand awareness home to Colorado as a candidate for the State Senate in District 2. She also serves as the Communications Director for the Libertarian Party of Colorado, and is active in preserving Libertarian policies and bringing legal challenges to infractions against civil liberties. 

Harlos’ passion and grassroots activism for promoting Libertarian principles provide a challenge to the status quo. In 2024, she’s running against incumbent Patrick Neville, a Republican, and Democratic challenger Katie Barrett. 

#7: Allison Spink

State: Colorado

Chamber: House

District: 40

Challenging: Naquetta Ricks (D), Darryl Gibbs (R)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

The current treasurer for the Libertarian Party of Colorado, Allison Spink is contesting a seat in the Colorado House, District 40. In addition to promoting the foundational principles of the Libertarian Party, Spink hopes to challenge the status quo in the state by taking on the incumbent Democrat Naquetta Ricks and Republican candidate Darryl Gibbs. 

#8: James Fields

State: Alaska

Chamber: House

District: 36

Challenging: Pamela Goode (R), Dana Mock (R), Becky Schwanke (R), Cole Snodgrass (R), Brandon Kowalski (D)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

James Fields is running for the Alaska House in District 36. His policy priorities include reducing the cost of sustainable energy, promoting sustainable wildlife management, and improving first responder services in his district. He also hopes to improve education, especially in rural areas. 

These priorities provide an alternative to his opponents: four Republicans, including incumbent Pamela Goode, and a sole Democrat, Brandon Kowalski. 

#9: Greg Tlapek

State: Missouri

Chamber: House

District: 147

Challenging: John Voss (R), J. Michael Davis (D)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Libertarian candidate Greg Tlapek is running for Missouri’s state legislature for the third time in the past decade. He is running for the Missouri House in District 147, a seat he also ran for in 2014 and 2016. His opponents this time around are incumbent Republican John Voss and Democrat J. Michael Davis. 

Tlapek is the Executive Director of the Missouri Libertarian Party, with an avowed mission to promote proportional representation and build a multi-party state legislature. 

#10: Jordy Prado

State: Nevada

Chamber: Assembly

District: 15

Challenging: Howard Watts III (D), Melissa Lynn Spence (R)

Election Date: November 5, 2024

Jordy Prado is running for the Nevada Assembly in District 15. Competing against the Democratic incumbent, Howard Watts III, and Republican Melissa Lynn Spence, Prado's campaign is centered on building a political coalition that represents all Nevadans. His candidacy offers voters a unique choice beyond the traditional two-party options.

Support Libertarian Candidates Running for Office in Your State

These Libertarian candidates exemplify the principles of small government and individual freedom that resonate with many voters. As they run to claim their place in state legislatures in 2024, their campaigns will build on their commitment to promoting accountability, transparency, and responsible governance.

Interested in learning more about Libertarian candidates and other third-party leaders? Explore more resources here.

Photo by Hunter Starritt on Unsplash

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Laurette LaLiberte

Laurette LaLiberte

Laurette LaLiberte is an activist and freelance writer located in Michigan.