Terms Glossary

GoodParty.org's Terms Glossary is a list of definitions of words from the political and elections world. These terms are from an independent's perspective with an eye toward reform. If you have a suggestion for a new definition, send it to ask@goodparty.org.

Constitutional Republic

Definition and meaning of constitutional republic: A constitutional republic is a form of government in which the state's authority is both derived from and limited by a governing constitution. This political system balances the power of the people with the authority of elected representatives. This balance ensures that the rights and liberties of citizens are protected against any potential abuses of power by elected or appointed officials.

In a constitutional republic, citizens have the right to elect their leaders, and those leaders are responsible for upholding the fundamental laws of the land. A constitutional republic provides safeguards to ensure that the decisions made by elected officials are generally in line with the best interest of the people. In the United States, these safeguards include the right to a fair trial, the freedom of speech and press, and the right to assemble peacefully.

The concept of a constitutional republic has its roots in ancient Rome, where the Roman Republic operated from around 509 BC until the establishment of the Roman Empire. The Roman Republic was characterized by a system of government in which power was held by the people and their elected representatives, and laws were governed by a system of checks and balances.

In the modern era, the United States is often cited as a prime example of a constitutional republic. The U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1788, established a federal system of government with a clear separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This separation of powers is a hallmark of the constitutional republic model, as it is designed to prevent any single branch of government from gaining too much control. The Federalist Papers, a series of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, demonstrate the founders' philosophies surrounding the separation of powers and the principle of balanced government.

To more fully understand the nuances of the constitutional republic model, compare this form of government to others, such as direct democracy and authoritarianism.


Definition and meaning of constituent: In American politics, a constituent is a member of a constituency. Put more simply, a constituent is a resident of a certain electoral district. Typically, a constituent is a member of the electorate who is qualified to vote for their district's representatives.

In the political landscape, constituents are key stakeholders in the decision-making process. Their input and voices are crucial, influencing the outcome of elections within their districts. This influence is exercised through voting for candidates or parties that align with their values and interests. In addition to voting, constituents can also voice their opinions on matters of public interest by attending town hall meetings or contacting their representatives. By doing so, they can ensure that their representatives are aware of their views and concerns. This is an important part of the political process, as it allows for a more direct line of communication between representatives and their constituents.

The following are examples of how the term "constituent" is frequently used in politics:

  • The county's constituents will have the chance to elect new representatives in the upcoming election.

  • Elected officials should listen to the needs of their constituents.

  • The congressman's office sent out a survey to all constituents to gauge public opinion about a proposed policy.

Outside of American politics, the term "constituent" has other meanings as well. In chemistry, a constituent refers to any of the identifiable components or substances that make up a chemical compound. In linguistics, the term is used to describe any word, phrase, or sentence component that functions as a single unit within a larger structure. In all three of these contexts, the term "constituent" refers to a part of a larger whole.

Concurrent Powers

Definition and meaning of concurrent powers: Concurrent powers are those that are shared by both the federal government and the states. Both the federal government and the states have the authority to pass laws, collect taxes, and borrow money to fund projects. Concurrent powers are a key characteristic of American federalism. This system of shared powers can be seen as a way to ensure a level playing field and to prevent one party or candidate from exerting outsized influence.

The concept of concurrent powers is rooted in the U.S. Constitution, which outlines the framework for a balanced distribution of power. Notably, Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution specifies the powers granted to the federal government, while the Tenth Amendment reserves all other powers to the states or the people. This division of power is designed to prevent the concentration of power and maintain a federal system where both the state and federal governments can address the needs of their constituents.

The following are commonly cited examples of concurrent powers:

  • Regulating Commerce: Both the federal and state governments have the authority to regulate commerce within their jurisdictions. This includes the ability to enact laws that affect trade, business operations, and economic activities.

  • Collecting Taxes: While the federal government may impose income or import taxes, states have the authority to collect sales, property, and income taxes.

  • Borrowing Money: Both levels of government can borrow money to finance public projects, such as infrastructure development, education, and healthcare services. This ability is crucial for addressing their immediate needs while planning for long-term growth.

  • Passing Laws: States can enact laws on matters not exclusively reserved for the federal government, as long as these laws do not conflict with federal laws or the U.S. Constitution. This includes legislation on public safety, health, and welfare. This is why certain laws tend to vary from state to state.

The system of concurrent powers has sometimes been a source of political contention. For example, debates over the extent of federal versus state authority in areas such as environmental regulation and healthcare have underscored the complexities of concurrent powers.

Concurrent powers are pivotal in maintaining the balance and flexibility of the United States' federal system. By allowing both the federal government and state governments to legislate, tax, and fund projects, concurrent powers ensure that governance remains responsive to the diverse needs of the American people. Understanding these powers is essential for appreciating the complexities and strengths of American federalism.

To learn more about concurrent powers and their connection to voter representation, read a more in-depth analysis here.


  • U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8.

  • The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

  • McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316 (1819).


Definition and meaning of cloture: "Cloture" is a term deeply rooted in legislative procedures, particularly in the United States Senate. The term represents a crucial mechanism designed to control the duration of debate on a given issue, effectively limiting or ending a filibuster. Originating from the French word "clôture," meaning "closure," cloture is a formal process that seeks to bring debates to a prompt conclusion, allowing for a vote to be taken on the matter being discussed.

The concept of cloture was introduced into the United States Senate in 1917, following a period when there was no procedural method to end debate. Senators could use the filibuster, an extended debate technique, to delay or block legislative action indefinitely. The introduction of cloture was a response to these unlimited debates, providing a structured way to conclude discussion and move forward with decision-making.

In the U.S. Senate, cloture is invoked through a specific process:

  1. Filing for Cloture: A senator files a cloture motion, which requires the signature of at least 16 senators. This motion is presented on the floor and indicates the intention to end debate on a particular bill or nomination.

  2. Waiting Period: After the motion is filed, there is a mandatory waiting period, typically two legislative days, before the Senate can vote on the cloture motion.

  3. Vote for Cloture: To pass the cloture motion and end the filibuster, a specific number of votes is required. Historically, this threshold was set at two-thirds of the senators present and voting, but since 1975, it has been three-fifths of all senators duly chosen and sworn, effectively 60 votes in a full Senate of 100 members.

  4. Post-Cloture Period: Once cloture is invoked, the Senate may spend up to 30 additional hours debating the bill or nomination, after which a final vote is taken. Amendments can be made during this period, but their scope is limited.

Cloture serves as a vital tool in balancing the right of extended debate with the need for legislative efficiency. It ensures that a single senator or a small group cannot indefinitely delay legislative action while maintaining the ability for substantial discussion on important issues.

The cloture rule has undergone changes over time, reflecting evolving attitudes toward the balance between minority rights and majority rule in the Senate. The lowering of the cloture vote threshold from two-thirds to three-fifths is a significant example of this.

Cloture has also been a subject of debate and criticism. Critics argue that it can be used to stifle meaningful debate and minority voices in the Senate. Others contend that the current threshold for invoking cloture is too high, leading to legislative gridlock, especially in a closely divided Senate.

City Attorney

Definition and meaning of city attorney: The role of a city attorney is to serve as the chief legal advisor and representative for a city or municipality. City attorneys are typically appointed or elected, depending on local regulations. This individual provides legal counsel to city officials, departments, and sometimes even boards and commissions. Their duties can range from drafting ordinances, giving legal opinions on municipal matters, representing the city in litigation, and ensuring that city operations comply with state and federal laws. In essence, the city attorney plays a pivotal role in ensuring the city's actions uphold the rule of law. While they represent the city's interests, they also indirectly safeguard citizens' interests by ensuring transparent and lawful governance.

Council-Manager Government

Definition and meaning of council-manager government: The Council-Manager Government is a form of local government. It combines the democratic leadership of elected officials with the administrative expertise of an appointed manager. This form of municipal governance strives to balance political responsiveness with professional management, aiming to bring the best of both worlds to the service of local communities.

At its core, the Council-Manager system is characterized by two primary components:

  • The Council: This is an elected body, usually composed of a mayor and city council members, chosen directly by the residents of the municipality. This council is responsible for setting policies, crafting local laws, setting budgets, and representing the interests and will of the people. The mayor can have various roles — from being a ceremonial figure to having a more active part in governance.

  • The City Manager: Chosen by the elected council, the city manager is a professional administrator tasked with carrying out the policies set by the council. This individual is not a political appointee in the traditional sense but is selected based on their credentials, experience, and expertise in public administration. The city manager oversees the daily operations of the municipal government, manages municipal staff, and serves as the primary advisor to the council on matters of budget, personnel, and infrastructure. 

The Council-Manager system emerged in the early 20th century, during a time when cities in the United States were experiencing rapid growth and facing challenges in governance. Corruption, inefficiencies, and a perceived lack of professionalism in municipal administrations led reformers to advocate for a system that combined democratic oversight with professional management. The model was inspired, in part, by the corporate structure, where a board of directors (equivalent to the council) sets direction and a CEO (equivalent to the manager) runs daily operations.

The Council-Manager form of government stands as a testament to the ongoing evolution of local governance. This system seeks to offer a balanced, efficient, and responsive model for municipalities, ensuring that the needs of residents are met in a manner that is both effective and accountable.


Definition and meaning of controller: In the United States, a Controller (sometimes called a Comptroller) is an elected or appointed official responsible for overseeing the financial operations of a government entity, such as a city, county, or state government. The specific duties of the Controller vary depending on the jurisdiction, but generally include managing and overseeing financial reporting, accounting, and auditing functions, as well as ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

The role of the Controller can vary depending on the state or local government in which they serve. In some cases, the Controller may serve as the chief financial officer for the government entity, while in other cases they may have more limited responsibilities, such as overseeing payroll or accounts payable.

Some states have an elected Controller as part of their state government, while others have an appointed Controller. For example, in California, the Controller is an elected official who serves as the chief financial officer for the state government and is responsible for auditing state agencies and ensuring that public funds are used effectively and efficiently. Other states may use different titles for the official responsible for financial oversight, such as Treasurer or Auditor, and the specific duties and responsibilities of these positions can vary widely depending on the state.

Certificate of Election

Definition and meaning of Certificate of Election: A Certificate of Election is a document issued by an election authority to declare the winners of an election and certify their eligibility to take office. It is a formal and legally binding statement of the results of an election and is used to verify the legitimacy of the elected officeholders. The Certificate of Election is typically issued by the Secretary of State of the state in which the election took place. The Certificate of Election is an important part of ensuring that fair and democratic elections are held and their results are accurately reflected in the governing body. It also helps to confirm that the elected officeholders are qualified and eligible to take office. This document is also used to verify the election results when a recount is required or when a dispute arises over the accuracy of the results. Examples of a Certificate of Election include the certification of the results of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, in which the Secretary of State of each state certified the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Certificates were particularly controversial in the 2020 election, with the final certification of results serving as the backdrop to the riots at the capitol on January 6th, 2021. Other examples of Certificates of Election include the certification of the results of Congressional and state legislative elections, as well as local elections for mayor and other municipal positions.

Caucus System

Definition and meaning of caucus system: A caucus system is a method of selecting a political party's nominee for a general election in which voters gather in person to discuss and vote on candidates. Unlike a primary election, which typically involves voters casting secret ballots, a caucus is a public meeting in which voters openly show their support for a particular candidate. The process of a caucus can vary depending on the state or municipality, but typically involves a series of votes in which the least popular candidates are eliminated until one candidate has a majority of the votes.

Caucuses are typically organized by the political parties themselves, rather than by state or local governments. They are commonly used in the United States by the Democratic and Republican parties, and examples of states that use caucus systems include Iowa, Nevada, and Colorado. Some political parties may also use caucuses in addition to primary elections, to elect delegates or other party officials.

The caucus system can have both advantages and disadvantages for voters. On one hand, caucuses allow for more direct voter participation and can foster a sense of community among party members. They also can be more cost-effective than primary elections. On the other hand, caucuses can be less accessible to certain groups of voters, such as those who are unable to attend a meeting in person due to work or other obligations. Additionally, the open nature of caucuses can make it more difficult for voters to maintain anonymity and can deter some from participating.

Contributions and Spending Limits

Definition and meaning of contributions and spending limits: Contributions and spending limits refer to the regulations placed on the amount of money that individuals, organizations, and political action committees (PACs) can donate to a candidate's campaign, as well as the amount a candidate can spend on their campaign. These limits are put in place to prevent wealthy individuals or organizations from having disproportionate influence on the outcome of an election.

For example, in the state of New York, candidates for governor are subject to a $65,100 contribution limit per individual donor and a $5,000 contribution limit per PAC. In addition, candidates for governor are subject to a spending limit of $22.5 million in the primary election and $40 million in the general election.

However, not all states or municipalities have these limits in place. Some states have no contribution or spending limits, while others have only partial limits. Reasons for this can vary, but often it is because these regulations are difficult to enforce and can be subject to legal challenges. Additionally, some states may have a history of relatively low campaign spending or have a small population, making campaign spending limits less necessary.

It is important to note that contribution and spending limits for independent and third-party candidates for office may vary from those of major party candidates. This is because these candidates often have less access to funding, and therefore may be subject to different regulations to level the playing field.

Constitution Party

Definition and meaning of Constitution Party: The Constitution Party is a political party in the United States that seeks to restore government to its original constitutional principles. Founded in 1992, the Constitution Party is considered one of the most conservative of the third-party organizations in the United States. The Constitution Party has a platform of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a return to traditional values. The party supports a strong national defense, a free-market economy, and the right of individuals to own and keep property.

The Constitution Party also advocates for an end to the two-party system and the implementation of term limits for elected officials. Members believe in a strict interpretation of the Constitution and seek to limit government to its original constitutional parameters. Additionally, the party looks to reduce taxes, reduce government spending, and protect the American worker. The party believes in protection of the unborn, the sanctity of marriage, and in the right of individuals to bear arms.

Citizens United v. FEC

Definition and meaning of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC): Citizens United v. FEC was a landmark 2010 Supreme Court decision that declared that the federal government cannot regulate the spending of corporations, labor unions, and other organizations on political campaigns and advertising. This decision effectively removed the limitations on independent expenditures, allowing for corporations and unions to spend unlimited funds on political campaigns. This decision has been widely criticized for allowing large corporations to influence the outcome of elections, as well as for disproportionately benefiting the two major political parties. The Citizens United v. FEC decision has had a major impact on the American political landscape, allowing for the rise of Super PACs and other political action committees that can spend freely on political campaigns without the need for disclosure of their donors. These organizations have taken advantage of the ruling, often spending large amounts of money to support the major political parties or to oppose candidates who are not in line with their interests. This has led to a greater influence of corporate and union money in politics, making it harder for independent candidates to compete.

Civil Rights

Definition and meaning of civil rights: Civil rights are the legal and political rights of citizens of a nation or state pertaining to freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and general individual rights. These rights are fundamental and protected by the Constitution of the United States and by international law. Civil rights are essential to ensure that all people are treated equally and are not discriminated against based on race, gender, religion, or other protected classes. In the United States, civil rights have been a long-term struggle, with the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s leading to the introduction of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act. These laws have greatly improved civil rights for historically marginalized communities, ensuring equal access to education, voting, employment, and other essential services. The fight for civil rights is ongoing, as many minorities in the United States continue to experience discrimination and unequal access to resources. Reform-minded individuals, activists, and independent candidates advocate for the further expansion of civil rights and an end to the two-party system, which often fails to represent the needs of those who are most vulnerable.

Civil Liberties

Definition and meaning of civil liberties: Civil liberties are the individual rights and freedoms enjoyed by citizens of the United States, which include the right to free speech, freedom of religion, the right to vote, and the right to a fair trial. Civil liberties ensure that citizens have the power to challenge the government and take part in democracy, without fear of reprisal or intimidation. Civil liberties are important for the protection of minority groups and those who are disadvantaged in society. Without civil liberties, these groups could be subject to discrimination and unequal treatment, which would limit their ability to participate in the political process.

County Clerk

Definition and meaning of county clerk: County clerk is a public official responsible for performing administrative duties for their county. This includes but is not limited to, issuing marriage licenses, registering voters, and collecting taxes. The county clerk is the public's entry point into the local government. These clerks are elected officials and often serve on a partisan basis. This means they are usually affiliated with one of the two major parties in the United States. However, it is important that the county clerk is an impartial administrator of their duties and is not influenced by their party affiliation. This will ensure that the public's business is handled with integrity and fairness.

Commissioner of Public Lands

Definition and meaning of Commissioner of Public Lands: In the United States, a Commissioner of Public Lands is an elected official who is responsible for managing state-owned lands and natural resources, such as forests, parks, and mineral deposits. The specific duties of the Commissioner of Public Lands vary from state to state, but generally include managing and leasing state lands for various purposes, such as logging, grazing, or recreation, and overseeing the state's natural resource management programs.

Several states have an elected Commissioner of Public Lands as part of their state government. The exact title and responsibilities of the Commissioner may vary by state, but in general, they play a key role in managing and preserving the state's natural resources for the benefit of the public.

Some states that have an elected Commissioner of Public Lands include Washington, Montana, New Mexico, and Idaho. However, it's important to note that this list may not be comprehensive and that some states may use different titles or have an appointed official instead of an elected one.

City Manager

Definition and meaning of city manager: A city manager is a professional, non-partisan position in a city or town's administrative hierarchy. Typically appointed by the city council or elected officials, the city manager oversees the day-to-day operations of the city. Being appointed means that the city manager is typically not elected. This role often exists in a council-manager form of government where the elected officials set policy directions, and the city manager, similar to a CEO in a business, executes these directives. Their responsibilities encompass a wide range, from budget management and staff oversight to interacting with the public and ensuring services are effectively delivered. The position's non-partisan nature ensures that decisions are made based on the needs of the community rather than because of political considerations. The idea is to bring a professional, efficient, and objective approach to local governance.

Candidate Petitions

Definition and meaning of Candidate Petitions: Candidate petitions are a type of political activity where individuals gather signatures to put forward a particular candidate's name to be placed on the ballot for an election. This form of political activity is important in encouraging greater democracy and providing an opportunity for more candidates to participate in the electoral process. It is often used by those seeking to challenge the status quo and to promote reform-minded candidates who may not otherwise have the resources to mount a successful campaign. Candidate petitions typically require individuals to collect a certain number of signatures from registered voters in order to qualify for a spot on the ballot. This can be a time-consuming and difficult process, but it can also be an effective way for a reform-minded candidate to get their message out to a broad group of voters. In some cases, a petition-driven candidacy can even lead to a successful election victory. In addition to providing an opportunity for reform-minded candidates to get their message out, candidate petitions can also help to ensure that the election process is fair and open. By having the signatures of registered voters, it ensures that the candidate is qualified to appear on the ballot. This can help to create a more equitable electoral process and ensure that any candidate running for office has the support of their constituents.

Closed Primary

Definition and meaning of closed primary: A closed primary is an electoral system in which only registered members of a particular political party are eligible to vote in that party's primary election. This means that only registered Democrats can vote in a Democratic primary, and only registered Republicans can vote in a Republican primary. The purpose of a closed primary is to ensure that only members of a particular party are able to select that party's nominee for a general election.

In a closed primary system, the rules for registering to vote may vary depending on the state or municipality. In some cases, voters must register with a specific party in order to vote in that party's primary. In other cases, voters may be able to register as "unaffiliated" or "independent" and choose which party's primary to vote in.

Closed primary system may also have different rules for voter registration cut-off dates, and for voter eligibility (like age, citizenship).

Closed primaries have the advantage of ensuring that only committed members of a party are able to select that party's nominee. This can help to prevent candidates who do not align with the party's platform or values from winning the nomination. However, closed primaries can also limit voter choice, as those who are not registered with a particular party are not able to participate in that party's primary.

Civic Engagement

Definition and meaning of civic engagement: Civic engagement is a term used to describe the active involvement of citizens in the political process. This can include voting in elections, advocating for or against public policies, or running for office. Civic engagement also encompasses the willingness of individuals to participate in local community events, from charitable drives to neighborhood clean-ups.

Civic engagement has become increasingly important in the United States, as the two-party system has become more entrenched and both major parties have become more ideologically homogenous. Reformers are advocating for more independent candidates and an end to the two-party system, arguing that greater civic engagement is essential for a healthy democracy. Civic engagement is therefore an important way to ensure that all voices are heard in the political process.

Citizen Initiative

Definition and meaning of citizen initiative: A citizen initiative is a form of direct democracy in which members of a community or electorate can propose legislation or constitutional amendments. This type of system allows members of the public to have a direct say in the policies and laws that govern them. It enables citizens to be more involved in politics, and to have a greater impact on outcomes. Examples of citizen initiatives in the United States include ballot initiatives, referendums, and citizen petitions. In a reform-minded context, citizen initiatives can be seen as a way to bypass the two-party system and create a more independent and diverse political landscape. They can also be used to challenge the status quo and push for progressive change. Citizen initiatives are a powerful tool for citizens to take control of their own destiny and create a more equitable and representative democracy.


Definition and meaning of citizen: A citizen is someone who has rights and responsibilities in their political community. A citizen is someone who has the right to vote, to express their opinions, and to hold their government accountable. They also have the responsibility to participate in public discourse, to stay informed of current events, and to respect the rule of law. In the United States, citizens are individuals who are born in the country or who have been naturalized. All citizens have the right to free speech and to pursue their own interests. With the right to vote comes the responsibility to be informed about the political issues that affect their lives. Citizens of the United States have a responsibility to be open to new ideas and perspectives, and to have the courage to challenge the status quo. This means standing up for causes and issues that are important to you and your community, regardless of who is in power. Ultimately, citizens are the people who make up a nation and are responsible for its future. They have the power to shape their own destinies and the destinies of those around them. By living up to their responsibilities as citizens, they can help create a better, more equitable society for all.


Definition and meaning of candidacy: Candidacy is the formal or informal process of declaring intent to run for office in an election. Candidacy is a critical part of democratic processes and allows citizens to express their political views through their choice of candidates. The process of candidacy includes different stages, such as filing for nomination papers, gathering the required number of signatures, and submitting those papers to the relevant election authorities. Candidates also need to make a formal announcement of their candidacy and follow the legal requirements of their jurisdiction. Campaigning activities such as fundraising, advertising, and public appearances are also essential parts of the candidacy process. Candidacy is often a difficult and demanding process, but it is also an important part of any democratic system. It provides an opportunity for citizens to make their voices heard and to make a difference in their communities. It is an essential part of the democratic process and is necessary to ensure that citizens have the opportunity to have their say in the election process.

Campaign Finance

Definition and meaning of campaign finance: Campaign finance refers to the money that is raised and spent by candidates, political parties, and other organizations to influence the outcome of an election. This can include everything from campaign contributions to advertising to voter outreach.

Unfortunately, the campaign finance system in the United States is often criticized for being unfair and undemocratic. One of the main problems is that it is heavily influenced by wealthy special interests, who use their financial resources to sway the political process in their favor. This can create a situation where politicians are more accountable to their donors than they are to the voters they represent.

Another issue with campaign finance is that it is often used to exclude independent and third party candidates from the political process. These candidates often struggle to raise the same amount of money as the major party candidates, which makes it difficult for them to get their message out and compete on an equal footing.

It's time for a change! We need campaign finance reform that levels the playing field and allows for a more diverse and representative democracy. This could include measures such as public financing of elections, limits on campaign contributions, and greater transparency in campaign financing. By taking these steps, we can create a more fair and equitable political system that works for everyone, not just the wealthy elite.


Definition and meaning of capitalism: Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are owned and controlled by individuals, as opposed to the government. It is characterized by private ownership of capital, competitive markets, free enterprise, and the pursuit of profit. Capitalism is the predominant economic system in the United States today, and it has been the predominant system since the late 18th century. Capitalism is often criticized for creating wealth disparities and for its lack of economic and social protections for workers. Capitalism is also criticized for its reliance on competition, which can lead to the exploitation of workers and to environmental damage. For these reasons, many reform-minded individuals advocate for independent candidates to create a more equitable and sustainable economic system.

Congressional Record

Definition and meaning of Congressional Record: The Congressional Record is a document that records the proceedings of the United States Congress. It includes the text of all legislation and resolutions, floor debates, committee hearings, and presidential messages. It is an invaluable tool for researchers, historians, and citizens alike. However, it also has its limitations; the two-party system creates an environment where independent candidates and their voices are often underrepresented in the record. This means that the Congressional Record often fails to capture the full scope of the diverse opinions of the American people.

Chief Financial Officer

Definition and meaning of chief financial officer: In the United States, a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is an elected or appointed official responsible for managing a state's financial affairs, including budgeting, accounting, and investments. The specific duties of the CFO vary from state to state, but generally include overseeing the state's financial planning, managing its investments, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations.

Some states have an elected CFO as part of their state government. The exact title and responsibilities of the CFO may vary by state, but in general, they play a key role in managing the state's finances and ensuring that public funds are used responsibly.

Some states that have an elected CFO include Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, and Nevada. However, it's important to note that this list may not be comprehensive and that some states may have an appointed CFO instead of an elected one. In addition, some states may use different titles, such as State Controller or State Treasurer, to refer to the official responsible for managing the state's financial affairs.

City Clerk

Definition and meaning of city clerk: A city clerk is a person who is an elected or appointed official in local government. City clerks are responsible for maintaining records, tracking and verifying documents, and ensuring that the local government is operating in accordance with the law. City clerks are often an undervalued part of the government, as they are responsible for ensuring that elections are free and fair, and that all laws are followed.

In many cases, city clerks are the only independent members of the local government, as they are not affiliated with any particular party. This allows them to provide impartial advice and assistance in the administration of local government without fear of reprisal from one political party or the other. As citizens become more aware of their political power, they are increasingly advocating for more independent candidates and an end to the two-party system. City clerks can play an important role in this effort as they are well-placed to ensure a fair and transparent electoral process.


Definition and meaning of communism: Communism is a socio-economic theory and political ideology that advocates for the collective ownership of the means of production and property, and the abolition of private property. Communism is often associated with oppressive authoritarian regimes and governments, such as the Soviet Union or communist China.

Theoretically, however, communism is an ideology that promotes the creation of an egalitarian society in which individuals are equal and have equal access to resources and opportunities. It is a system of economic and social organization in which all property and resources are owned and controlled by all of the people, rather than by individuals or private corporations. Communism also encourages a form of government in which all citizens have equal rights and the power of decision-making is shared amongst all the people, rather than concentrated in the hands of a few. Communism is an idea that seeks to create social justice, equality, and freedom from oppressive governments and systems that are controlled by the wealthy and powerful.

Included in the list of third parties in the United States are communist-affiliated parties including Communist Party USA and Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.

Conference Committee

Definition and meaning of conference committee: A conference committee is a bipartisan body formed to reconcile differences between House and Senate versions of a legislative bill. Through negotiations, the members of the committee work to produce a single bill that is acceptable to both Houses. This process is often used when both chambers pass different versions of the same bill. Examples of conference committees include the Super Committee formed to address the deficit crisis in 2011 and the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction in 2021. The two-party system often utilizes conference committees to quickly pass legislation and to ensure that only their preferred version of a bill is enacted. This often results in laws that are not reflective of the will of the people. Reform-minded individuals should strive for a more independent and transparent legislative process, one that is not dominated by the two-party system.

Continuing Resolution

Definition and meaning of continuing resolution: A continuing resolution (CR) is a type of budgetary legislation used in the United States Congress to fund government operations and programs when the budget has not yet been finalized. It is a temporary measure, allowing for the government to remain operational until a permanent budget is passed. This form of budgeting is often used to avoid a government shutdown, and is usually only used in times of political gridlock. The use of continuing resolutions has long been a source of contention in politics due to its implications for decreased government oversight and accountability. It allows the two major parties to continue to control the budgeting process in Washington, without the input of independent candidates or other voices. This often results in a lack of transparency and accountability, preventing the public from being able to understand how the government is governing. Continuing resolutions can also lead to increased inefficiencies in government, with no clear budget guiding spending decisions. This can lead to wasteful spending and an inability to address the most pressing needs of the country. If independent candidates and other voices had more of a say in the budgeting process, it could lead to a more transparent and effective government.

Character Assassination

Definition and meaning of character assassination: Character assassination is an attempt to tarnish an individual's reputation, usually through false accusations, misrepresentations, or exaggerations of facts. While the tactic can be found in various arenas, it's especially concerning in politics. In politics, character assassination can divert public attention from pressing issues and policy discussions. This is often a form of negative campaigning. Character assassination can range from subtle insinuations to blatant smear campaigns, often spread through media, social networks, or political advertisements. Such tactics can stifle genuine debate and compromise the integrity of democratic processes. For the accused, it can be challenging to address and rectify the damage done, even if the claims are baseless. 

Character assassination contributes to America’s overall state of political corruption. When public figures, be they politicians, activists, or whistleblowers, become the target of character assassination, the intent often goes beyond electoral advantage. It seeks to undermine the very institutions that make democracy possible, diluting the power of checks and balances and discrediting voices that might offer critical scrutiny or alternative perspectives. This form of corruption can erode public trust not just in the individual concerned, but in governance systems as a whole. Furthermore, it creates a chilling effect that discourages honest, qualified candidates from entering the political arena for fear of reputational damage. Thus, character assassination not only contaminates the immediate political landscape but has a lasting impact on the quality and efficacy of governance.

Conflict of Interest

Definition and meaning of conflict of interest: A conflict of interest in politics arises when an individual's personal interests, relationships, or financial affairs potentially interfere with their duties and responsibilities in public office. This conflict can skew decision-making processes, leading to actions that may benefit the individual at the expense of the public good. Such conflicts, whether actual, potential, or perceived, erode trust in public institutions and undermine the principles of transparent and accountable governance.

In the political arena, conflicts of interest can manifest in various forms. One common scenario is when a public official has financial interests in a business that could be affected by their governmental actions, such as voting on legislation that could benefit that business. Similarly, conflicts arise when officials accept gifts, favors, or employment offers from entities that could influence their official duties. Even family connections or personal relationships can result in conflicts of interest if they impact an official's impartiality in executing their duties.

The impact of conflicts of interest in politics is far-reaching. First, they can lead to decisions that prioritize personal gain over public welfare, resulting in policies that do not serve the best interests of the community. This misalignment can lead to inefficient use of public resources, corruption, and a general decline in the quality of governance. In the long term, persistent conflicts of interest can erode public confidence in government, fostering cynicism and disengagement among citizens.

Addressing conflicts of interest requires a robust framework of laws and ethical guidelines that dictate how public officials should navigate situations where their personal interests may intersect with their official duties. Disclosure of financial interests, recusal from decisions where a conflict exists, and strict limitations on gifts and favors from entities that could influence official actions are fundamental components of such a framework.

In conclusion, conflicts of interest in politics represent a significant threat to the integrity and effectiveness of governance. They undermine the principles of democracy and public service, leading to decisions that may not align with the best interests of the populace. Effective management of conflicts of interest is essential to maintaining public trust in government and ensuring that public officials act in the best interest of the community they serve. This management requires a combination of legal frameworks, transparent practices, ethical education, and active civic engagement.


Definition and meaning of crowdfunding: Crowdfunding is a method of raising funds by pooling small contributions from a large number of individuals. This process is often facilitated by the internet and social media. 

In politics, crowdfunding has transformed the world of campaign financing, allowing candidates to gather financial support from a broad base of supporters. This method allows individuals to contribute modest amounts, giving them a stake in the campaigns they choose to support.

Political campaigns commonly use several strategies for effective crowdfunding. These include leveraging social media platforms to reach and engage a broad audience, creating compelling and transparent campaign messages to attract donations, and utilizing online crowdfunding platforms that facilitate small contributions from a large number of supporters. Campaigns often implement tiered donation levels with associated incentives or rewards to encourage contributions, and they may use email marketing and direct outreach to mobilize their existing supporter base.

Additionally, campaigns may host virtual events or live-streamed fundraising activities to boost engagement and drive donations in real time. These strategies help campaigns maximize their reach and effectiveness in gathering financial support from a diverse group of contributors.

Crowdfunding is valued for promoting transparency and broad-based participation, reducing campaigns’ reliance on large donations from corporations or political action committees (PACs). Crowdfunding can also support candidates from underrepresented groups, providing an alternative means of funding and enabling quick responses to campaign developments, making it a flexible tool for political efforts.

Learn more about how to take advantage of crowdfunding on our blog.

County Commissioner

Definition and meaning of county commissioner: A county commissioner is an elected official who plays a crucial role in managing and overseeing the operations of a county. This person serves as a primary point of contact for citizens seeking assistance with local issues. County commissioners are responsible for shaping the quality of life within their jurisdiction by developing and managing the county budget, authorizing taxes, and creating fiscal policies related to investments, loans, and bonds. They are tasked with maintaining county infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and parks, as well as making policy decisions on matters such as residential and commercial development, public safety, and economic growth.

County commissioners also represent the interests of their constituents by holding open commission meetings, overseeing county departments like waste management and mass transit, and approving contracts. They often serve on various county-related boards and committees, working collaboratively with other elected officials to address community concerns. Titles for this role may vary across the country, with some counties using terms like Board of Supervisors, County Council, or County Board.

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Definition and meaning of comptroller: A comptroller, sometimes referred to as a controller, is a key position responsible for financial management and oversight within a government organization or institution. The comptroller's duties include overseeing financial activities such as auditing, accounting, reporting, budgeting, and revenue management. Comptrollers play a critical role in ensuring the accuracy and integrity of financial information, as well as ensuring that all financial operations comply with relevant laws, regulations, and policies. 

The comptroller is an independent entity, typically appointed by the president or the governor. However, the office of comptroller is an elected position in some states. 

In the United States, several states elect their state comptrollers or controllers. These states include California, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New York, South Carolina, and Texas. While the core responsibilities of these state comptrollers are similar, their specific duties can vary. For example, the Illinois Comptroller is tasked with managing state funds and ensuring timely payments while also keeping residents informed about the state’s fiscal status. The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is responsible for collecting various taxes and maintaining the state’s financial records, including making revenue estimates.

Some states appoint their state comptrollers or controllers, including Alaska, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Virginia. The process for appointing a comptroller varies in some states. For instance, the Alabama Comptroller is appointed by the state finance director, the Colorado Controller is appointed by the executive director of the Department of Personnel and Administration, and the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury is appointed by the state legislature.

The office of comptroller is also sometimes present at the local government level. Notable examples include the New York City Comptroller, who serves as the city’s Chief Financial Officer and oversees audits, the city’s budget, public pension funds, and contract transparency. In Florida, 68 independently elected Clerks of Court and Comptrollers serve at the county level, combining the responsibilities of managing county budgets, auditing expenses, and maintaining financial records for the Board of County Commissioners.

Running for the office of comptroller requires a campaign similar to that for other local or state-level offices. Eligibility requirements typically include being of legal voting age, residency within the jurisdiction, U.S. citizenship, and often a background in finance. The specific qualifications can vary by state and locality.

Learn more about how to run for comptroller on our blog.

Career Politician

Definition and meaning of career politician: A career politician is an individual whose primary occupation is the pursuit and maintenance of political office. Unlike those who enter politics after careers in other fields, career politicians typically dedicate their entire professional lives to political activities. This includes traditional roles such as campaigning, fundraising, and lobbying, along with using modern tools like social media to engage with voters and build public support.

Career politicians play a significant role in democratic systems, particularly within the two-party system that is prevalent in countries like the United States. They often benefit from established party support, access to fundraising networks, and extensive political connections. These factors give them advantages in electoral contests that can help them secure and maintain office over multiple terms.

Various reforms have been proposed to address concerns about career politicians dominating the political landscape and limiting the introduction of new ideas. One common reform is the implementation of term limits, which restrict the number of terms an elected official can serve in a particular office. Term limits are intended to prevent the entrenchment of power, encourage political diversity, and ensure that fresh perspectives are regularly introduced into the political process.

Other proposed reforms include campaign finance regulations aimed at reducing the influence of money in politics, thereby leveling the playing field for candidates with fewer resources. Additionally, measures such as redistricting and open primaries have been suggested to reduce partisan advantages and increase competition. These reforms aim to balance the benefits of political experience with the need for innovation and diversity in governance.

Explore examples of career politicians in U.S. politics on our blog.


Definition and meaning of cronyism: Cronyism is a form of corruption where those in power give preferential treatment, jobs, contracts, or other benefits to friends, family members, or loyal supporters, regardless of their qualifications or merit. This practice, which is sometimes tied to nepotism, undermines the principles of fairness, meritocracy, and transparency. Cronyism can lead to inefficiency and corruption in government and business.

Cronyism is harmful to the democratic process because it distorts the allocation of resources and opportunities, favoring a select few over the broader population. This can lead to public disillusionment with government institutions and erode trust in the political system.

Examples of cronyism include:

  • Appointing unqualified individuals to key government positions

  • Awarding government contracts without competitive bidding

  • Granting special favors or exemptions to businesses or individuals with close ties to political leaders

Combating cronyism requires strong institutional checks, transparency in decision-making, and implementing mechanisms for accountability to ensure that public positions and resources are distributed based on merit and public interest rather than personal connections. Reducing cronyism is essential for creating a more equitable and just society, where opportunities are available to all, not just those with the right name or connections.


Definition and meaning of contiguity: Contiguity refers to the physical proximity or closeness of two or more entities, such as geographic areas, political parties, or ideas. In politics, contiguity often describes how electoral districts are drawn so that they are connected or adjacent, ensuring that the boundaries are continuous without any disjointed or disconnected parts.

The concept of contiguity is crucial in the context of redistricting, where legislative districts must be drawn in a geographically contiguous manner. This can help prevent gerrymandering, where district lines are manipulated to create an unfair advantage for a particular party or group by creating oddly shaped or non-contiguous districts. However, contiguity can be seen as detrimental when underserved or minority communities are widely separated geographically within an electoral boundary. 

Beyond geography, contiguity can also describe the closeness of political ideas or candidates on the same ballot. For example, candidates who share similar platforms or ideological positions may appear close to each other on a ballot, which can influence voter behavior. This form of contiguity might lead voters to choose candidates based on perceived similarities or party affiliation, rather than on individual merit.


Definition and meaning of constituency: A constituency is a defined geographic area from which voters elect representatives to a legislative body, such as a city council, state legislature, or national parliament. A constituency can also refers to a body of voters. Voters within a constituency often share common interests or concerns, such as economic factors or civil rights protections.

Constituencies can vary in size and scope, ranging from small local districts to large national regions. In fact, most constituencies have several levels of representation, such as a mayor, governor, and president. These elected officials are responsible for advocating on behalf of their constituents' interests in the legislative process. These interests can be based on various factors, such as economic needs, cultural values, or specific policy issues. The closer the elected office is to the local population, the more granular the representation and the greater its impact on the electorate

In a truly representative democracy, all constituencies must be fairly represented, ensuring that the voices of diverse segments of the community are heard in the legislative process. This can be achieved by electing representatives who accurately reflect the demographic and ideological makeup of their constituencies, including independent candidates and those from smaller parties who may better represent specific local concerns.

Effective, diverse representation in a constituency helps to ensure that the government remains responsive to the needs of all citizens, rather than being dominated by the interests of a few powerful groups. This principle is a central component of a healthy, functional democracy.

Conservative Party of New York State

Definition and meaning of the Conservative Party of New York State: The Conservative Party of New York State is a political party established in 1962 to promote conservative principles such as limited government, low taxes, and individual responsibility. The party was founded in response to what its members perceived as a shift of the New York wing of the Republican Party toward more liberal policies. It sought to provide a voice for voters who felt their conservative values were not being adequately represented.

The Conservative Party of New York State has historically played a significant role in state elections, often endorsing Republican candidates who align with its platform. However, the Conservative Party also fields its own candidates or supports third-party candidates when it believes that neither major party properly represents its values. These values are aligned with a constituency that would later be characterized as “Reagan Democrats.” These are predominantly Catholic and conservative-leaning, working-class voters.  Such independence has allowed the Conservative Party to influence the political landscape in New York, particularly in upstate regions where its support is strongest.

The Conservative Party of New York State's platform emphasizes fiscal conservatism, advocating for lower taxes, reduced government spending, and a balanced budget. The political party also supports socially conservative positions, including opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage. It places a strong emphasis on law and order.

While the Conservative Party of New York State is smaller than the Democratic and Republican parties, it is often represented on New York ballots on line C, just below the two establishment parties. This is due to the party’s strong showing in New York elections since 2010, which were the third-highest in the state. The Conservative Party's endorsements can be pivotal in closely contested elections. The party continues to be an influential force in New York politics, particularly for promoting conservative policies and candidates who might otherwise struggle to gain traction in a predominantly liberal state.


Definition and meaning of conservatism: Conservatism is a political ideology that advocates for limited government, fiscal responsibility, and the preservation of traditional values. At its core, conservatism emphasizes the importance of maintaining social stability and continuity through respect for established institutions, such as family, religion, and the rule of law.

Conservatives generally believe in a free-market economy, where government intervention is minimized to allow for individual entrepreneurship and private enterprise. This includes supporting lower taxes, reduced government spending, and deregulation as a means to promote economic growth, spur innovation, and prioritize personal responsibility.

Socially, modern conservatism opposes liberal social policies and aligns with more traditional values. Many conservatives advocate for policies that support traditional family structures, protect religious freedom, and promote the sanctity of life. Conservatives also prioritize a strong national defense and are cautious about rapid societal changes, preferring gradual evolution within the existing framework.

While conservatism has been a dominant force in American politics, particularly within the Republican Party, there is a growing recognition of the need for a more diverse and representative political landscape. Some reform-minded conservatives advocate for a government that is more responsive to the needs of all citizens, not just those aligned with traditional conservative views. This includes support for independent candidates and policies that reflect a broader range of perspectives.


Definition and meaning of coalition:  A coalition is a formal alliance between two or more political parties or groups that agree to work together to achieve common goals. Coalitions are often formed to increase political influence, advance shared policy objectives, or challenge the dominance of larger parties within a political system.

In politics, coalitions can be crucial in forming a government, especially in parliamentary systems where no single party has a majority. Because there’s strength in numbers, smaller parties can collectively achieve greater legislative power than they could individually. 

Unlike multi-party systems in other democracies, coalitions in the United States are often formed within legislatures, where members from different parties or interest groups form caucuses or committees to collaborate and pass specific legislation. These coalitions can be temporary, lasting only as long as it takes to pass a bill, or more permanent, focusing on long-term policy goals. 

For example, the Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus works together to promote or denounce legislation related to issues within that community. The Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition promotes policies that support clean energy innovation and combat climate change. 

Coalition-building is also a strategy that can be used by reform-minded groups, independent candidates, and minor parties to challenge the status quo. For example, the Green Party and the Libertarian Party could theoretically band together to promote policies that advance their goals or share a mutual benefit to their supporters. By uniting diverse groups with common interests, coalitions can create a broader base of support and increase the chances of enacting meaningful change, whether at the local, state, or national level.

Classical Liberalism

Definition and meaning of classical liberalism: Classical liberalism is a political belief system that emerged during the Enlightenment. It is based on the philosophies of early liberals like John Locke and Adam Smith. The principles of classical liberalism emphasize the importance of individual liberty, limited government, and free markets. Classical liberalism is rooted in the belief that individuals have natural rights to life, liberty, and property without government interference.

Those who adhere to this political ideology argue that the best way to ensure freedom and prosperity is through a system of free markets that allows individuals to pursue their own economic interests without intrusive government regulation. They also believe that competition and voluntary exchanges in the marketplace lead to innovation, efficiency, and the overall improvement of society.

Where governance is concerned, classical liberals support a system that’s constrained by a constitution and has a system of checks and balances in place to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. They also champion civil liberties such as the First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to assemble.

Historically, classical liberalism was a driving force behind the American Revolution and the framing of the U.S. Constitution. These drew on the philosophies of Locke and more revolutionary thinkers like Thomas Gordon and John Trenchard, authors of the so-called “Cato’s Letters.” Today, the principles of classical liberalism continue to influence political discourse, particularly in debates about the role of government in regulating the economy, individual rights, and the balance between state power and personal freedom.

Classical Conservatism

Definition and meaning of classical conservatism: Classical conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes the preservation of traditional institutions, social order, and a cautious approach to change. Classical conservatives believe that society is an organic whole and advocate for a limited but strong government that maintains stability and upholds time-tested values.

This brand of conservatism is often associated with Republican-leaning ideologies. It favors gradual evolution over radical reform, believing that sudden changes can disrupt the fabric of society. Classical conservatism supports the importance of established customs, religious values, and social hierarchies, which are seen as essential components for a stable and moral society.

Economically, classical conservatives tend to promote fiscal responsibility while opposing excessive government spending and intervention in the economy. As such, classical conservative often advocate for policies that encourage individual responsibility, free enterprise, and a balanced budget. However, they also recognize the government's role in maintaining law and order and ensuring national defense.

While classical conservatism shares some overlap with modern conservatism, particularly in its emphasis on limited government and traditional values, it is distinct in its focus on social order and gradual change, often drawing on philosophical foundations from thinkers like Edmund Burke. Classical conservatism's influence can still be seen in contemporary debates over the role of government, the importance of tradition, and the preservation of cultural heritage.

City Council

Definition and meaning of city council: A city council is the legislative body of a city or municipality. A city council is responsible for making local laws, setting policies, approving budgets, and overseeing the administration of city services. Typically composed of elected officials, city councils act as the primary representatives of the citizens, addressing local issues such as public safety, transportation, housing, and zoning.

City councils are critical to the democratic process at the local level. They serve as a direct link between the community and the government. Members of a city council are typically non-partisan and usually elected by districts or at-large. This empowers city council members to represent the diverse interests of their constituents. Effective city councils are those that reflect the community's needs. This can include a range of political perspectives, including those of independent or unaffiliated candidates and parties outside of the traditional two-party system.

In addition to legislative functions, city councils play a significant role in budgetary matters, deciding how local tax dollars are spent and prioritizing funding for various projects and services. Public participation in city council meetings, whether through attending sessions, voting, or contacting council members, is crucial for ensuring that the council accurately represents the community's interests.

Learn how to run for city council.

Checks and Balances

Definition and meaning of checks and balances: The system of checks and balances is a foundational principle in the American political system. Checks and balances are designed to ensure that no single branch of government - executive, legislative, or judicial - becomes too powerful. This system functions by granting each branch specific powers to limit or check the other branches, creating an equitable balance of power.

Here are a few examples of checks and balances:

  • The president (executive branch) has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress (legislative branch), but Congress can override that veto with a two-thirds majority vote from each chamber.

  • While Congress can pass laws, the Supreme Court (judicial branch) can declare those laws unconstitutional through judicial review.

  • The president appoints federal judges or nominates cabinet members, but these appointments must be confirmed by the Senate.

This system of checks and balances prevents any one branch from exercising unchecked power, which protects citizens against tyranny and helps ensure that the government remains accountable to the people. Ongoing interactions among the branches, such as the legislative oversight of the executive or judicial review of executive actions, exemplify how checks and balances should work in practice.


Definition and meaning of canvassing: Canvassing is a grassroots campaign activity in which volunteers or campaign workers engage directly with potential voters to share information about a political candidate, party, or issue. Canvassing is a crucial strategy in political campaigns. It allows candidates to communicate their message directly to voters, gauge public opinion, and build support for their election.

Traditionally, canvassing involves door-to-door visits, phone calls, or the distribution of campaign literature, such as flyers or pamphlets. However, modern campaigns also use digital canvassing techniques like social media outreach and targeted text messaging to reach voters. These methods have become increasingly important as more people get their information online.

While canvassing is often associated with Republican and Democratic campaigns, it’s equally important for independent candidates and smaller political movements. For independents, door-to-door canvassing can be a powerful way to reach voters who may not be familiar with their platform or who feel disenfranchised by the major parties. By engaging with voters on a personal level, candidates can build awareness, establish trust, answer questions, and encourage voter participation.

The effectiveness of canvassing lies in its approach. Unlike mass media campaigns, which may feel impersonal, door-to-door canvassing allows for one-on-one interactions and empowers voters to express their concerns and receive direct responses. This can be particularly effective in close races, where voter turnout can make a significant difference.

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Definition and meaning of centrism: Centrism is a political ideology that seeks to find a balance between the left and right ends of the political spectrum. Centrists typically advocate for policies that draw from both progressive and conservative ideas, aiming for practical and moderate solutions that can appeal to a broader range of people. This approach is based on the belief that neither extreme of the political spectrum holds all the answers. It holds that the best outcomes often come from compromise and pragmatism.

Centrism doesn’t necessarily align with any particular party or group, and centrists can be found within both major political parties as well as among political independents. For example, a centrist might support conservative fiscal policies, such as balanced budgets and reduced government spending, while also advocating for progressive social policies, like expanded access to healthcare or protections for civil rights.

While centrists often support independent candidates who are not strictly bound by party ideologies, it's important to note that not all centrists are independents, and not all independents are centrists. Centrism is about finding middle ground and promoting policies that can gain broad support, rather than adhering strictly to the platform of a particular party.

Centrism plays a vital role in the political landscape by encouraging dialogue and bipartisan cooperation. By focusing on common-sense solutions and the greater good, centrists aim to bridge the divide in a polarized political environment, fostering a more inclusive and productive government.

Campaign Contributions

Definition and meaning of campaign contributions: Campaign contributions are donations made to support a political candidate's campaign for elected office. Contributions include anything of value, including gifts, loans, goods, or services that advance or support a political campaign. For example, permitting a candidate to use a venue for free or at a reduced fee, while not a direct financial donation, would be considered an in-kind contribution

Campaign contributions can come from individuals, organizations, political action committees (PACs), and corporations. Campaign contributions are an important aspect of modern elections because they fund critical campaign activities like advertising, staff salaries, travel, and event organization.

Campaign contributions are regulated by federal, state, and local laws, which set limits on the amount of money that can be donated to a candidate's campaign. As of the 2024 election cycle, federal campaign finance laws allow a campaign committee to donate up to $2,000 or for an individual to donate up to $3,300, while PACs can contribute up to $5,000 per election to a candidate's campaign. Some jurisdictions, like New York City, also have public matching funds programs that amplify small contributions from residents, helping to level the playing field for unaffiliated or minor-party candidates with fewer wealthy supporters.

However, how campaign contributions are regulated varies widely across the United States. In some states, such as Alabama, Iowa, and Oregon, there are no limits on contributions from any source. States like Pennsylvania and North Dakota allow unlimited contributions from individuals and PACs, but prohibit donations from corporations and unions.  

Unlimited campaign contributions can lead to situations where a small number of wealthy donors disproportionately influence the outcome of elections. This raises concerns about the potential for corruption and undermines the democratic process.

The role of campaign contributions in politics is a contentious issue. Debates continue about the need for further campaign finance reform. Advocates for reform argue that stricter limits and greater transparency are necessary to ensure that elections are fair and that the political process is not unduly influenced by money.

Learn more about campaign contributions and campaign finance on our blog.